Organizational Culture Type in Turkish Universities using OCAI: Perceptions of Students (original) (raw)
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Öz. Kültür bir örgütü diğerlerinden ayıran en temel özelliklerden biri arasında sayılmaktadır. Örgütler, tıpkı toplumlar gibi kendine özgü normlar, inançlar ve değerlere sahiptir. Örgütlerde kültürün oluşumunda yönetim tarzı, yöneticinin biçemi, örgütün üyeleri gibi unsurlar önemli rol oynamaktadır. Örgüt kültürü üyelerinin özelliklerinin bileşeni olarak görülüp, onların özellikleriyle biçimlenebilmektedir. Bir örgüt olarak üniversitelerde de aynı durum söz konusu olmaktadır. Üniversitelerde alt gruplar, üniversitenin kendi örgütsel kültüründen farklı bir kültüre sahip olabilir ve kendi yapısını oluşturabilirler. Bu durum üniversiteyi farklı alt kültürleri sentezleyen bir örgüt haline getirebilir. Yönetsel açıdan, gevşek yapılı olan üniversitelerde örgüt kültürünü ve etkilerini görmek için örgüt kültürünün nasıl şekillendiğini incelemek yerinde olacaktır. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada Bir devlet üniversitesinin eğitim fakültesinde örgüt kültürünü betimlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, örgüt kültürü ile ilgili öğretim elemanlarının görüşleri nitel araştırma tekniklerinden görüşme yoluyla toplandıktan sonra tema ve kategorilere ayrılarak incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonunda en yaygın kullanılan kültür ögeleri; ortak değerler, iletişim, demokrasi, hiyerarşik yapı, inançlar olarak saptanmıştır. Sürekli değişen yönetimler nedeniyle geleneklerin oluşturulamaması örgüt kültürünün gelişimini olumsuz etkileyen bir unsur olarak saptanmıştır. Örgüt kültürünü geliştirmek için birleştirici etkinlikler düzenlenmesi, ritüeller ve simgeler oluşturulması, bilimsel yardımlaşma için iletişim ağı oluşturulması ve örgüte yeni katılanlara dönük uyum çalışması yapılması katılımcıların önerileri arasında yer almaktadır.
The article offers an analysis of the organizational culture at a higher education institution as in the case of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, conducted in order to study the students’ involvement in this culture and to draw conclusions as to what organizational culture principles are internalized by the students. The study used survey methodology and the OCAI (Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument) tool. The article’s content is based on the methods of analyzing, synthesizing and aggregating the data acquired during the empirical study. The article concludes that, in the students’ opinion, a hierarchy culture prevails at the university and that the students potentially expect some changes in the style of that organizational culture; it should be pointed out that this piece of diagnostics sets the direction for further development in terms of which the progress of the university’s organizational culture will have to be consistently adjusted and stimulated.
Organizational Culture Types that Academicians Associate with Their Institutions
International Journal of Higher Education, 2018
This study, considering the sample of a university located in central Anatolia region, Turkey, aims to identify culture types that the academicians perceive in relevant with their institutions according to the 4 types of cultures (Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy, and Market) given in the Competing Values Framework by Cameron and Quinn. The study includes 205 academicians from different faculties and vocational schools as participants. The data was obtained from the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) that has been prepared particularly for the research group. Analyzes of the data obtained in the study were carried out with statistical package programs as IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and Interactive Lisrel SSI 8.72. The demographic features of the academicians were determined with percentage and frequency analyzes and the mean and standard deviation statistics were used in determining the perception levels of organizational culture types which academicians associate with their u...
Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye, 2020
the cameron-Quinn (2006) cultural model and the Organizational culture Assessment instrument (OcAi) questionnaire based on it are a suitable tool for accurately describing and characterizing the current and ideal organizational culture. The model identifies the characteristics of organizational culture along four dimensions, and its validation has been performed in more than a thousand organizations, including higher education institutions. in the course of our research, we analyzed the organizational culture of a Hungarian university faculty perceived and considered ideal by students using the OCAI model. In our survey, in addition to the identification of organizational culture, we sought to answer the question of whether there is a difference between the characteristics of the current and the ideal organizational culture in the researched higher education institution. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the culture of the organization currently reflects the features of hierarchical culture and clan culture. According to the students, in order to achieve the ideal state, emphasis should be placed on further strengthening the characteristics of the clan culture and reducing the peculiarities of hierarchical culture in the development of organizational culture.
Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 2019
The aim of this paper is to analyse the functioning of a faculty from different insiders' perspectives on academia, based on organizational culture. 'Insiders' in this case are academic leaders, evaluators, and students. Universities are complicated social organizations with characteristic cultures. On the one hand, academic freedom, critical thinking, and autonomy are protected values and, on the other hand, changing environmental conditions exert powerful impact on the primary functions of universities. Understanding of organizational culture is not a panacea to all problems in higher education. A deep understanding of culture, for example, will not automatically increase enrollments or increase quality of teaching or decrease corruption. This case study is employed for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) within the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University (UAIC) in Iasi, Romania that faces the challenges of transition to democracy and free market economy. The findings of this paper suggests a close link between organizational culture and quality in state higher education.
The current study uses an adapted version of Cameron and Quinn's OCAI questionnaire to test the organisational culture of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, as it is perceived by its students, and also to discover what type of organisational culture the same students think would be ideal for them. An additional objective of this paper is to identify possible gaps between the perceived and the ideal cultures expressed by the students. Our sample includes 128 questionnaires completed by bachelor students from 6 different majors at the faculty. According to our results, the respondents perceive to a significant degree that the faculty's organisational culture is at an average level of clan, market and hierarchy cultures, while it also exhibits a relatively low level of the adhocracy culture. Their ideal faculty culture would be one with average adhocracy, average hierarchy, high clan and low market features. Significant gaps are identified between the perceived and ideal cultures in all the four types: students would prefer an increase in clan and adhocracy cultures, and a decrease in the other two cultures. Keywords: organizational culture, higher education, Competing Values Framework, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) J.E.L. codes: M14, I23 1. Introduction Organizational culture is ever-present and exists in every organization. Several empirical studies have found evidence of the significant impact of culture on organizational performance (Martinez et al, 2015). Our study is part of a research series at a Hungarian higher educational institution – the University of Debrecen (UD) – which aims to examine the organizational culture as students perceive it. In our research we used a widely accepted culture diagnostic method: the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI). This is a questionnaire-based instrument, invented for the Competing Values Framework (CVF), and developed by Cameron and Quinn (2006). Over the course of the research series, data have been and will be collected from different faculties of the UD. So far, only the data from the technical manager BSc students from the Faculty of Engineering (hereinafter UD-FE) have been analysed (Ujhelyi&Kun, 2016). In this paper, bachelor students on many different majors from the Faculty of Science and Technology (UD-FST) will be examined with similar methods. Therefore, we will be able not only to answer our main research questions, but also to compare the results of the two faculties. Our research questions are: 1. How do the students categorize the organizational culture of the, according to the Competing Values Framework? 2. According to the students, is there a significant gap between the preferred and perceived organizational culture of the UD-FST? If there is, how can this gap be described?
Organizational culture is a vital element of effective management practices in universities. Lately, researchers are motivated to study on the organizational concept to provide managerial effectiveness in the universities. Furthermore, one should analyse the typologies of organizational culture to understand the organizational behaviours in higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of current organizational culture at private universities in Kuala Lumpur so the effective management strategies will be developed. The Competing Values Framework was employed to identify the organizational culture type displayed by the university faculty. This framework assesses the dominant organizational culture based on four culture types: Clan, hierarchy, adhocracy, and market. According to the results of this study, private university faculty exhibits hierarchy culture type as dominant in the current situation. The hierarchy culture represents University as an organization that concentrates on internal maintenance with stable and where individuals follow procedures, and leaders effectively coordinate and organise activity to maintain a smooth running organisation. However, the strategic objectives of University emphasize the attributes of mainly adhocracy and clan culture types and market culture to some extent. This implies that private University's mission, goals, and strategic objectives are not mostly being met with the dominant current culture type. On the other hand, the second dominant culture type for University is the market culture which is mostly adequate to the strategic objectives of the university. The market culture organization concentrates on results to be achieved and the competition is the significant attribute in this type. Researches on organizational culture indicate that mission, goals and strategic objectives of an organization shouldn't conflict with the current culture and they must work together to enhance effectiveness of the organization
Organizational Culture in Higher Education Organizational Culture in Higher Education
The organizational culture of academic higher educational institutions was analyzed using the Human Synergistics International (HSI) Organizational Culture Inventory® (OCI®) Survey. Cultural norms characteristic of Passive/Defensive and Aggressive/Defensive behavioral styles were overrepresented, while those characteristic of Constructive styles were underrepresented, as compared to Ideal profiles. The results reflect predominance of task-centered over people-centered organizational orientations and of lower-order (security) over higher-order (satisfaction) needs. Both current and ideal profiles were derived from the responses of higher education faculty and administrators who are active at non-profit or for-profit organizations worldwide. Targets for cultural change were identified, and recommendations were developed to assist higher education institutions approach their ideal organizational cultures.