On the spectral expansions of distributions connected with Schrödinger operators (original) (raw)
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In this paper the localization properties of the spectral expansions of distributions related to the self adjoint extension of the Schrodinger operator are investigated. Spectral decompositions of the distributions and some classes of distributions are defined. Estimations for Riesz means of the spectral decompositions of the distributions in the norm of the Sobolev classes with negative order are obtained.
In this paper the localization properties of the spectral expansions of distributions related to the self adjoint extension of the Schrodinger operator are investigated. Spectral decompositions of the distributions and some classes of distributions are defined. Estimations for Riesz means of the spectral decompositions of the distributions in the norm of the Sobolev classes with negative order are obtained.
Localization of the Spectral Expansions Associated with the Partial Differential Operators
Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, 2018
In this paper we discuss precise conditions of the summability and localization of the spectral expansions associated with various partial differential operators. In this we study the problems in the spaces of both smooth functions and singular distributions. We study spectral expansions of the distributions with the compact support and classify the distributions with the Sobolev spaces. All theorems are formulated in terms of the smoothness and degree of the regularizations.
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On Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with the Schrodinger Operator with a Singular Potential
Differential Equations, 2005
In the present paper, we prove the uniform convergence and convergence in mean of the Riesz means of eigenfunction expansions associated with the Schrödinger operator with a singular potential satisfying the Stummel condition. This is the widest class of potentials suitable for the analysis of uniform convergence of eigenfunction expansions, since if the potential does not satisfy the Stummel condition (i.e., has a stronger singularity), then all continuous eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger operator vanish at the point of singularity of the potential [1]. Convergence and integrability issues for eigenfunction expansions associated with elliptic operators with smooth coefficients were studied by numerous authors (see the survey [2]).
Spectral distributions and some Cauchy problems
Applied Mathematics Letters, 1999
Communicated by C. Bardos Abstract-ln this paper we give a simple representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem when the operator admits a spectral distribution. First we apply this to the Schr5dinger operator on R/v with and without potential, and then on a bounded domain. In this case we give the expression of the associated spectral distribution. A second application is that for the Dirac operator.
Harmonic analysis related to Schrödinger operators
Contemporary Mathematics, 2008
In this article we give an overview on some recent development of Littlewood-Paley theory for Schrödinger operators. We extend the Littlewood-Paley theory for special potentials considered in the authors' previous work. We elaborate our approach by considering potential in C ∞ 0 or Schwartz class in one dimension. In particular the low energy estimates are treated by establishing some new and refined asymptotics for the eigenfunctions and their Fourier transforms. We give maximal function characterization of the Besov spaces and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces associated with H. We then prove a spectral multiplier theorem on these spaces and derive Strichartz estimates for the wave equation with a potential. We also consider similar problem for the unbounded potentials in the Hermite and Laguerre cases, whose V = a|x| 2 + b|x| −2 are known to be critical in the study of perturbation of nonlinear dispersive equations. This improves upon the previous results when we apply the upper Gaussian bound for the heat kernel and its gradient.
Spectral analysis of non-local Schrödinger operators
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2017
We study spectral properties of convolution operators L and their perturbations H = L + v(x) by compactly supported potentials. Results are applied to determine the front propagation of a population density governed by operator H with a compactly supported initial density provided that H has positive eigenvalues. If there is no positive spectrum, then the stabilization of the population density is proved.