Vacuum instabilities in models with spontaneous symmetry breaking (original) (raw)
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A very short introduction to Radiative Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
The Coleman-Weinberg mechanism, also known as Radiative Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, is a possible alternative to the Higgs mechanism. It also generates masses in apparently massless quantum field theories, what is generally necessary in the study of gauge theories. The central idea is that quantum corrections, coming from loop diagrams, can alter the parameters of the theory, even the position of the minima of the potential of scalar particles, thus, causing spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this work, we first present the formalism allowing a full quantum description of the vacuum of quantum field theories, and, in what follows, we apply it in the study of the vacuum configuration of a simple example, a scalar massless theory, and in the study of more complicated models, such as massless scalar electrodynamics and a model for radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. We conclude by discussing other possible applications of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism and its importance in current Beyond the Standard Model physics.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in quasi-super-renormalizable models
Nuclear Physics B, 1987
By ~tudymg the effechve potential and renormahzatmn group for quasl-super-renormahzable models at is demonstrated the models can undergo spontaneous s?~mmetr'y breaking m a manner consastent with stablhty A relation among ratms of masses as seen to hold at the minimum of the potentml 0550-3213/87/$03 50'~ Elsevier Science Publlsher~ B V (North-Holland Physics Pubhshlng Division)
Nuclear Physics B, 2016
In this paper, we revisit the issue intensively studied in recent years on the generation of terms by radiative corrections in models with broken Lorentz symmetry. The algebraic perturbative method of handling the problem of renormalization of the theories with Lorentz symmetry breaking, is used. We hope to make clear the Symanzik's aphorism: "Whether you like it or not, you have to include in the lagrangian all counter terms consistent with locality and power-counting, unless otherwise constrained by Ward identities." 1
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Progress of Theoretical Physics, 2003
Assuming that a quantum field theory with a θ-vacuum term in the action shows nontrivial θ-dependence and provided that some reasonable properties of the probability distribution function of the order parameter hold, we argue that the theory either breaks spontaneously CP at θ = π or shows a singular behavior at some critical θc between 0 and π. This result, which applies to any model with a pure imaginary contribution to the euclidean action consisting in a quantized charge coupled to a phase, as QCD, is illustrated with two simple examples; one of them intimately related to Witten's result on SU (N ) in the large N limit.
Absence of symmetry breakdown and uniqueness of the vacuum for multicomponent field theories
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1979
Correlation inequalities are used to show that the two component λ(φ2)2 model (with HD, D, HP, P boundary conditions) has a unique vacuum if the field does not develop a non-zero expectation value. It follows by a generalized Coleman theorem that in two space-time dimensions the vacuum is unique for all values of the coupling constant. In three space-time dimensions the vacuum is unique below the critical coupling constant. For then-componentP(|φ|2)2+μφ1 model, absence of continuous symmetry breaking, as μ goes to zero, is proven for all states which are translation invariant, satisfy the spectral condition, and are weak* limit points of finite volume states satisfyingN locτ and higher order estimates.
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A new mechanism for symmetry breaking is proposed which naturally avoids the constraints following from the usual theorems of symmetry breaking. In the context of super-symmetry, for example, the breaking may be consistent with a vanishing vacuum energy. A 2+1 dimensional super-symmetric gauge field theory is explicitly shown to break super-symmetry through this mechanism while maintaining a zero vacuum energy. This mechanism may provide a solution to two long standing problems, namely, dynamical super-symmetry breaking and the cosmological constant problem.
Systematic analysis of radiative symmetry breaking in models with extended scalar sector
Journal of High Energy Physics
Radiative symmetry breaking (RSB) is a theoretically appealing framework for the generation of mass scales through quantum effects. It can be successfully implemented in models with extended scalar and gauge sectors. We provide a systematic analysis of RSB in such models: we review the common approximative methods of studying RSB, emphasising their limits of applicability and discuss the relevance of the relative magnitudes of tree-level and loop contributions as well as the dependence of the results on the renormalisation scale. The general considerations are exemplified within the context of the conformal Standard Model extended with a scalar doublet of a new SU(2) X gauge group, the so-called SU(2)cSM. We show that various perturbative methods of studying RSB may yield significantly different results due to renormalisation-scale dependence. Implementing the renormalisation-group (RG) improvement method recently developed in ref. [1], which is well-suited for multi-scale models, w...
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Radiative symmetry breaking in brane models
Nuclear Physics B, 2000
We propose a way to generate the electroweak symmetry breaking radiatively in nonsupersymmetric type I models with string scale in the TeV region. By identifying the Higgs field with a tree-level massless open string state, we find that a negative squared mass term can be generated at one loop. It is finite, computable and typically a loop factor smaller than the string scale, that acts as an ultraviolet cutoff in the effective field theory. When the Higgs open string has both ends confined on our world brane, its mass is predicted to be around 120 GeV, i.e. that of the lightest Higgs in the minimal supersymmetric model for large tan β and m A . Moreover, the string scale turns out to be one to two orders of magnitude higher than the weak scale. We also discuss possible effects of higher order string threshold corrections that might increase the string scale and the Higgs mass.