Neuroticism Behaviour between Individual Game Players and Team Game Players- A Comparative Analysis (original) (raw)

Neuroticism Behaviour Between Sportsmen And Non-Sportsmen-A Comparative Analysis


Background: Neuroticism is a long-term tendency to be in a negative emotional state. People with neuroticism tend to have more depressed moods they suffer from feelings of guilt, envy, anger and anxiety, more frequently and more severely than other individuals. Neuroticism is the state of being neurotic. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the neuroticism behaviour between sportsmen and nonsportsmen. Setting and Design: The subjects taken for this study were 100 male students(50 sportsmen & 50 nonsportsmen) from various colleges of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, age ranging from 20-26 years. Questionnaire was used as a tool for this survey. Methods: The current study was performed on the Neuroticism Behaviour of sportsmen and non-sportsmen; the collected data for the study were assessed on the scoring and norms according to the Medico-Psychological Questionnaire(MPQ). Statistical Techniques: Independent ‘t’-test was applied to find out the comparison of neurotici...


INTRODUCTION: “Sports produce more losers”, bitter, but true. Sports achievement is not a bread bite or it decides the only best three, even the participation is three or thirty or three hundred and it is the basic difference between competition and examination. We witness more dropouts by percentage in sports when compared to education; the very reason is the level of frustration or depression from recurring failures. The one who is bound to be mental tough is made to absorb the shocks of continuous failures in sports and hence the higher level of sustenance and depression leads to neuroticism. The research scholar is in pursuit to know the anxiety level, tender mindedness, submissiveness and depression among the unselected players in various sports after selection trials at university level.

To Determine the Level of Neuroticism Among Normal Young Adults

The International journal of Indian psychology, 2022

Neuroticism, tendency to feel negative emotions, is a condition or trait in which how vulnerable a person to negative emotion such as anxiety, depression and anger. Neuroticism have two aspects one is withdrawal which includes anticipatory anxiety, self-consciousness, embarrassment, withdrawing in the face of unexpected, feeling of sadness, loveliness, and disappointment. On the other hand, second aspects are volatility which includes emotionally unstable, argumentative, irritable, don't handle stress, always talking about the problems. Usually, withdrawal aspects connected with what might happen and volatility connected with what has happen. In the other researchers' studies indicates that neuroticism seen in young adults, now a days. Mostly young women are more often effective with neuroticism as compare to men. In past few months number of neuroticism cases increased, due to current situation of COVID, lockdown, online classes. In the present study, an attempt has been made to find out the level of neuroticism among young adults aged from 20s to 30s years among of male and female. In this regards, Medico Psychological Questionnaire (MPQ) devised by Dr. J. Bharat Raj has been taken for the present study. 25 male and 25 female has been taken on the above-mentioned age group. Result indicates that (mean of male subjects=42.92, mean of female subjects=41.80) have not cross the cutoff point (46). So, the present study indicate there is no neurotic trend among the subjects taken for this study.


Dr. Parveen Gahlawat , Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector-42, Chandigarh, India , Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2020

The study was aimed to find out the differences in state and trait anxiety of the players of the individual and team games. The sample for the study consisted of 200 inter-university level sportsmen (100 from individual games and 100 from team games) from different Universities and District Training Centres of Haryana State. An equal number of subjects were drawn from five games in each category. The selected subjects received the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) for the assessment of two components of anxiety i.e., state and trait. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, S.D. and t-test. The level of confidence was set at 0.05. Results revealed significant differences in state as well as trait anxiety levels of the sportsmen of individual and team games, t values were found to be 3.56 and 2.96, respectively. It is concluded from the present data that the players of individual games were more anxious than the players of team games.

Personality and mental health of team and individual game players: A comparative study


This study compares the personality and mental health of those individuals who play any team sport or any individual game. For this purpose, 200 sport persons have been selected (100 team game players and 100 individual game players) and they were measured on two major dimensions, which are, hardiness and psychological wellbeing. Further the dimensions of hardinesscontrol, commitment and challenge; and dimensions of psychological wellbeingautonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, self-acceptance were also compared. It was hypothesized that those who play individual game will be hardier and will have high psychological wellbeing as compare to those who play team sport. This is a factorial design and F ratio has been calculated to test the hypotheses. The tools used were Singh Psychological Hardiness Scale (SPHS) by A. K. Singh (2005) and The Scale of Psychological Wellbeing by Ryff (1989) [9]. Results showed a significant diffe...

