New Approach to Frequency Dictionaries—Czech Example (original) (raw)

A Frequency Dictionary

Based on a 20-million-word corpus evenly divided between spoken, fiction and non-fiction texts from both Portugal and Brazil, the dictionary provides the user with a detailed frequency-based list, as well as alphabetical and part of speech indexes.

Putting Frequencies in the Dictionary


A central fact about a word is how common it is. The information is particularly valuable for language learners, as it immediately indicates how important it is to learn a word. With the advent of large computerised language corpora, it is for the rst time possible to meet the demand. Both Longman Dictionaries and Collins COBUILD decided to present frequency information explicitly in new editions of their learners' dictionaries. The paper describes how this was done at Longman, and the various issues encountered along the way. It also compares the Longman and Collins COBUILD lists.

The Methodology of Frequency Dictionaries to the Instructions to Medical Products


The methodology of frequency dictionaries compilation has been described step by step in our linguistic study. In particular, the tools of the KWIC Concordance computer program for linguistic data processing have been used to form the source of the study, on the basis of which a trilingual corpus has been formed, which is the material for further compilation of frequency dictionaries to the instructions to medical products. Subsequently, such data can be used in various scientific studies.

Basic research in phonology, resources and applications–the case of frequency


E crescente a valorizacao da conversao do conhecimento fundamental desenvolvido pelos cientistas em produtos concretos, socialmente relevantes. No Laboratorio de Fonetica da Universidade de Lisboa tem-se trabalhado nos ultimos anos tanto em dominios de investigacao fundamental, como de investigacao aplicada. Neste artigo e feita uma revisao dos principais recursos recentemente disponibilizados a comunidade por este Laboratorio visando o acesso a informacao sobre frequencia fonologica e lexical. Sao sumariamente apresentados, em particular, as aplicacoes informaticas para extracao de informacao de frequencia fonologica e lexical FreP (V2016) e FreLex, a base de dados alargada FrePOP (agora sobre um corpus de cerca de 2 milhoes de palavras), e 3 novos lexicos, o FrePOP Lexicon (frequencia lexical num corpus de 3 milhoes de palavras), o PLEX5 – Um lexico Infantil para o Portugues Europeu e o CDS_EP – Frequencia lexical nos dados de fala dirigida a crianca da FrePOP (0;11 a 3;04 ). Sao ...

Frequency Analysis of Languages Using Latin Alphabet


The evaluation of the peculiarities of alphabets, particularly the frequency of letters is essential when designing keyboards, analysing texts, designing alphabet-based games, and doing some text mining. Thus, it is important to determine what might be useful for designers of text input tools, and of other technologies related to sets of letters. Knowledge of common features among different languages gives an opportunity to take advantage of the experience of other languages. Nowadays an increasing amount of texts is published on the Internet. In order to adequately compare the frequencies of letters in different languages used in the online space, Wikipedia texts have been selected as a source material for investigation. This paper presents the Method of the Adjacent Letter Frequency Differences in the frequency line, which helps to evaluate frequency breakpoints. This is a uniform evaluation criterion for 25 main languages using Latin script in order to highlight the similarities ...

A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese

A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese is an invaluable tool for all learners of Japanese, providing a list of the 5,000 most commonly used words in the language. Based on combined corpora of over 107 million words-covering spoken and written, fiction and non-fiction registers-this dictionary provides the user with a detailed frequency-based list, as well as alphabetical and part-of-speech indexes. All entries in the frequency list feature the English equivalent and a sample sentence with English translation. The dictionary also contains 25 thematically organized lists of frequently used words on a variety of topics such as food, weather, occupations and leisure. Numerous bar charts are also included to highlight the phonetic and spelling variants across register. A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese enables students of all levels to maximize their study of Japanese vocabulary in an efficient and engaging way. It is also an excellent resource for teachers of the language.