Habitat complexity and community composition: relationships between different ecosystem engineers and the associated macroinvertebrate assemblages (original) (raw)
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Species effects on ecosystem processes are modified by faunal responses to habitat composition
Oecologia, 2008
Heterogeneity is a well-recognized feature of natural environments, and the spatial distribution and movement of individual species is primarily driven by resource requirements. In laboratory experiments designed to explore how diVerent species drive ecosystem processes, such as nutrient release, habitat heterogeneity is often seen as something which must be rigorously controlled for. Most small experimental systems are therefore spatially homogeneous, and the link between environmental heterogeneity and its eVects on the redistribution of individuals and species, and on ecosystem processes, has not been fully explored. In this paper, we used a mesocosm system to investigate the relationship between habitat composition, species movement and sediment nutrient release for each of four functionally contrasting species of marine benthic invertebrate macrofauna. For each species, various habitat conWgurations were generated by selectively enriching patches of sediment with macroalgae, a natural source of spatial variability in intertidal mudXats. We found that the direction and extent of faunal movement between patches diVers with species identity, density and habitat composition. Combinations of these factors lead to concomitant changes in nutrient release, such that habitat composition eVects are modiWed by species identity (in the case of NH 4-N) and by species density (in the case of PO 4-P). It is clear that failure to accommodate natural patterns of spatial heterogeneity in such studies may result in an incomplete understanding of system behaviour. This will be particularly important for future experiments designed to explore Communicated by Ulrich Sommer.
Species efects on ecosystem processes are modified by faunal responses to habitat composition
Heterogeneity is a well-recognized feature of natural environments, and the spatial distribution and movement of individual species is primarily driven by resource requirements. In laboratory experiments designed to explore how diVerent species drive ecosystem processes, such as nutrient release, habitat heterogeneity is often seen as something which must be rigorously controlled for. Most small experimental systems are therefore spatially homoge-neous, and the link between environmental heterogeneity and its eVects on the redistribution of individuals and spe-cies, and on ecosystem processes, has not been fully explored. In this paper, we used a mesocosm system to investigate the relationship between habitat composition, species movement and sediment nutrient release for each of four functionally contrasting species of marine benthic invertebrate macrofauna. For each species, various habitat conWgurations were generated by selectively enriching patches of sediment with macroalgae, ...
Interactions of components of habitats alter composition and variability of assemblages
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2007
The nature and resources supplied by different components of habitats influence species, creating variability from place to place within a habitat. 2. Experiments were done to investigate the effects of altering components of habitats on the variability of assemblages of numerous species of intertidal gastropods. 3. Artificial habitats with three levels of structure, combining different types of turf (i.e. different densities and height of fronds) were sampled 8 weeks after deployment in the intertidal. They were rapidly colonized by up to 66 species of gastropods. 4. Independently of the types of turf combined to form different habitats, there were differences in assemblages where there was more than one type of component present. Multivariate dissimilarities among units making up each habitat were also greater where there were more than one type of unit, but there was no such difference in the variance of numbers of species per unit. 5. Altering the relative abundances of different types of components made little change to the assemblages, nor their multivariate variability among units of habitat and the variance in number of species per unit in each habitat. 6. Differences in assemblages due to the different structure of habitat are complex to interpret and simple characterizations of structure of habitat are inadequate. Comparing different habitats requires appropriate experimentation to ensure that variability within habitats is also investigated.
Invertebrate Community Response to a Shifting Mosaic of Habitat
Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2008
Grazing management has focused largely on promoting vegetation homogeneity through uniform distribution of grazing to minimize area in a pasture that is either heavily disturbed or undisturbed. An alternative management model that couples grazing and fire (i.e., patch burning) to promote heterogeneity argues that grazing and fire interact through a series of positive and negative feedbacks to cause a shifting mosaic of vegetation composition and structure across the landscape. We compared patch burning with traditional homogeneity-based management in tallgrass prairie to determine the influence of the two treatments on the aboveground invertebrate community. Patch burning resulted in a temporal flush of invertebrate biomass in patches transitional between unburned and patches burned in the current year. Total invertebrate mass was about 50% greater in these transitional patches within patch-burned pastures as compared to pastures under traditional, homogeneity-based management. Moreover, the mosaic of patches in patch-burned pastures contained a wider range of invertebrate biomass and greater abundance of some invertebrate orders than did the traditionally managed pastures. Patch burning provides habitat that meets requirements for a broad range of invertebrate species, suggesting the potential for patch burning to benefit other native animal assemblages in the food chain.
Ecological Applications, 2009
We experimentally examined plant zonation in a previously unstudied Chilean salt marsh system to test the generality of mechanisms generating zonation of plants across intertidal stress gradients. Vertical zonation in this system is striking. The low-lying clonal succulent, Sarcocornia fruticosa, dominates the daily flooded low marsh, while intermediate elevations are dominated by the much taller Spartina densiflora. Irregularly flooded higher elevations are dominated by Schoenoplectus californicus, with the small forb, Selliera radicans, found associated with Schoenoplectus at its base. Transplant studies of all four species into each zone both with and without competition revealed the mechanisms driving these striking patterns in plant segregation. In the regularly flooded low marsh, Sarcocornia and Spartina grow in the zone that they normally dominate and are displaced when reciprocally transplanted between zones with neighbors, but without neighbors they grow well in each other's zone. Thus, interspecific competition alone generates low marsh zonation as in some mediterranean marshes, but differently than most of the Californian marshes where physical stress is the dominant factor. In contrast, mechanisms generating high marsh patterns are similar to New England marshes. Schoenoplectus dies when transplanted to lower elevations with or without neighbors and thus is limited from the low marsh by physical stress, while Selliera grows best associated with Schoenoplectus, which shades and ameliorates potentially limiting desiccation stress. These results reveal that mechanisms driving community organization across environmental stress gradients, while generally similar among systems, cannot be directly extrapolated to unstudied systems. This finding has important implications for ecosystem conservation because it suggests that the mechanistic understanding of pattern generation necessary to manage and restore specific communities in novel habitats cannot rely exclusively on results from similar systems, and it identifies a critical role for experimental ecology in the management and conservation of natural systems and the services they provide.
Manipulating habitat complexity to understand its influence on benthic macrofauna
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2017
Generally, environments with a great habitat complexity (HC) can support a great number of species and large abundances of organisms. However, the mechanisms behind this effect are not entirely clear and some studies did not observe positive effects of complexity on diversity and abundance of biological assemblages. Here, HC was considered as an integrative perspective, specifically as different characteristics of physical structure and; it was tested whether abundance and diversity of macrobenthic assemblages of soft bottom are influenced by variation of two characteristics of habitat complexity, the number and evenness of sediment fractions. The hypothesized positive relationships between HC and richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and abundance of benthic macrofauna were not observed. The different response variables (richness, Shannon-Wiener, abundance) which consider different dimensions of biodiversity, can show distinct results when the same habitat is compared. For both structural characteristics of the sediment, a large amount of specimens of Bispira sp. (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) and Terebellides sp. (Polychaeta: Trichobranchidae) were observed in the most complex treatments. These taxa were favored by the presence of gravels where their larvae, likely originated from adult populations at nearby habitats, can settle. The multidimensional structure of the benthic macrofauna was significantly influenced by habitat complexity; and considering high taxonomical and functional diversity, multivariate analyses were more appropriated to investigate such complex effects. In this context, it is clear that careful thought must be given to choose appropriated habitat complexity characteristics and biological measurements. Therefore, studies addressing different combinations of structural characteristics of habitat and mechanisms behind the effects on biological communities are still of great need in ecological science.
The Role of Habitat Complexity in Community Development Is Mediated by Resource Availability
PLoS ONE, 2014
Habitat complexity strongly affects the structure and dynamics of ecological communities, with increased complexity often leading to greater species diversity and abundance. However, habitat complexity changes as communities develop, and some species alter their environment to themselves provide habitat for other species. Most experimental studies manipulate basal substrate complexity, and while the importance of complexity likely changes during community development, few studies have examined the temporal dynamics of this variable. We used two experiments to quantify the importance of basal substrate complexity to sessile marine invertebrate community development through space and time. First, we compared effects of substrate complexity at 70 sites across ten estuaries. Sites differed in recruitment and community development rates, and after three months provided spatial variation in community development stage. Second, we tested for effects of substrate complexity at multiple times at a single site. In both experiments, complexity affected marine sessile invertebrate community composition in the early stages of community development when resource availability was high. Effects of complexity diminished through time as the amount of available space (the primary limiting resource) declined. Our work suggests the presence of a bare-space threshold, at which structural complexity of the basal substrate is overwhelmed by secondary biotic complexity. This threshold will be met at different times depending on local recruitment and growth rates and is likely to vary with productivity gradients.
