Modelling the impact of design rainfall on the urban drainage system by Storm Water Management Model (original) (raw)

Urban flood numerical modeling and hydraulic performance of a drainage network: A case study in Algiers, Algeria

Water Science & Technology

Urban sewer system management is challenging due to its higher vulnerability to flooding caused by rapid urbanization and climate change. For local decision-makers, storm water management is essential for urban planning and development. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to develop a numerical model for the sewerage network of the central catchment area of Algiers since it has experienced frequent overflows during the winter season. For this purpose, to model the sewerage networks, the model was built by coupling ArcGIS with MIKE URBAN. Its calibration and validation were performed using real-time measurements with a time step of 15 min. The model was evaluated by several statistical indicators, such as the coefficient of determination (R2), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), root mean square error (RMSE), and percent bias (PBIAS). The model results showed acceptable model performance, with an NSE superior to 0.50, R2 of approximately 0.63, RMSE of 7%, and PBIAS of 10% dur...

Simulation of Urban Drainage System Using a Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

Asian Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology

Urban floods are caused due to increase in population density, development of urban infrastructure without paying due consideration to drainage aspects and increase in paved surfaces. Storm water modelling plays an important role in checking issues such as flash floods and urban water-quality problems. The SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) has been an effective tool for simulating floods in urban areas. In this study a SWMM model is developed to analyze drainage network for the campus of National Institute of Technology, Warangal in the city of Warangal, Telangana, India. The model is simulated for one real storm event and 2-year return period of interval 1-hour design storm intensity. Frequency analysis is performed using best fitted distribution i.e., Gumbel’s distribution for different return periods and the frequency values are used for development of IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curves. Design storm intensity derived from IDF curves for different return periods is used ...

Urban Flood Simulation in Erbil City by Using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

ZANCO Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2023

One of the worst and most frequent natural disasters is flooding. Due to changes in precipitation patterns brought on by global climate change, flash floods are a threat to most cities. When it rains heavily, infrastructure capacity could be insufficient, and flash floods occur at weak points. This study evaluates the drainage system network capacity of the worst flood risk area using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The study area is around the Council of Ministers, which is divided into 23 subcatchments, and maximum daily rainfall data was collected from the Erbil Directorate of Meteorology and Seismology. This stud y analyzed three maximum daily rainfall events in three different decades of rainfall data from 1992-2022 to estimate the likelihood of flooding. The three events associated with maximum daily precipitation were 103.


Storm water flood simulations were attempted through the existing drainage networks of Patna and Chennai urban areas using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The input for the model was extracted from different sources and maps in GIS environment. The existing drainage networks catchments were delineated using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and flow direction in drainage network. The simulation results are calibrated with observed hydrograph peaks and shape of the hydrographs. The model was run considering the original designed dimensions of the drainage network without any blockage still it is not adequate to dispose of the runoff for two years return period rainfall in both urban areas.

Integrated Hydrological-Hydraulic Model for Flood Simulation in Tropical Urban Catchment


In recent decades, Malaysia has become one of the world’s most urbanized nations, causing severe flash flooding. Urbanization should meet the population’s needs by increasing the development of paved areas, which has significantly changed the catchment’s hydrological and hydraulic characteristics. Therefore, the frequency of flash flooding in Malaysia’s urban areas has grown year after year. Numerous techniques have been used, including the statistical approach, modeling, and storm design methods, in flood simulation. This research integrated hydrology and hydraulic models to simulate the urban flood events in the Aur River catchment. The primary objective is to determine water level and forecast peak flow based on hydrological assessment in the drainage system using XPSWMM software. The rainfall data for 60 min was used for this study in the hydrological analysis by obtaining an intensity-duration-frequency curve and peak flow value (Q peak). XPSWMM is used to simulate the response...

Utilization of Storm Water Management Model for Urban Flood Scenario

Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, 2020

Majors cities in India have witnessed huge floods from past few decades. Due to rapid population growth and improper urban planning the chances of creek, localised or flash urban floods have drastically increased. Climatic changes are also a key reason for heavy rainfall that increases the flood volume and depth in a catchment. Modelling of Storm water plays a key role in estimating flood runoff quantity and quality. To check these issues SWMM is used to simulate floods scenario in Urban areas. This hydrological study is carried out to simulate and understand the rainfall runoff characteristics of the study area by using SWMM. It is an effective tool used for simulating flash floods and runoff in urban areas. In this study catchments have been subdivided into 14 parts and modelled for year 2017 rainfall events of 1-hr interval. The present study area is evaluated by importing AutoCAD map of the area in SWMM. Further Rainfall Data is imported as time series in the model. The results depict that the Runoff for the Sub catchments of S1, S2, S3, S9, S13 blocks are maximum. The study states that no nodes are flooded and also no overflow sections. Thus, the selected study area storm network system has been well planned and has enough carrying capacity to carry the simulated rainfall for a prolonged duration.

