Nuclear physics research program at the Karaj cyclotron (original) (raw)

Nuclear physics research program at the 30 MeV Karaj cyclotron

Radiation Measurements, 2002

A versatile reaction chamber and its accessories as well as a multiparameter data acquisition system were designed, assembled, and installed in the R& D hall at NRCAM to allow nuclear measurements. The 209 Bi(p; f) and 197 Au(p; f) reaction experiments at Ep = 30 MeV were performed. The good agreement between our experimental results as compared with previously published data are presented here to show the reliability of our apparatus. In the case of the bismuth reaction, the ÿssion cross section obtained by using pair spectrometry as well as its associated error have been measured for the ÿrst time.

Measurement of the Proton-induced Reaction Cross-sections of Zr-nat(p,xn)Y-86,Y-87m,Y-87(m+g),Y-88 up to 40 MeV

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2008

We measured the production cross-sections of Y-86,Y-87m,Y-87(m+g),Y-88 radioisotopes for proton-induced reactions on natural zirconium by using a stacked-foil activation technique in the energy range of 4-40 MeV at the MC50 cyclotron of the Korean Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences. The activation method and the stacked-foil technique using the high-resolution HPGe gamma spectrometry were applied to determine the production cross-sections. The beam current was determined by the monitor reactions Cu-nat(p,x)Zn-62 and Al-27(p,x)Na-22,Na-24. This work reports new data for the above reactions. The results were also compared with ALICE-IPPE model calculations compiled in MENDL-2P file. This experiment is in partial agreement with model calculations. The Optimum energy range for the production of Y-86 is 40 - 30 MeV. The highest yield of Y-86 amounts to 33.37 MBq/mu Ah over this energy range and the levels of the Y-87, Y-87m and Y-88 impurities to 2.3, 26.55 and 0.33 %, respec...

Nuclear reaction analysis cross-sections measurements for Boron and Carbon


The aim of the project was to measure nuclear reaction cross-sections for selected light elements such as Boron and Carbon for the database at Radiation Utilisation Group of Neesa. Deuteron-Induced and 'He-induced reactions were performed at the 4 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at detection angles of El = ISO' and 135' for incident beam energies between 1.8 and 2.8 MeV. Immediate application of this study will help in determining: i. My late parents, Mrs Sainah and Mr Dumanezwe Miya, I wish you were still there to see how successful Your boy has become in science, by the way I mean thank you for supponing me relentlessly no matter what the situation was. i. My big sister and brother, BathobiIe and Mlekeleli. thank you for being there for me after our parents had passed away. not forgetting my little brother. Mxolisi and the rest of the siblings for looking up on me. making me feel like somebody really great at all the times. __ I thank the University of Zululand for having faith in me. many thanks to Prof O. M. Ndwandwe in the Physics Department. __ My high school teachers. Mrs M. Mpisi and Mrs Magubane. and the rest of Siyaphambili high school staff. you people played a very huge role in my up bringing. a-I thank NECSA for enabling me to work on the on the project. i. Lastly. I thank!''RF for their financial support. \\ ithout a financial muscle this work would have not been a success. i\'landithi inkosi kakhulu nakuni maGcwanini amahle, boMunja, Zibewu. boBhincel' ohlangeni ngokuyibheka lenkwenkwana yenu kuze kube apha. manditsho-ke ndithi Zijekula~~~~I V Declaration I declare that J.VR4 cross sections measurements for boron and carbon in the incident energy range 1.8-2.81vfeV at an angle of 15(j' and 135" is my own work, that it has not been submitted for any degree or any other university. and that all the resources I used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by complete references.

cyclotron at KIRAMS


The accuracy of the measured excitation functions of nuclear reactions largely depend on the precise measurements of the exposed beam energy in activation experiment. We investigated the proton beam energy of the MC-50 cyclotron at the Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) employing the method nat Cu(p,xn) 62 Zn / nat Cu(p,xn) 65 Zn together with a stacked-foil activation technique. The beam energy along with the stacked samples was also theoretically calculated using computer program SRIM-2003. The measured beam energy showed generally a good agreement with the calculated ones, and this fact demonstrated that the energy (<30 MeV) of the proton beam could be determined by irradiating thin metallic Cu foil target with natural isotopic compositions. Hence, this may be considered as a useful technique for beam monitoring purposes in activation experiment.

Research in Heavy Ion Nuclear Reactions


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.

Nuclear Reactions: Mechanism and Spectroscopy. Volume I

arXiv: Nuclear Experiment, 2016

Volume II of two. This document could be of interest to anyone who wants to have a comprehensive inside information about the research in nuclear physics from its early beginnings to later years. It describes highlights of my research work from the late 1950s to the late 1980s. It presents a panorama of experimental and theoretical methods used in the study of nuclear reactions (their mechanism and their application to the study of nuclear structure), the panorama ranging from simple detection techniques used in the early research to more complicated in later years, from simple theoretical interpretations to more complicated descriptions. This document describes my research work in Poland, Australia, Switzerland and Germany using various particle accelerators and a wide range of experimental and theoretical techniques. It presents a typical cross section of experimental and theoretical work in the early and later stages of nuclear research in the field of nuclear reactions.

Measurement of 92Mo(n,α)89Zr and 97Mo(n,p)97Nb reactions at the neutron energy 13.52 MeV with covariance analysis

Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics

The cross sections have been estimated for the Nuclear reactions 92 Mo(n,α) 89 Zr and 97 Mo(n,p) 97 Nb produced in Purnima neutron generator at neutron energy of 13.52±0.0045 MeV using activation analysis and off-line γ-ray spectrometric techniques. 27 Al(n,α) 24 Na has been used as a monitor reaction. The covariance analysis for these cross sections has been carried out by taking into consideration of partial uncertainties of different attributes and correlations between the attributes. The cross section values of the present study have been compared with EXFOR, ENDF data of various libraries and theoretical data of TALYS-1.8 code.