Effects of habitat complexity on benthic assemblages in a variable environment
Freshwater Biology, 2004
1. Habitat complexity is thought to exert a significant influence on ecological communities, but its operation under variable natural conditions is not well understood, particularly in freshwater. To elucidate the role of habitat complexity, in particular the fractal structure of surface irregularity, in a stream system, field colonisation experiments were conducted at three times of year (summer, winter and spring) using natural substrates with different levels of fractal dimension in a small coastal mountain stream of southern Japan. 2. In the winter experiment, comparison was also made between the standard (control) treatment and the resource-preconditioning treatment whereby experimental plates were conditioned in the natural stream environment to allow the accumulation of potential food resources (algae and detritus) for 1 month prior to the experiment. 3. Species abundance patterns observed at different times of year showed little systematic variation with levels of habitat complexity but largely followed the patterns expected from, or lying in between, the Random Assortment model and the random fraction model. 4. Taxon richness and density increased with habitat complexity in all seasons except for density in spring. Different taxa showed different patterns of change with habitat complexity, which also varied with seasons. Biomass of invertebrates showed no systematic trend with an increase in habitat complexity. 5. Chlorophyll-a concentrations tended to be lower in more complex habitats, particularly in summer. In contrast, fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) tended to increase with habitat complexity. However, the relationship between these potential food resources and invertebrate assemblages remain unclear. 6. While there were no significant differences in taxon richness and biomass of invertebrates between the resource-preconditioning and the control treatment, density was higher in the former than in the latter. The abundance of relatively large, surface-dwelling animals showed more marked temporal variation over the entire period of colonisation in the resource-preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment. 7. Body size of invertebrates tended to decline with fractal complexity, indicating that crevice sizes could affect habitat use by benthic animals of different sizes. In addition, body size was larger in the resource-preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment, suggesting that body size in invertebrate assemblages was controlled by a mixture of factors. Thus, the present study demonstrates that habitat structure affects benthic invertebrate assemblages in a complex manner.
Ecology, 2006
Neutral and functional theories provide rival interpretations of community patterns involving distribution, abundance, and diversity. One group of patterns describes the overall properties of species or sites, and derives principally from the frequency distribution of abundance among species. According to neutral theory, these patterns are determined by the number of individuals of novel type appearing each generation in the community, whereas functional theory relates them to the distribution of the extent of niches. A second group of patterns describes the spatial attributes of communities, and derives principally from the decay of similarity in species composition with distance. Neutral theory interprets these patterns as consequences of local dispersal alone, whereas the functional interpretation is that more distant sites are likely to be ecologically different. Neutral theory often provides good predictions of community patterns, yet is at variance with a wide range of experimental results involving the manipulation of environments or communities. One explanation for this discrepancy is that spatially explicit models where selection is generally weak, or where selection acts strongly on only a few species at each site, have essentially the same output as neutral models with respect to the distribution of abundance and the decay of similarity. Detecting a non-neutral signal in survey data requires careful spatial or phylogenetic analysis; we emphasize the potential utility of incorporating phylogenetic information in order to detect functional processes that lead to ecological variation among clades.
Effects of physical ecosystem engineering and herbivory on intertidal community structure
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2006
Physical ecosystem engineers play dominant roles in a wide variety of communities. While many of the direct, positive effects of ecosystem engineers are readily apparent, the roles of engineers are often mediated by indirect interactions stemming from the facilitation of one or a few key species. Although direct and indirect effects are both critical drivers of community dynamics, they are rarely considered together with regards to ecosystem engineering. In the present study barnacle and herbivorous gastropod densities are experimentally manipulated to investigate the direct positive effects of habitat provision by barnacles as well as indirect effects mediated by molluscan grazers. Molluscan grazers (Littorina spp.) and herbivorous arthropods were positively influenced by the presence of barnacles. Arthropod abundance and species richness were lower when Littorina spp. were present. This pattern was not influenced by barnacle cover, suggesting that competition among herbivore functional groups was strong but independent of biogenic habitat complexity. In addition, Littorina spp. had strong negative effects on the filamentous alga Urospora penicilliformis, but this effect was only seen in the absence of barnacles. Finally, Littorina spp. reduced the recruitment of the principal habitat-forming barnacle Balanus glandula, suggesting that Littorina spp. may mediate a negative feedback loop in B. glandula population dynamics. Given the ubiquity of ecosystem engineers, similar combinations of direct and indirect influences may have far-reaching consequences for community dynamics and species richness in a wide range of systems.