A study of synaptic connection between low threshold afferent fibres in common peroneal nerve and motoneurones in human tibialis anterior (original) (raw)
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Responses of human soleus motor units to low-threshold stimulation of the tibial nerve
Experimental Brain Research, 2011
The peristimulus frequencygram (PSF) has recently been shown to illustrate postsynaptic potentials of motoneurones much more reliably than the peristimulus time histogram (PSTH). The aim of this investigation was to examine the profile of the postsynaptic potential (PSP) in soleus motoneurones in response to an H-reflex with and without accompanying M waves of different magnitude by using PSTH and PSF profiles of single motor units. Nine men and five women healthy subjects participated in this study. Electrical stimuli were delivered to the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa. The reflex response of the soleus muscle was recorded using both surface electromyogram and single motor unit potentials. The PSTH analysis demonstrated that there were four different synaptic events following low-intensity stimulation of the tibial nerve: primary enhancement in firing probability (H-reflex or E1), primary reduction in firing probability (primary silent period or SP1), secondary reduction in firing probability (secondary silent period or SP2), and secondary enhancement in firing probability (E2). On the other hand, the PSF analysis indicated only two reflex responses, long-lasting enhancement in discharge rate including the H-reflex (LLE) and long-lasting decrease in discharge rate (LLD). The results of the two analyses methods are compared and contrasted. While the PSTH demonstrated that there was a silent period (SP1) immediately following the H-reflex, the PSF indicated an increase in discharge rate during the same period. The PSF also indicated that, during SP2 and E2, the discharge rate actually decreased (LLD). It was therefore suggested that LLD involved activation of several inhibitory pathways including the autogenic inhibition of units via the Golgi tendon organs. It was concluded that the PSF could indicate the details of the postsynaptic potentials and is very useful for bringing out previously unknown effects of electrical stimulation of muscle nerves.
Synaptic connections from large muscle afferents to the motoneurons of various leg muscles in man
Experimental Brain Research, 1984
Cross-correlations between stimuli delivered to peripheral nerves and the discharges of single, voluntarily activated, motor units can provide information about facilitatory and inhibitory projections to single spinal motoneurons in man. The projection frequency, under the given circumstances, of a facilitatory or inhibitory pathway can be obtained from the proportion of the sampled motor units of a given muscle showing the facilitatory or inhibitory effect. Deductions about the shape and relative amplitude of the underlying post-synaptic potentials can be made from the profile of the changes in firing probability. This technique has been used to explore the projections of low threshold muscle afferents to motoneurons of various leg muscles in man. Homonymous facilitation was demonstrated to all the sampled motor unit s of soleus (SOL), medial gastrocnemius (MG), tibialis anterior (TA) and vastus medialis (VM) and is presumed to represent the effects of the composite muscle spindle group Ia EPSP. Heteronymous facilitation was demonstrated between certain synergists. The projection frequency was less and the magnitude of the change in firing probability was smaller than for homonymous facilitation. SOL motoneurons, however, were not facilitated from low threshold afterents in the medial gastrocnemius nerve. Reciprocal inhibition was demonstrated between certain antagonists. The majority of the sampled motor uni.ts of SOL, however, were facilitated from low threshold afferents in the common peroneal nerve. The threshold for this facilitation was higher than for the homonymous facilitation elicited from this nerve and thus a different class of afferents and/or intercalated interneurons may be involved. There are projections across the knee joint in man. Motor units in vastus medialis (VM) were facilitated from low threshold Offprint requests to: P. Ashby (address see above) afferents in the common peroneal nerve. It is likely that these reflex connections, which differ from those in other species, reflect the functional relationships between various lower limb muscles in man.
