The Shah and the beggar: on the poetic dispute between Hafiz and Shah Ni‘matullah Vali (original) (raw)

Hafiz in poetic and philological translation


Резюме: перевод и герменевтика классической персидской газели принадлежат к числу актуальных проблем иранской филологии. Статья включает филологические переводы двух газелей Шамс ад-Дина Мухаммада Хафиза (XIV в.) в сопровождении детального поэтологического комментария. Во введении к публикации кратко изложена концепция, лежащая в основе проекта полного перевода «Дивана» газелей Хафиза на русский язык.

The Firmans of Nadir-Shah Afshar in the Name of Kaytag Utsmiy Ahmad-Khan

History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Caucasus

The article presents epistolary sources in Persian from the Dagestan collection of firmans of Persian shahs in the name of the Kaitag utsmis. At the Institute of history, archaeology and Ethnography of DFRC RAS stored microfilms of these firmans received from the National library of France, where utsmic collection hit in the second half of the ХΙХ century. Copies of the firmans of Persian shahs in the name of Kaitag utsmis exist in the libraries of Georgia. They are published by the Georgian scientists with the typed texts and translation in Georgian and Russian languages. A comparative analysis of the documents revealed that the Georgian collection is fuller than the Paris collection, there are copies made by different katibs in the collections, and there are textual discrepancies and discrepancies in the Dating of firmans. We present in this article a facsimile of the firmans of Nadir Shah addressed to one of the most influential Dagestani rulers of the XVΙΙΙ century Kaitag utsmiy...

Mahmud Zamahshari's ‘Rabiy Ul-Abror’ as an Important Literary Source


Ушбу мақолада Хоразм ўлкасидан чиққан аллома МаҳмудЗамахшарийнинг дидактик асари бўлган “Рабиъ ул-аброр” асари ҳақида сўзюритилади. Шунингдек, мазкур мақолада “Рабиъ ул-аброр” асари қайсиуслубда, қандай мақсадда ёзилгани тўғрисидаги маълумотлар ҳамда асардаберилган юксак фазилатга етакловчи баъзи иқтибослар келтирилади.

The Poetical School of al-Ḥīra and the Origins of the Arabic Wine Song: the qāfiyya of ʿAdī ibn Zayd al-ʿIbādī

Изучению христианства в доисламской Аравии посвящен целый ряд научных исследований 1 . Рассмотренные в них исторические сведения подтверждают, что ко времени возникновения ислама в начале VII века христианские общины существовали практически во всех частях Аравийского полуострова. Многие из них имели при этом уже достаточно продолжительную историю и включали в себя арабов, ведущих как оседлый, так преимущественно и кочевой образ жизни, что создавало условия для взаимного влияния христианской и традиционной арабской культур. Исходя из этого, важным аспектом изучения арабской культуры эпохи поздней Античности является вопрос о том, в какой мере её развитие было связано с христианством.

Linking the poetical text and the doctrines of Sufi brotherhoods: Sufi poetry of A. Lahuti


The article deals with the poetical heritage of Abulqasim Lahuti, more precisely his poetical works of an early period, which constitute a special section in his collection of poems, the Divan. It was published in Teheran as early as in 1979 by 'Ali Bashiri under the title As'ar-e mazhabi va 'erfani («Religious and Sufi verses»). The revolutionary, patriotic and lyrical poetical works by A. Lahuti published since 1909 are well-known. However, his early poetry, which reflects the time when he was in contact with various Sufi brotherhoods remains almost a terra incognita for most scholars who have been studying his poetry ever since. Moreover, the existence of such poetry of his was hardly even accounted for, at least by the Soviet scholars who made attempts to reconstruct Lahuti’s biography as a poet. Usually, it is difficult to link an author of a poetical piece (ghazal) with a certain Sufi brotherhood or school unless there is a direct indication left by his biographers...

Poetology of Mukagali Mukatayev: verse and poet in verse

Keruen, 2021

The poems of the prominent representative of Kazakh poetry Mukagali Makatayev are analyzed in the article in the poetic aspect. The artistic-figurative system, the features of his poems, the place of the poet in national poetry are considered. The artist’s art is primarily the fruit of the creative study of the world, since it acquaints the reader with the object of interest. It is known that along with the painstaking work that is required in order to convey the feelings experienced, the observed phenomena, the poet needs, first of all, a special talent. Judging from the point of view of the requirements of the literary paradigm, all structural layers of a literary text directly depend on the views, perceptions, judgments, and consciousness of the author. The fate and history of the people, national culture, ethnoarchaic motives and images, mysterious corners of the human soul, the contradictoriness of being and the endless vanity of life - all these are the golden pillars of Mukag...

The poetic trilogy about Mamluk sultans.

Article is prepared on the basis of the unpublished manuscript from the State library of Berlin and devoted to the poetic trilogy about Mamluk sultans which was written by two authors - Muhammad Shams al-Din al-Ba'uni (1378-1466) and his nephew, Muhammad b. Yusuf b. ’Ahmad al-Ba'uni (died in 1505). One of the authors was Barquq's contemporary (1382-1399) - the founder of the Circassian sultanate, another became the witness of a decline of former power мамлюков. In spite of the fact that time of writing of the first and last part of the trilogy divides nearly seventy years, the work is characterised by stylistic unity, a composition having continuity, as well as the similar position of authors in an assessment of occurring events. The first poem contains short and, sometimes, well-aimed to aphoristic nature the characteristic of Mamluk sultans from ’Aybek (1250-1257) to Barsbey (1422-1438). Mahomed b. Yusuf’s poem is called "Worthy and wittiest words about al-Malik al-Sa'id al '-’Ashraf’s life". It is about sultans from Yusuf al-Malik al-‘Aziz (1438), the son of Barsbey, to Kaitbey (1468-1496). In the last part of the trilogy Mahomed b. Yusuf al-Ba'uni told about Qaitbey and his military victories, and also about sultans al-Malik al-Nasir ’Abu as-Sa'adat (1496-1498), ‘Abu Sa'id Qansuh Al-Zahir (1498-1500), al-’Ashraf Janbulat (1500-1501), al-‘Adil Tumanbey (1501) and Qansuh al-Guri (1501-1516).

Jihad Poetry in the Age of the Crusades

Istoricheskii vestnik, 2020

The article examines how the pre-Islamic with its pagan tribal character could be transformed into a core component in Arabic Muslim religious literature. Indeed, it proved to be elastic enough to adapt itself to the realities of running a vast Muslim empire. Moreover, this conventional form of medieval Arab panegyric poetry came to be deployed as a political and religious tool in the monumental struggle between Western Christendom and the Muslim world at the time of the Crusades. To the state the obvious, jihad poetry is poetry in the service of religion. Its function mattered more at the time than its intrinsic quality. Jihad poetry was not the creation of Muslim poets as a response to their unprecedented contact with Western Christendom at the time of the Crusades. What we see in the twelfth and thirteenth century jihad poetry is in fact the easy and seamless transfer of earlier invective against Christian Byzantium to a new Christian target, the Crusaders. The Muslim poets who e...

The Artistic Expression Facilities in the Poem ‘Kitab Al-Asma’ by M.‑A. Chuquri


В статье рассмотрено функционирование средств художественной выразительности (тропов, синтаксических фигур) в неопубликованной поэме «Китāб ал-асмā’» (Книга имён) башкирского поэта, религиозного деятеля и педагога Мухаммада-Али Чукури. Работа является опытом формального анализа старотюркского литературного произведения.

Sources of Ferdowsi’s poem “Shahnāma”

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism, 2020

The article explores one of the central problems of Ferdowsi Shahnāma (10th century) studies, e.g. its sources. In modern Iranian studies coexist different points of view and continues a discussion between the disciples of the theory of Ferdowsis use of prose sources and those who consider the poet rather a brilliant compiler and innovator, who transformed epic tales about kings and heroes (folklore oral poetry in the middle Persian language) into the new Persian language (dari). The discovery and accumulation of philological arguments indicating that the middle Persian epic poetry is hidden in the poem under the cover of the new Persian verse belongs to the current problems of Shahnāma studies, since this poetry was not recorded and original texts have not survived till nowadays. The arguments of supporters of both points of are briefly presented. To test the theory about the possible reliance of the Ferdowsi epic on the oral poetic tradition, a certain number of lines of the poem ...