Youth Categories and Drugs in Kosovo (2001-2014) (original) (raw)

Rakić, D., Rakić, B., Mikalački, M., Protić-Gava, B., Jakšić, D., & Rađo, I. (2013). Frequency and changes in trends in use of illegal drugs among students in Novi Sad. HealthMED, 7(1), 61-66. ISSN:1840-2291

Healthmed, 2013

Drug Abuse Among Young People In Northern Kosovo


Drugs have the capacity to cause changes in behavior, perception, cognition and mood, and the desire to continue with their use, despite potentially very damaging consequences. The use of these substances occurs in both sexes and in all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and geographic groups. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of drug abuse among students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Protection from Kosovska Mitrovica. Materials and Methods: The data is presented in tables, absolute numbers and with the corresponding percentage structure in parentheses. Analysis of respondents was based on the year the respondent was attending, type of psychoactive substances, and in relation to gender. Comparison of the frequency of the parametric was performed by a chi-square test. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows XP with the level of significance of p <0.05. Authorized questionnaires were di...

The Availability and Use of Drugs in Slovenian Primary Schools and in Vicinities Close to Schools


According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drugs Addiction, preventive programmes and in schools and in vicinities close to schools, from students attending Slovenian primary schools. The research study consists of a data were gathered with a questionnaire, which consisted mainly of opinion and evaluation scales. Findings: The most important pay special attention to drug use in schools and in vicinities close to schools , although they may not initially see it as a problem.

A description of drug use among adolescents in Slovakia in different age and gender groups

Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2020

The paper describes the drug-using behaviour among young people (12-19 y.) within two age groups in Slovakia. The study aims to describe the prevalence of two different forms of drug-use (experimentation and use within the last 30 days) of legal and illegal substances: alcohol, nicotine (cigarettes), marijuana, and other illegal drugs. A descriptive analysis was applied to two age and gender groups. The research sample was made up of 2489 pupils in primary and secondary schools (various types) from different regions within Slovakia. One set was made up of 39.1% (N = 974) boys and 61.3% (N = 1515) girls aged 12-19 years which was divided into two age groups: group “14” (14 to 15 years, N = 923) and group “16” (16 and older, N = 1566). The SAHA method was used for data collection (Social and Health Assessment, Weissberg et al., 1991; a Slovak version by Rojková, 2017). Gender differences were tested statistically, and some differences were identified. The results are discussed in the ...

Factors Affecting the Tendency of Iranian Adolescents and Young People to Use Narcotic Drugs

Academic Journal of Psychological Studies, 2019

In this research, factors and variables such as family, peers, satellite, internet, artists, athletes and monthly (adolescent) receipts from the family as factors influencing the tendency of adolescents and young people to use drugs are determined. We will review it. Economic factors, mass media, reference groups, and social institutions have an impact on the tendency of adolescents and young people to use drugs. To reduce the tendency of adolescents and young people to use narcotics, various social institutions (family, school, community) are recommended by creating healthy recreation, changing existing programs in the media, eliminating the restrictions of the internal reference groups, promoting The level of education of families, the attention of parents to children and care in the peer group's membership in the prevention of serious attention. On the other hand, the NGO's organization with the formation of adolescent police and more attention to the status of this group, in order to prevent the tendency of adolescents and young people to Narcotics take the necessary measures.

The Prevalence of Illegal Drug Use

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014

The prevalence of the use of only one type of illicit drug, except marijuana or hashish, ranging from 0.4% to 14.3% for different substances. Psychoactive drugs used by participants aged 13-34 years in our study, are sedatives and tranquilizers without a prescription. Lifetime prevalence of consumption of sedatives without prescription resulted 14.3% of boys and girls reported similar prevalence (14.1% respectively 14.6% boys versus girls). For all other psychoactive substances illegal, the prevalence was significantly higher among men than among women. The aim of this study has been to undertake an in depth analysis of the prevalence, tendencies, and factors related to the use of psycho active substances among youth in Albania and evaluation of social services offered in the country. The objective of the study is the Determination of the prevalence and frequency of consumption of illegal drugs and their relation to socio-demographic and economic factors. This study is transversal (crosssectional), the only type of study which allows interest phenomenon prevalence evaluation. In this study are included two subject groups: one group consists of subjetcs currently present at education system and interviewed at school settings, i.e secondary schools, high schools and university. The other group consists of youngsters being interviwed not at schools settings.

Drug Scene Changes During Two Decades: Slovakia 1993 – 2012

European Scientific Journal, 2013

Study presents short overview of drug situation's indicators during the first, or heroin decade of drugs, and then during the second, soft and synthetic drugs decade of drugs in Slovakia. Then the results of series of nation-wide school surveys, mapping development of licit and illicit drugs use among children and youth during nineties are outlined. The results indicated constant growth of licit and illicit drugs consumption among primary school pupils, and secondary school students until the fourth wave of nation-wide school surveys in the years 2006 -2007. However, the next wave after four years has detected profound change in the expected pattern of further growth in the case of illicit drugs. Instead of this decline of use or at least stabilization occurred among Slovak youth. At the same time we have found growth of use in the case of licit drugs -alcohol and tobacco, more profoundly among girls. Also the use of new synthetic drugs among young people was revealed via traditional school survey.

Frequency of Substance Abuse Among Adolescents Public health institute of Canton

Introduction: Drug addiction is one of the most prominent problems in many countries in transition, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Age limit of drug addiction is shifted to the younger age groups, especially is troubling the increase in number of injection drug users. Our study was aimed to investigate the habits, attitudes and practices related to drug use among young people from the area of Sarajevo city. We can still feel the effects of the war, among which are the most important life without closest relatives, banishment and various types of war and postwar trauma. Goals: To determine the frequency of substance abuse among adolescents; Identify potentially relevant biological, psychological and socio economic characteristics of the adolescents; To explore adolescents attitudes towards drug use; Examine the general level of knowledge of adolescents about drugs and their effects. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on randomized sample of 502 students in two primary and three secondary schools in Sarajevo and Gracanica. To study used survey method. Survey instrument was a self-made questionnaire with the research variables. The obtained data were processed by a computer and statistically correlated. The study is of combined, retrospective, prospective and transversal type. Results: To the question " How many times have you consumed cannabis in the last 30 days " about 6% of the respondents have tried once or twice, while 1.5% use it daily, ecstasy have tried one or two times 2.25%, while 0.5% have daily use. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that students at schools in Sarajevo consumed drugs 50% more than the children in Gracanica. Analyzing the age at which the subjects consumed the drug for the first time, we came to the conclusion that in the third year of high school only 8% of adolescents have tried any drugs before they turned 15 years. This percentage among eighth graders is about three times higher. Conclusion: Presented research results clearly suggest a strong contamination of the living environment of young people with different types of psychoactive substances. Offer of drugs is extensive and distribution network covers all the places where young people visits, including schools. It is clear that today's teenagers sooner or later hear about drugs, see, get in touch with a " junkie " and have a chance to take the drugs if they want to. From our research, we found that the following factors: Marital status of parents, employment of parents, the number of family members, type of school and satisfaction with oneself are not crucial for the eventual drug use among young people. While, the biological status of the parents, educational status of parents, financial status of parents, the tendency of parents tobacco and alcohol use, adolescents' attitude to parents, the harmony of relationships between parents, school performance, positive attitude toward the so-called light drugs, represent significant risk factors for adolescent populations.