Estimation of postsynaptic potentials in rat hypoglossal motoneurones: insights for human work
The Journal of Physiology, 2003
Classical techniques for estimating postsynaptic potentials in motoneurones include spiketriggered averages of rectified surface and multiunit electromyographic recordings (SEMG and MU-EMG), as well as the compilation of peristimulus time histograms (PSTH) based on the discharge of single motor units (SMU). These techniques rely on the probability of spike occurrence in relation to the stimulus and can be contaminated by count-and synchronization-related errors, arising from postspike refractoriness and the discharge statistics of motoneurones. On the other hand, since these probability-based techniques are easy to use and require only inexpensive equipment, it is very likely that they will continue to be used in clinical and laboratory settings for the foreseeable future. One aim of the present study was to develop a modification of these probability-based analyses in order to provide a better estimate of the initial phase of postsynaptic potentials. An additional aim was to combine probability-based analyses with frequency-based analyses to provide a more reliable estimate of later phases of postsynaptic potentials. To achieve these aims, we have injected simple as well as complex current transients into regularly discharging hypoglossal motoneurones recorded in vitro from rat brainstem slices. We examined the discharge output of these cells using both probability-and frequency-based analyses to identify which of the two represented the profile of the postsynaptic potential more closely. This protocol was designed to obtain PSTHs of the responses of single motor units to repeated application of the same afferent input. We have also simulated multiunit responses to afferent input by replacing the times of spike occurrence in individual trials with a representation of either an intramuscular or surface-recording single motor unit waveform and summing many of these trials to obtain either a simulated SEMG or MU-EMG. We found that in a regularly discharging motoneurone, the rising phase of an EPSP moves the occurrence of spikes forward and hence induces a substantial peak in all probabilitybased records. This peak is followed immediately by a period of reduced activity ('silent period') due to the phase advancement of spikes that were to occur at this period. Similarly, the falling phase of an IPSP delays spikes so that they occur during the rising phase of the IPSP. During the delay, the probability-based analyses display gaps and during the occurrence of the delayed spikes they generate peaks. We found that all the probability-based analyses (SEMG, MU-EMG and PSTH) can be made useful for illustrating the underlying initial PSP by a special use of the cumulative sum (CUSUM) calculation. We have illustrated that, in most cases, the CUSUM of probability-based analyses can overcome the delay-or advance-related (i.e. the count-related) errors of the classical methods associated with the first PSP only. The probability-based records also induce secondary and tertiary peaks and troughs due to synchronization of the spikes in relation to the stimulus (i.e. the synchronization-related errors) by the first PSP to occur at fixed times from the stimulus. Special CUSUM analyses cannot overcome these synchronization-related errors. Frequency-based analysis (PSFreq) of individual and summed trials gave comparable and often better indications of the underlying PSPs than the probability-based analyses. When used in combination, these analyses compliment each other so that a more accurate estimation of the underlying PSP is possible. Since the correct identification of the connections in the central nervous system is of utmost importance in order to understand the operation of the system, we suggest that as well as the using the special CUSUM approach on probability-based records, researchers should seriously consider the use of frequency-based analyses in their indirect estimation of stimulus-induced compound synaptic potentials in human motoneurones.
A comparison of methods to assess the excitability of lower motoneurones
The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques, 1992
The purpose of this investigation was to compare three methods of assessing the excitability of lower motoneurones--TA-reflex, H-reflex and F-wave--in 120 patients with spastic hemiparesis following a stroke. The H-reflex was recorded from the soleus muscle after submaximal electrostimulation of the tibial nerve. The T-Achilles (TA) reflex was recorded from the soleus muscle after percussion of the Achilles tendon. The F-wave was recorded in the distal limb muscles after supramaximal electrostimulation of the median, ulnar, fibular and tibial nerves. The patient's healthy side was used as a control. The TA-reflex, H-reflex and F-wave showed increased amplitudes on the spastic side. All amplitude ratios: TA/M, H/M, Fmax/M and Fmean/M were increased. The H-reflex thresholds were decreased. The F-wave duration, persistence and number of phases were also increased on the spastic side. Despite clinically decreased muscle tone, there were no changes in TA or H-reflex parameters after ...
Human motoneuron responses to group 1 volleys blocked presynaptically by vibration
Brain Research, 1980
Vibration of a limb depresses monosynaptic reflexes in man 13. The degree of depression is altered by lesions of the nervous system, for example the depression is greater in spinal shock 2 and less marked in spasticity14,15,2~,2L The significance of these observations is unclear as the nature of vibratory depression of monosynaptic reflexes in man remains in question. A similar vibratory depression of monosynaptic reflexes in the cat, associated with primary afferent depolarization, is attributed to presynaptic inhibition6,17 and there is evidence14,15 suggesting that the phenomenon in man may have a similar explanaUon.