A Synthetic Precipitation Model to Determine the Usage of the Distribution of Rain as a Data Input in Calculating the Design Flood

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University

In calculating the design-flood discharge, engineers often use the frequency-distribution analysis of rainfall data as the basis for obtaining the magnitude of the design flood. The distribution of rain stations is an important factor in determining the distribution of regional rainfall; however, not all catchments have sufficient rain stations to represent the distribution of precipitation in a watershed. This results in a flood hydrograph—obtained using a rainfall–runoff model that is based on the calculation of the estimated rainfall—with a low level of correlation with the observed hydrograph. This research aims to set up a synthetic rain station that corrects the difference between the simulated hydrograph and observed hydrograph to achieve a better correlation level. Usually, researchers use the available rain stations for analyzing the design rainfall and design flood; however, in this research, a synthetic rain station has been built. Rainfall–runoff modeling methods for ung...

Modelling and assessment of urban flood hazards based on rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves reformation

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2016

Estimate design storm based on rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves is an important parameter for hydrologic planning of urban areas. The main aim of this study was to estimate rainfall intensities of Zanjan city watershed based on overall relationship of rainfall IDF curves and appropriate model of hourly rainfall estimation (Sherman method, Ghahreman and Abkhezr method). Hydrologic and hydraulic impacts of rainfall IDF curves change in flood properties was evaluated via Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). The accuracy of model simulations was confirmed based on the results of calibration. Design hyetographs in different return periods show that estimated rainfall depth via Sherman method are greater than other method except for 2-year return period. According to Ghahreman and Abkhezr method, decrease of runoff peak was 30, 39, 41 and 42 percent for 5-10-20 and 50-year return periods respectively, while runoff peak for 2-year return period was increased by 20 percent.

Urban Flood Modelling and Management using Storm Water Management Model

Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc., 2020

Urban areas are the major hotspots for the origination of floods. Occupying the surfaces with various impervious surface features there is an opportunity of changeover of rainfall to runoff which results in flooding. Variations of atmospheric changes is also a crucial factor for precipitation events in unusual times that outcomes in rising flood peaks. Volume of runoff from the investigation area is assessed by adopting Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). The major purpose of utilizing SWMM is to monitor the quality along with quantity of overflow originating from the sub catchments. This study is to illustrate the flooding situations for the urban area for historical utmost intense precipitation event as well as future intense rainfall situations. Flooding conditions of future is assessed by using RCP 4.5 NOAA-GFDL-ESM2M climate model downscaled data. Infiltration and Flow routing are the two essential aspects of SWMM. Modified Green-Ampt method is used for the infiltration while Dynamic Wave method is chosen for Flow Routing. SWMM outcomes are demonstrated in the form of graphs, tables which helps in understanding the overflow section and nodes.

Storm Water Management Model Sensitivity to Different Design Storm Types and Parameters: The Case of Tangier Experimental Basin, Morocco

Journal of Sustainable Watershed Science and Management

Rainfall records with time steps less than 15 min, which are required for designing storm water sewerage in urban areas, are rarely available throughout the Moroccan territory. The study was conducted with the objective to tackle this problem through the use of design storm structures with time steps that vary from 5 to 15 min. For this purpose, we used two structural families of design storms: (i) design storms derived from Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves of Chicago, Composite, Desbordes, Watt, Weibull, Uniform, and Triangular design storm types; (ii) design storms from the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) synthetic rainfall. The selected design storm structures are those adapted to the rainfall distribution of Tangiers experimental basin and their resulted peak flows are comparable to the flow generated using the synthetic rainfall events. We also did sensitivity analysis for the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to changes of different design storm structural parameters, which includes storm duration, time steps, and intensity peak position. We evaluated how changes on these parameters affect peak flows and runoff volumes. In addition, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method was used to validate the sensitivity analysis by identifying key storm parameters that significantly affect peak flows and Runoff volumes. SWMM model calibration results showed that the Desbordres and Chicago structures best fitted observed flow. Moreover, comparison of different SCS synthetic rainfall forms to observed rainfall events retains that of type 1. Furthermore, the Weibull and watt storms have both a shape parameter that has been calibrated by using the observed events. Overall, simulation results confirmed that peak flow was greatly affected by design storm structures, but was not closely correlated with rainfall intensity.