Low energy limit of the Chern-Simons theory coupled to fermions (original) (raw)

Four-fermion field theories and the Chern-Simons field: A renormalization group study

Physical Review D, 1999

In (2+1) dimensions, we consider the model of a N flavor, two-component fermionic field interacting through a Chern-Simons field besides a four fermion self-interaction which consists of a linear combination of the Gross-Neveu and Thirring like terms. The four fermion interaction is not perturbatively renormalizable and the model is taken as an effective field theory in the region of low momenta. Using Zimmerman procedure for reducing coupling constants, it is verified that, for small values of the Chern-Simons parameter, the origin is an infrared stable fixed point but changes to ultraviolet stable as α becomes bigger than a critical α c . Composite operators are also analyzed and it is shown that a specific four fermion interaction has an improved ultraviolet behavior as N increases. Fermionic quartic interactions have been very important for the clarification of conceptual aspects as well as for the applications of Quantum Field Theory. Illustrative examples of such dual role are provided by the Thirring and Nambu-Jona Lasinio models. However, perturbative studies of the models have been hampered by the fact that only in two dimensions they are renormalizable. If the number of flavors is high enough, a better ultraviolet behavior is achieved in the context of the 1/N expansion which turns out to be renormalizable up

Fermionic matter coupled to higher derivative Chern–Simons theories. II

Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1996

The diagrammatic and the Feynman rules for the higher derivative Chern-Simons theories in ͑2ϩ1͒ dimensions coupled to fermionic matter are constructed. This is done by starting from the path-integral quantization. Once the diagrammatic and the Feynman rules are given, the regularization and renormalization problem of this higher derivative model is analysed in the framework of the perturbation theory. The unitarity problem related with the possible appearance of ghost states with negative norm is also discussed. Finally, the BRST formalism for the model is constructed and some interesting differences with respect to the formalism applied to usual Chern-Simons models are presented.


International Journal of Modern Physics A, 1998

We study the nonrelativistic limit of the quantum theory of a Chern-Simons field minimally coupled to a scalar field with quartic self-interaction. The renormalization of the relativistic model, in the Coulomb gauge, is discussed. We employ a procedure to calculate scattering amplitudes for low momenta that generates their |p|/m expansion and separates the contributions coming from high and low energy intermediary states. The two body scattering amplitude is calculated up to order p 2 /m 2 . It is shown that the existence of a critical value of the self-interaction parameter for which the 2-particle scattering amplitude reduces to the Aharonov-Bohm one is a strictly nonrelativistic feature. The subdominant terms correspond to relativistic corrections to the Aharonov-Bohm scattering. A nonrelativistic reduction scheme and an effective nonrelativistic Lagrangian to account for the relativistic corrections are proposed.

Two-loop analysis of non-Abelian Chern-Simons theory

Physical Review D, 1992

Perturbative renormalization of a non-Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory is examined. It is demonstrated by explicit calculation that, in the pure Chern-Simons theory, the beta-function for the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term vanishes to three loop order. Both dimensional regularization and regularization by introducing a conventional Yang-Mills component in the action are used. It is shown that dimensional regularization is not gauge invariant at two loops. A variant of this procedure, similar to regularization by dimensional reduction used in supersymmetric field theories is shown to obey the Slavnov-Taylor identity to two loops and gives no renormalization of the Chern-Simons term. Regularization with Yang-Mills term yields a finite integer-valued renormalization of the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term at one loop, and we conjecture no renormalization at higher order. We also examine the renormalization of Chern-Simons theory coupled to matter. We show that in the non-abelian case the Chern-Simons gauge field as well as the matter fields require infinite renormalization at two loops and therefore obtain nontrivial anomalous dimensions. We show that the beta function for the gauge coupling constant is zero to two-loop order, consistent with the topological quantization condition for this constant.

The fermion-fermion effective potential in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory

Physics Letters B, 1992

The effective nonrelativistic potential VT describing the fermion-fermion interaction in the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is derived to the lowest order in perturbation theory. As expected, VT is not invariant under parity and time-reversal transformations. The quantum dynamics generated by Vr becomes exactly solvable at the limits where either the Maxwell or the Chern-Simons terms disappear; in neither case electron-electron bound states show up. However, numerical calculations indicate that fermion-fermion bound states do exist in the general case.

Chern–Simons theory with vector fermion matter

The European Physical Journal C, 2012

We study three dimensional conformal field theories described by U (N) Chern-Simons theory at level k coupled to massless fermions in the fundamental representation. By solving a Schwinger-Dyson equation in lightcone gauge, we compute the exact planar free energy of the theory at finite temperature on R 2 as a function of the 't Hooft coupling λ = N/k. Employing a dimensional reduction regularization scheme, we find that the free energy vanishes at |λ| = 1; the conformal theory does not exist for |λ| > 1. We analyze the operator spectrum via the anomalous conservation relation for higher spin currents, and in particular show that the higher spin currents do not develop anomalous dimensions at leading order in 1/N. We present an integral equation whose solution in principle determines all correlators of these currents at leading order in 1/N and present explicit perturbative results for all three point functions up to two loops. We also discuss a lightcone Hamiltonian formulation of this theory where a W ∞ algebra arises. The maximally supersymmetric version of our theory is ABJ model with one gauge group taken to be U (1), demonstrating that a pure higher spin gauge theory arises as a limit of string theory.

Matter Chern Simons theories in a background magnetic field

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019

We study large N 2+1 dimensional fermions in the fundamental representation of an SU(N)k Chern Simons gauge group in the presence of a uniform background magnetic field for the U (1) global symmetry of this theory. The magnetic field modifies the Schwinger Dyson equation for the propagator in an interesting way; the product between the self energy and the Greens function is replaced by a Moyal star product. Employing a basis of functions previously used in the study of non-commutative solitons, we are able to exactly solve the Schwinger Dyson equation and so determine the fermion propagator. The propagator has a series of poles (and no other singularities) whose locations yield a spectrum of single particle energies at arbitrary t’ Hooft coupling and chemical potential. The usual free fermion Landau levels spectrum is shifted and broadened out; we compute the shifts and widths of these levels at arbitrary t’Hooft coupling. As a check on our results we independently solve for the pro...

Spin-1 massive particles coupled to a Chern-Simons field

Physical Review D, 1999

We study spin one particles interacting through a Chern-Simons field. In the Born approximation, we calculate the two body scattering amplitude considering three possible ways to introduce the interaction: (a) a Proca like model minimally coupled to a Chern-Simons field, (b) the model obtained from (a) by replacing the Proca's mass by a Chern-Simons term and (c) a complex Maxwell-Chern-Simons model minimally coupled to a Chern-Simons field. In the low energy regime the results show similarities with the Aharonov-Bohm scattering for spin 1/2 particles. We discuss the one loop renormalization program for the Proca's model. In spite of the bad ultraviolet behavior of the matter field propagator, we show that, up to one loop the model is power counting renormalizable thanks to the Ward identities satisfied by the interaction vertices.