Comparative Analysis of Bayes Net Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier and Combination of both Classifiers using WEKA (original) (raw)

Evaluation of Various Classification Techniques of Weka Using Different Datasets

International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2016

In this paper we have compared various classification methods using UCI machine learning dataset under WEKA. We have used three measuring factors which names are Accuracy, kappa statistics and mean absolute error for execution by each technique is observed during experiment. This work has been carried out to make a performance evolution of J48, Multilayerperceptron, Naive Bayes and SMO classifier. On Account of this work we have used four type of secondary data.


Data Mining is the process of extracting interesting, non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful patterns or knowledge with the help of various techniques from various data sources. Classification is the process of finding a model that describes and distinguishes data classes or concepts. There exist several algorithms for classification in data mining, these algorithms have their strengths and weaknesses, and there is no single algorithm that is most suitable for all classes of data. This project is directed at evaluating the performance of three classification algorithms, i.e., decision tree algorithm, naïve bayes algorithm, and k-nearest Neighbour algorithm. Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) was used to analyze the algorithms; performance parameters include classification accuracy, error rate, execution time, confusion matrix, and area under the curve. Five datasets were used for the analysis, which are the Iris dataset, chronic kidney disease dataset, Breast cancer dataset, diabetes dataset, and hypothyroid dataset. The datasets were obtained from the UCI Machine Repository and split into training and testing; 60% 40% and 70% 30%. The decision tree algorithm was found to be more accurate than the naive bayes algorithm and K-NN algorithm. In terms of Execution time, K-NN outperforms naive bayes and decision trees on the five datasets. Moreover, K-NN has more percentage of error recorded on average on the five datasets. Therefore, no particular algorithm is best suited for a specific situation, the performance of classification algorithms depends on the type and size of datasets, i.e., one algorithm is more appropriate for one dataset while another algorithm is not appropriate for the same dataset.

Comparison of Different Datasets Using Various Classification Techniques with Weka


Data Mining refers to mining or extracting knowledge from huge volume of data. Classification is used to classify each item in set of data into one of the predefined set of classes. In data mining, an important technique is classification, generally used in broad applications, which classifies various kinds of data. In this paper, different datasets from University of California, Irvine (UCI) are compared with different classification techniques. Each technique has been evaluated with respect to accuracy and execution time and performance evaluation has been carried out with J48, Simple CART (Classification and Regression Testing), and BayesNet and NaiveBayesUpdatable Classification algorithm.

Performance evaluation of different classification techniques using different datasets

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019

Nowadays data mining become one of the technologies that paly major effect on business intelligence. However, to be able to use the data mining outcome the user should go through many processes such as classified data. Classification of data is processing data and organize them in specific categorize to be use in most effective and efficient use. In data mining one technique is not applicable to be applied to all the datasets. Many data users wasting a lot of time trying many classification techniques in order to find the most an appropriate technique to be used. This paper showing the difference result of applying different techniques on the same data. This paper evaluates the performance of different classification techniques using different datasets. In this study four data classification techniques have chosen. They are as follow, BayesNet, NaiveBayes, Multilayer perceptron and J48. The selected data classification techniques performance tested under two parameters, the time taken to build the model of the dataset and the percentage of accuracy to classify the dataset in the correct classification. The experiments are carried out using Weka 3.8 software. The results in the paper demonstrate that the efficiency of Multilayer Perceptron classifier in overall the best accuracy performance to classify the instances, and NaiveBayes classifiers were the worst outcome of accuracy to classifying the instance for each dataset.

Weka Classifiers Summary

A summary of all implement weka classifier. For each classifier we give a short introduction and reference on a techinical paper for more information.

Naive Bayes Classifier, Decision Tree and Adaboost Ensemble Algorithm – Advantages and Disadvantages

6th ERAZ Conference Proceedings (part of ERAZ conference collection)

The purpose of the publication is to analyse popular classification algorithms in machine learning. The following classifiers were studied: Naive Bayes Classifier, Decision Tree and AdaBoost Ensemble Algorithm. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Research shows that there is no comprehensive universal method or algorithm for classification in machine learning. Each method or algorithm works well depending on the specifics of the task and the data used.

Study on Naive Bayesian Classifier and its relation to Information Gain

Classification and clustering techniques in d ata mining are useful for a wide variety of real time applications dealing with large amount o f data. Some of the application areas of data mining are text classification, medical diagnosis, intrusion detection systems etc . The Naive Bayes Classifier techn ique is based on the Bayesian theorem and is particularly suited when the dimensionality of the inputs is high. Despite its simplicity, Naive Bayes can often outperform more sophisticated classification methods. The approach is called "naïve" because it assumes the independence between the various attribute values. Naïve Bayes classification can be viewed as both a descriptive and a predictive type of algorithm. The probabilities are descriptive and are then used to predict the class membership for a untrained data.


In Indian Education System, the student performance evaluation is done by faculty manually. This System of student performance evaluation is non-transparent and often leads to dissatisfaction of student. This project aims to solve this problem by designing a user interface which would work on learning using Naïve Bayes Classifier.In evaluating the marks of students by faculty, many times there is partiality done by faculty while giving marks to the students. Therefore to cease this problem the concept of data mining is introduced. Data mining techniques are widely used in educational field to find new hidden patterns from student's data. The hidden patterns that are discovered can be used to understand the problem arise in the educational field. Data Mining (DM), or Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), is an approach to discover useful information from large amount of data. DM techniques apply various methods in order to discover and extract patterns from stored data. The pattern found will be used to solve a number of problems occurred in many fields such as education, economic, business, statistics, medicine, and sport. The large volume of data stored in those areas demands for DM approach because the resulting analysis is much more precise and accurate.

Comparative Study of K-NN, Naive Bayes and Decision Tree Classification Techniques

Classification is a data mining technique used to predict group membership for data instances within a given dataset. It is used for classifying data into different classes by considering some constrains. The problem of data classification has many applications in various fields of data mining. This is because the problem aims at learning the relationship between a set of feature variables and a target variable of interest. Classification is considered as an example of supervised learning as training data associated with class labels is given as input. Classification algorithms have a wide range of applications like Customer Target Marketing, Medical Disease Diagnosis, Social Network Analysis, Credit Card Rating, Artificial Intelligence, and Document Categorization etc. Several major kinds of classification techniques are K-Nearest Neighbor classifier, Naive Bayes, and Decision Trees. This paper focuses on study of various classification techniques, their advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison of Different Classification Techniques Using Different Datasets


In this paper different classification techniques of Data Mining are compared using diverse datasets from University of California, Irvine(UCI). Accuracy and time required for execution by each technique is observed. The Data Mining refers to extracting or mining knowledge from huge volume of data. Classification is an important data mining technique with broad applications. It classifies data of various kinds. Classification is used in every field of our life. Classification is used to classify each item in a set of data into one of predefined set of classes or groups. This work has been carried out to make a performance evaluation of J48, MultilayerPerceptron, NaiveBayesUpdatable, and BayesNet classification algorithm. Naive Bayes algorithm is based on probability and j48 algorithm is based on decision tree. The paper sets out to make comparative evaluation of classifiers J48, MultilayerPerceptron, NaiveBayesUpdatable, and BayesNet in the context of Labour, Soyabean and Weather da...