Psychological characteristics of International Volleyball players in India

isara solutions, 2012

Psychological characteristics and personality factors facilitate participation in physical activities and acquiring proficiency and skills which in turn develop desirable psychological dimensions. The purpose of the study was to investigate the personality profiles of male international level Volleyball players. The subjects were 20 male volleyball players who had participated in National level open volleyball tournament under the auspices of Volleyball Federation of Uttarakhand, Roorkee. The average age of the subjects was 20 years and above. For the purpose of preparing personality profile of the subjects, the traits were classified into two groups namely extroversion and neuroticism. To find out the personality profiles of male International level of Volleyball players, mean and standard deviation were calculated from the sten scores. The psychological dimension of the subjects were investigated with the help of E.P.I. Test Questionnaire prepared by H.J. Eysenck and Sybile B.G. Eysenck, supplied by Psycho Centre, Delhi. The scoring of the questionnaire was done with the help of two scoring keys supplied along with the test manual. The raw scores were converted into "sten scores" with the help of standardized norms provided in the tabular supplied with E.P.I. published by Psycho centre, New Delhi .For preparing personality profile, the mean sten scores for each of the two factors of the group. All the means sten score of the factor was plotted in E.P.I. test profile and each factor was read as per description of different dimensions. The analysis of data y reveals that the Indian Volleyball players at the International level were found to be more neuroticism tendency than extroversion. It means that they are having the tendency to focus energy inward resulting in decreased social interaction. They are concerned with their own thoughts and feeling. Volleyball players at the International level are more neurotic than extroverts. It means they have a very quiet personality, hide their feelings and less interested in other people's problems. They are the persons who focus primarily on their own mind, feelings or affairs.

A Study of Emotional Stability among Players and Non-Players of Chandigarh Schools

Sports is such an activity wherein lot of physical effort is required. A physically fit person has always been found to be better. However, being physically fit is not enough. One has to be emotionally stable as well to perform better. The present is an attempt to understand the same. The present study is based on a survey of 100 school students of Chandigarh region. The study revealed that the National players had exhibited better than their counterparts at inter-school level and non-players. Also it was found that the male players had demonstrated better than their counterpart female players.

Examination of Anxiety Levels and Anger Expression Manners of Undergraduate Table Tennis Players

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2016

This research was done for the determination of how their anxiety levels' and anger expressions' get shaped according to some variances. For this reason there were 76 female 125 male totally 201 sportsmen, who participated to the table tennis championship between universities in 2016 and ages differ from 18 to 28, were included the research group. According to research findings it was found that there was not a statistically meaningful difference between permanent anxiety levels and anger expressing types of the sample group according to gender variance (p>0.05), but there were statistically meaningful differences found according to table tennis sports past, being consulted himself for decisions that is going to be made in the family, friendship relations variances (p<0.05). It was also determined that between permanent anxiety levels and permanent anger, anger inward and anger outward point averages there was a positive and linear correlation found, in the anger control point averages there was a negative and linear correlation found. Consequently taking a look to pasts of the table tennis sports which is existed in the normal bounds of the research group's permanent anxiety levels there was a result reached that from anger expression types; anger control point averages' resulted higher than other expression types and when the required attention and concentration were considered for the sports branch that they do it is a good feature.


isara solutions, 2021

The purpose of present study was to examine the sports competitive anxiety level among different university level team game male players of S.V.S.U, Meerut (UP). For this study researcher were randomly selected 45 male (Volleyball=15, handball=15 and Basketball=15) players from of S.V.S.U, Meerut (UP) and their age ranged from 18-25 years. To examine the anxiety level of the player's sports competitive anxiety test (SCAT) developed by Ranier Martens's standardized questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistics and one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and LSD test was used to find out the significance of differences with the help of SPSS (16.0 version) software. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The finding of study indicates that the mean of handball (22.9375) players significantly lower level of anxiety in comparison to the Volleyball(24.6875) and basketball (23.8750) players. The mean of basketball (23.8750) players significantly lower level of anxiety in comparison to the Volleyball (24.6875) players. Thus, it concludes that the anxiety level of the handball players is lower in comparison to the players of Volleyball and basketball players.