The Psychosocial Factors of Elementary School-Aged Children’s Compulsive Internet Use As Reported by Children and Parents (original) (raw)

Children’s (Non-)Participation in Cyberbullying and Emotional, Behavioural Problems


Technological changes are making the Internet more accessible and interactive. The opportunities offered by the Internet, Internet use (time, frequency, accessibility, social networks, activities, etc.), and threats are changing as well. Cyberbullying is identified as one of the main threats on the Internet that has the most serious consequences. Research has found that cyberbullying is the most frustrating Internet threat for children (Haddon & Livingstone, 2012). Considering that children do not live without the Internet, and that the opportunities and threats of the Internet change all the time, the impact on emotional and behavioural problems of children has not been fully explored. This study is part of the Lithuanian Science Council funded project “Children’s and adolescents’ Internet use in Lithuania: possibilities and risks tendencies in EU context” (No. S-MIP-17-1/LSS-250000-1087). It aims to compare emotional and behavioural problems of children who have been victims of di...

[Prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances among students during 2005-2006]

Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 2009

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of addictive substance use among students during one-year period, to evaluate the present situation, and to substantiate the necessity of prevention. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The participants of the study were students of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture: 1475 students were inquired in 2005 and 1575 in 2006. The study was performed by applying a questionnaire consisting of 26 standard questions for the evaluation of respondents' health and health-related behavior. The obtained results showed the stability of addictive substance usage among students during one-year period: on the average, 33.6% of males and 20.4% of females were daily smokers. No changes were found in the number of nonsmokers, but the number of students who quit smoking was increased. There were no changes in the pattern of ethanol use during one-year period: the highest percentage of male students used alcoholic beverages once or several times per week (...

Jaunesniojo Mokyklinio Amžiaus Vaikų Fizinio Pajėgumo Analizė Lietuvoje: 2016 Metų Studija

Sveikatos mokslai, 2017

Tyrimas vyko 2016 m. rugsėjo-gruodžio mėn. aštuoniuose Lietuvos pradinio ugdymo ir pradinio ugdymo klases turinčiose bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrime dalyvavo 1–2 klasių mokiniai (n = 780), iš jų 390 mergaičių ir 390 berniukų. Mokiniams per kūno kultūros pamokas buvo atlikti keturi fizinio pajėgumo testai: šuolis į tolį iš vietos dviem kojom (cm); medicininio (kimštinio) 1 kg kamuolio stūmimas nuo krūtinės (m); 3x10 m bėgimas (s); pasilenkimas žemyn (cm). Skirtumai tarp skirtingų lyčių, amžiaus ir fizinio pajėgumo vertinimo nustatyti naudojant vienfaktorinę dispersinę analizę (ANOVA). Ryšiai tarp kintamųjų apskaičiuoti remiantis Pirson'o (Pearson) r koreliacijos koeficientu. Rezultatai. 7 m. vaikų šuolio į tolį iš vietos testo rezultatai: 105,2 cm (mergaičių) 118,3 сm (berniukų) (p < 0,05). Medicininio (kimštinio) 1 kg kamuolio stūmimo nuo krūtinės testas: mergaitės – 2,73 m, berniukai – 3,35 m. (p < 0,05). 8 metų amžiaus berniukų šuolio į tolį testo rezultatas – 131,2 ...

Implicitinis ir eksplicitinis požiūris į naudojimąsi „Facebooku“


ris į jo naudojimą teigiamesnis nei tų, kurie neturi susikūrę savo paskyros šiame tinkle. Be to, eksplicitinis požiūris yra susijęs su prisijungimų dažniu ir laiku, praleistu prie šio socialinio tinklo, ir padeda prognozuoti "Facebooko" paskyros turėjimą. Implicitinio požiūrio sąsajų su elgesiu bei skirtumų tarp turinčių paskyrą ir jos neturinčių jaunuolių rasti nepavyko. Taip pat šis požiūris nėra prognozuojantis veiksnys, tačiau, nagrinėjant reakcijos greičio skirtumus, pastebėta, kad turintys paskyrą jaunuoliai greičiau susieja "Facebooką" su malonumu.

Music Activity as a Communication Tool for Young Autistic Adolescents

Pedagogika, 2015

Music and its influence on personality was for a long time under research and still is contextualized. The task of this work was to disclose possibilities of various music activities and to find out their positive influence for young autistic adolescents’ communication and interaction activities. It was also very important to find the answer to the question, if music interaction is possible for autistics as this disorder prevent ability to communicate and to get into contact with other people. Theoretical part of this piecework deals with the reasons for autistic disorder, manifestations of autism and specifics of communication. Also, here are presented approaches of view of different authors what concerns the music and various music activities in the context of musical methods. On the basis of this theoretical context was executed empirical research with autistic people where, according to the chosen music and usage of it’s methodology, was formulated task to try to reach (cultivat...

Neuroscience findings on brain maturation – arguments for the exclusive criminal liability of young people

Kriminologijos studijos, 2020

Taking together all the evidence on the aetiology, development and differential processes of delinquent behaviour from childhood to adulthood, we dispose of important new evidence from the neurosciences, which, compared to traditional criminological, developmental, psychological and sociological evidence, increases our capacity to explain the age-crime curve. In particular, the right-hand side of the curve, indicating desistance from crime in young adulthood between the ages of 18 and 25, can be based on new insights from neuroscientific research on brain maturation and the development of self-control mechanisms. As a result, new questions about judicial reactions and interventions must be raised. If an individual’s brain is fully matured only in the mid-twenties, general criminal law is possibly inappropriate, and a specific youth or young-adult criminal law reflecting the transitional processes and the diminished culpability of young-adult offenders should rather be applied. In ma...

Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto studentų pedagoginės praktikos patirtis: mokinių elgesio stebėjimas

Pedagogika, 2015

Behaviour is usually named as a main and the essential educational stimulus in the lesson. Due to the pupils’ inappropriate behaviour is common to blame their unwillingness to learn, laziness or period of adolescence. Teachers are usually looking for various types of abnormal behavior and other disorders in their pupils. Students who had teacher‘s assistant practice at schools were observing pupils and their teachers interaction in lessons. The observed lessons’ data show that lots of impact for pupil’s behaviour has teacher’s personality, the ability to communicate, respect and interact with them. The appropriate teaching organization, the competence to explain the aims and goals of the task, ability to select suitable teaching / learning methods, didactic attitude, the ability to control emotional intelligence and ect. According to reports of students, who had pedagogical teacher’s assistant practice at these schools, teachers not always give well suited teaching material. It does...

Empowering smart education for reducing the risk of suicide

Straipsnyje apžvelgiamas sumaniosios edukacijos įgalinimas, siekiant mažinti savižudybių rizikas. Analizuojama savižudybės samprata, jos rizikos apibrėžtis ir veiksniai. Pasitelkiant gerosios praktikos analizę bei Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos rekomendacijas, išskiriamos taikomos savižudybių rizikos prevencijos, kurių pagrindu projektuojamas edukacinis savižudybių rizikos valdymo modelis. Pasitelkiant atvejo analizę, išryškinama edukacijos svarba atpažįstant suicidinio elgesio signalus bei projektuojant įtraukties veiksmus per sumaniąją edukacijąThe article reviews the empowerment of smart education in order to reduce suicide risks. It analyzes the concept of suicide, definition of its risk and factors. Through the analysis of good practice and the recommendations of the World Health Organization, the educational suicidal risk management model is designed, based on the distinguished suicide prevention tools. Through case studies, the importance of education is highlighted in iden...