The Sharp Interface Model:Zero-Order Reaction with Volume Change (original) (raw)
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A non-isothermal, non-equimolar transient kinetic model for gas-solid reactions
Chemical Engineering Science, 1998
A numerical model is presented, designed to simulate the kinetic and thermal behaviour of a porous pellet in which any gas-solid reaction is taking place. Its novelty consists in the fact that it can deal with reactions whether they are exothermic or endothermic, whether they are equimolar or not, whether they are reversible or irreversible, and further reactions in the transient regime and even the possible presence of inert gases and solids can be treated. The numerical scheme is based on the finite volume method in an implicit formulation, with a specific treatment of the thermal source term for strongly exothermic reactions. The model was validated by comparison with analytical and numerical solutions from the literature and was used to simulate the exothermic reaction involved in the oxidation of zinc sulphide.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 1997
A simple model for simultaneous isothermal noncatalytic gas-solid reactions, occurring in spherical particles either shrinking or growing with reaction, is developed. The particles are assumed to be packed following the hexagonal close-packed model and allowed to overlap. The model predicts how the surface area and porosity of the compact vary with reaction and describes the spatiotemporal evolution of solid reactant conversion as well as product selectivity. The influence of physicochemical variables on product uniformity is studied.
Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (JChPE), 2021
In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to calculate the conversion and the residence time reaction for plug flow and mixed flow in the fluidized reactors filled with flat plate particles using the shrinking core model. In this modeling, the size of the particles is unchanged during the reaction. Also, the reaction rate is controlled by the gas layer resistance, the ash layer resistance, and the reaction resistance as well as the combination of them. It is also assumed that the gas diffuses from the side, whereas the effect of diffusion in the axial direction is neglected. Equations are solved by numerical methods. This paper's innovation is investigating the combination of resistances effect on the conversion of the reaction. The results for a specific time show that when the reaction rate is controlled by each of the resistances individually, the conversion rate is greater. For example when the reaction is controlled by the ash layer resistance versus when the other two resistance regimes control it. Finally, the effect of the combination of different controlling regimes on the conversion and residence time of reaction for plug flow and mixed flow of particles is studied and it is found that the overall results are similar to each other. In addition, the results that the curves for the gas film layer resistance and the chemical reaction resistance, are the same and correspond to each other. Because the equations of the conversion rate are the same.
Modeling of multi gas-solid reactions: A transient model
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1997
A rigorous multicomponent multi gassolid reaction model is developed. It is based on the particlepellet model and considers the transient nature of the system, interand intra-particle heat and mass transfer and the variation of structural parameters with reaction. The model equations describing the structural changes along with property evaluation schemes are formulated for a general multicomponent system. Simulation results are compared with experimental data for carbon gasification and the reduction of a nickel oxide / hematite mixture. The match between model and experiment was found satisfactory. Both concentration and temperature profiles and other parameters are examined. On a mis au point un modele de reactions gazsolides multiples a plusieurs composantes. II s'appuie sur le modele particules-pastilles et considere la nature transitoire du systeme, le transfert de chaleur et de matiere inter et intra-particulaire, ainsi que la variation des parametres structurels avec la reaction. Les equations de rnodele decrivant les changements structurels ainsi que les schemas d'evaluation des proprietes sont formulees pour un systeme a composantes multiples general. Les resultats des simulations sont compares aux donnees experimentales pour la gazeification du carbone et la reduction d'un melange oxyde de nickelihematite. L'accord entre le modele et I'experience s'est avere satisfaisant. Les profils de concentration et de temperature sont examines ainsi que d'autres parametres.
Mathematical model for simultaneous growth of gas and solid phases in gas-eutectic reaction
Journal of Materials Science, 2005
Simultaneous growth of solid and gas phases from gas supersaturated melt is the basis of a relatively new method for the production of ordered porosity materials. Such phase transformation is called gas-eutectic reaction. The structure obtained mainly depends on thermal and gas diffusion phenomena at solid/liquid interface. It is difficult to control this phase transformation but it is very important to the eventual structure. The development of a general mathematical model of the entire physical process will help for better understanding of the structure formation and will allow effective control to be provided. This paper presents a mathematical description of the complex physical phenomena during gas-eutectic transformation. Analyses for heat transfer, solidification kinetics and gas diffusion were coupled to describe the formation of the gas reinforced structure. The model was applied for simulation of structures after some special processing regimes. The structure sensitivity with respect to the different components of gas pressure is discussed. C 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
Solid-solid reactions in series: A modeling and experimental study
Aiche Journal, 2009
Reactions among particulate solid phases are important and abundant in many materials, chemical, and metallurgical process industries. Many of these are reaction networks, and not single-step reactions as normally assumed. There is no theoretical framework available for the analysis of such systems, and single-reaction models derived from the gas–solid literature continue to be used. Formation of cement clinker in the rotary cement kiln is a prime example of the genre, in which mechanistic aspects play an important role in determining energy efficiency and the composition and nature of the phases that form. In the present study, we formulate a model within the ambit of the “shrinking core” class of models, for reactions in series among solid phases. The model shows the presence of one or two moving fronts in the reacting particle, depending on the relative rates of the processes involved. A single Thiele-type parameter controls the model behavior, at once describing the relative rates of the intermediate formation and consumption processes, and the diffusion-reaction competition for the product formation step. The model has been shown to reduce to the well known single reaction models at the limits of low and high values of the Thiele parameter. Experimental data have been obtained on the calcia-alumina system, an important one in cement manufacture, in the temperature range 1150–1250°C. The model has been fitted to these data and the kinetic parameters determined. The comparison bears out the salient features of the theory, and shows that a degree of diffusion limitation exists for the intermediate conversion step under these conditions. The diffusivity values estimated are in the range of 10−19 to 10−18 m2/s and agree with values found in the literature for similar systems. The rate constant for the intermediate conversion step is of the order of 10−6 s−1. This being among the first such determinations, this value awaits confirmation from other studies. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009
A model for the kinetics of mechanically assisted gas–solid reactions
Scripta Materialia - SCRIPTA MATER, 2004
This paper proposes a phenomenological model for the kinetics of mechanically induced gas–solid reactions, based on a thermal analogy and supported by the isokinetic character shown by the absorption curves when the specific energy dose is considered. In addition, the rate constant for mechanically assisted nitriding of IVb metals is found to scale with the milling intensity.
Approximate solutions for nonlinear gas-solid noncatalytic reactions
Aiche Journal, 1993
In the context of gas-solid noncatalytic reactions, several models have been developed in the literature (for comprehensive reviews, cf. . This work focuses on the sharp-interface model (SIM), which can be used to describe, once incorporated into a suitable reactor model, a variety of chemical and metallurgical processes including the roasting of zinc sulfide and the combustion of coal . Under the assumptions of isothermal conditions, equimolar counterdiffusion of reacting and product gases and pseudo-steadystate approximation, an analytical relationship that provides the time required to reach the desired conversion of a single particle of the solid reactant can be derived in a straightforward manner for the case of a first-order reaction with respect to the gaseous reactant . The assumption of a first-order reaction, however, can be valid only over a limited range of conditions and may not even be true when the gaseous reactant is adsorbed strongly on the solid surface. A number of examples of nonlinear gas-solid noncatalytic reactions are reported in the literature (Cannon and Denbigh, 1957; Habashi, 1969; Chu and Rahmel, 1979). For nonlinear kinetics, the conversion of the solid reactant as a function of time has to be computed numerically, as shown by Sohn and Szekely (1972) for power-law kinetics and by Ramachandran (1982) for Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetics.