RAC 2014, Clay and Cult (original) (raw)

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(2009) Book Review Essays. New Perspectives on Roman Pottery Cover Page

Ceramica din aşezarea romană/The pottery from the Roman settlement

S. Mustaţă, F. Gogâltan, A, Ursuţiu, S. Cociş (ed.), Cercetări arheologice preventive la Floreşti - Polus Center, jud. Cluj (2007) / Rescue excavations at Floreşti - Polus Center, Cluj County (2007), Patrimonium Archaeologicum Transylvanicum 1, Cluj-Napoca 2009, 243-278.

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Ceramica din aşezarea romană/The pottery from the Roman settlement Cover Page

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The 29th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Cover Page

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The origin of the clays of the Roman crucibles from Augusta Raurica (Augst, Switzerland) Cover Page

Roman pottery: in-phase and residual material

(pp. 226-234), in A. Sebastiani et al. ‘The Medieval church and cemetery at the Well of Julia Rufina’. In Butrint 4: The Archaeologies and Histories of an Ionian town, Oxbow, Oxford: 215-244., 2013

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Roman pottery: in-phase and residual material Cover Page

2017_Ceramic Production and the Roman Regia

In recent years the archaeological literature concerning ceramic production in Rome and Latium during the Orientalizing and Archaic periods has flourished, helping to update our knowledge regarding the technical, typological, and chronological aspects of the ceramic repertoire from these periods. This paper, following in this recent tradition, presents a study of the pottery found in the excavations of the Regia in the Roman Forum during the mid 20th century: in particular, attention is focused on impasto production—namely, impasto rosso, impasto rosso-bruno, impasto chiaro-sabbioso, internal/external slip ware—and the production of bucchero, during the chronological span ranging from the Orientalizing period to the Late Archaic. My paper uses a morphological and chronological approach and defines the formal development of the analyzed ceramics classes; it also proposes a preliminary typology. I furthermore provide references to the distribution of the examined materials within the different areas of the excavation, providing preliminary quantitative estimates for ceramic finds across the site during the relevant periods. All of my findings regarding the ceramics are analyzed in relation to their stratigraphic context and their association with other material classes.

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2017_Ceramic Production and the Roman Regia Cover Page

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Three Centuries of Late Roman Pottery Cover Page

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Roman Pottery Discovered on the Dacian Site of Răcătău (Bacău County, Romania). The case of Pontic Sigillata Cover Page

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Pottery and Society in the Ceramic Production Centre of Late Roman Delphi, RCRFA 42 (2012), 15-22. Cover Page

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Review of C. Orton and M. Hughes (2013) Pottery in Archaeology. Second Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Cover Page