Barreira placentária de Calomys callosus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) (original) (raw)

Cintoríny ako antropogénne biotopy


Cemeteries are important habitats of plants and animals in cultural landscape, in towns and rural areas (villages). They represent very specific complex anthropogenic habitats formed by anthosoils, stones, walls, trampled areas, grasslands as well as woody plants. High diversity of plant species (cyanobacteria, algae, lichens, mosses, flowering plants), birds and other animals, esp. un-vertebrates, reflects high habitat heterogeneity of the biotope limited by the restricted area. Synanthropic plants, cultivated and spontaneous ones, are dominant and more frequent species in the areas. Species richness depends on cemetery size (area) , habitat diversity (shading by tall trees, original vegetation, geomorphology), age (historical development) as well as human activities in the area (weeding, grass cutting). Cemeteries are considered as sites of naturaliza-tion of introduced organisms and breeding centres of alien species, including invasive plants and animals. But historical cemeterie...

Makrozoobentos Nižného Terianskeho plesa (Vysoké Tatry)

The structure of macrozoobenthic assemblages of littoral, inlet and outlet of oligotrophic alpine lake Nižné Terianske pleso in High Tatras Mts. (Slovakia) with emphasis on temporal fauna was investigated during the years 2000 and 2001. The appearance of 23 taxons of aquatic invertebrates in total (16 in inlet, 13 in littoral, 15 in outlet) was registered. Excepting Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, Plecoptera dominated in inlet, Trichoptera in littoral and Simuliidae in outlet. Central European mountain species with short life cycle prevailed. The regular appearance of species Crenobia alpina, Diura bicaudata, Capnia vidua and Drusus trifidus confirmed that the lake is not affected by acidification.

Chorológia niektorých taxónov kritických rodov Crataegus L. a Rosa L. vo vybraných častiach Národného parku Nízke Tatry. Časť 1

This article presents the result of the research of hawthorns (Crataegus L.) and roses (Rosa L.) realised in the south-west part of the buffer zone of the Low tatras national Park (nAPAnt). In the 2011 we determined 6 hawthorns taxa (3 species and 3 hybrids) and 17 roses taxa (13 varieties in the frame of 6 species and 2 hybrids) in the area of Protected Sites Jakub, Protected Sites kopec, nature reserve Mackov bok, Javorie and Vlačuhovo. The species Crataegus ×media was not recorded in the area of NAPANT still. The most frequent taxa are Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. (67 localities), Rosa canina L. (99 localities) and R. ×subcanina (H. Christ) r. keller (65 localities). the high number of the species and varieties of the recognized genera in relatively small area (approximately 107 hectares) indicates floristic richness and suitable habitats prefered by hawthorns and roses.


The Russian Review, 1984

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Zaniknutá karnerová kaplnka v meste Krupina

Archaeologia historica

Mesto Krupina patrí medzi najstaršie mestá na Slovensku, pričom prijímalo či odovzdávalo vplyvy nielen v právnej, hospodárskej, ale aj architektonickej a duchovnej oblasti. Juhozápadne od rímskokatolíckeho kostola bola v stredoveku postavená karnerová kaplnka – vyčlenený osobitný priestor pre ukladanie kostí zosnulých obyvateľov mesta. O zachovanej podzemnej časti krupinského karnera boli prvé údaje v odbornej literatúre publikované v roku 2006. Karner má štvorcový pôdorys, pričom najbližšie analógie sú s rakúskymi karnermi. Svojím centrálnym zaklenutím na stredový pilier ho možno analogicky spojiť s karnerom v blízkej Banskej Štiavnici, s ktorou má Krupina doložené dlhodobé hospodárske i umeleckohistorické vzťahy. Autori príspevku riešia rôzne otázky týkajúce sa karnerovej kaplnky a uvažujú o jej zaradení do kontextu vývoja karnerových kaplniek v stredoeurópskych súvislostiach.