The Journal of Physiology, 1981
1. Inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (i.p.s.p.s) evoked by adequate stimulation ofgroup I a muscle spindle afferents oftriceps surae and plantaris and by near-threshold electrical stimulation of quadriceps and hamstring nerves were recorded in a number of motoneurone species. The aim of the study was to compare the pattern of non-reciprocal I a inhibitory actions on hind-limb motoneurones with the pattern of inhibition evoked from group Ib tendon organ afferents. 2. In all the motoneurone species analysed in which i.p.s.p.s were evoked by electrical stimulation maximal for both group I a and Ib afferents of triceps sure and plantaris, they were also evoked when these muscles were stretched and the amplitude of the stretch (10-35 jsm) was below threshold for I b afferents; 70-100 % of motoneurones with I b i.p.s.p.s showed stretch-evoked i.p.s.p.s. The stretch-evoked i.p.s.p.s appeared with latencies compatible with disynaptic and trisynaptic linkage. Since these latencies were too short to allow their mediation by group II afferents the i.p.s.p.s are attributed to a selective action of Ia afferents. The i.p.s.p.s did not appear after the nerves to triceps surae and plantaris had been cut. 3. Electrical stimulation of quadriceps and hamstring nerves which was near threshold for I a afferents and well below threshold for either the Ib component of the incoming volley or group II afferents, similarly evoked non-reciprocal i.p.s.p.s. They were found in those motoneurones in which inhibition was evoked by stimulation maximal for group I afferents. Such I a i.p.s.p.s were evoked both in homonymous motoneurones and in motoneurones of four other hind-limb muscles. Their latencies corresponded to di-and trisynaptic coupling. 4. In some motoneurones ofthe pretibial flexors (anterior tibial, extensor digitorum longus and peroneus longus), disynaptic i.p.s.p.s evoked from triceps surae and/or plantaris which were depressed by a conditioning ventral root stimulation (i.e. Ia reciprocal i.p.s.p.s) were followed by trisynaptic i.p.s.p.s which were not depressed in this way (I a 'non-reciprocal' i.p.s.p.s). It thus appears that the same motoneurones may be inhibited by impulses in group I a afferents via different spinal pathways. 5. The study leads to the conclusion that the non-reciprocal inhibition from group I a muscle spindle afferents operates in parallel with the inhibition from group Ib tendon organ afferents in all motoneurone species tested.
Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2014
Motoneurons receive a barrage of inputs from descending and reflex pathways. Much of our understanding about how these inputs are transformed into motor output in humans has come from recordings of single motor units during voluntary contractions. This approach, however, is limited because the input is ill-defined. Herein, we quantify the discharge of soleus motor units in response to well-defined trains of afferent input delivered at physiologically-relevant frequencies. Constant frequency stimulation of the tibial nerve (10-100 Hz for 30 s), below threshold for eliciting M-waves or H-reflexes with a single pulse, recruited motor units in 7/9 subjects. All 25 motor units recruited during stimulation were also recruited during weak (<10% MVC) voluntary contractions. Higher frequencies recruited more units (n = 3/25 at 10 Hz; n = 25/25 at 100 Hz) at shorter latencies (19.4 ± 9.4 s at 10 Hz; 4.1 ± 4.0 s at 100 Hz) than lower frequencies. When a second unit was recruited, the discharge of the already active unit did not change, suggesting that recruitment was not due to increased synaptic drive. After recruitment, mean discharge rate during stimulation at 20 Hz (7.8 Hz) was lower than during 30 Hz (8.6 Hz) and 40 Hz (8.4 Hz) stimulation. Discharge was largely asynchronous from the stimulus pulses with "time-locked" discharge occurring at an H-reflex latency with only a 24% probability. Motor units continued to discharge after cessation of the stimulation in 89% of trials, although at a lower rate (5.8 Hz) than during the stimulation (7.9 Hz). This work supports the idea that the afferent volley evoked by repetitive stimulation recruits motor units through the integration of synaptic drive and intrinsic properties of motoneurons, resulting in "physiological" recruitment which adheres to Henneman's size principle and results in relatively low discharge rates and asynchronous firing.