Características psicométricas do Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS) em estudantes universitários Brasileiros (original) (raw)
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Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS): A Validity Study
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
The researches show that burnout is related student achievement and Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) is one of the most known measurement tool about burnout. For this reason there is need for validity studies of the MBI-SS for Turkish High school students. During the scale carrying out process, less-known but more effective validated procedures are used. The aim of this study is carrying out a construct validity study for a MBI-SS which assess the burnout related to student achievement. In this research, the scale is applied to 9 th , 10 th , 11 th and 12 th grade students, the data obtained from 1020 high school students and is analysed for the validity and reliability studies of the MBI-SS. Results show that the reliability of this scale is satisfying. With the results of confirmatory factor analysis it was found that MBI-SS, which was applied Turkish student, has got three dimension(exhaustion, cynicism and reduced efficacy). But, the findings of confirmatory factor analysis are not similar to the findings of less-known validated procedures determined below and explanatory factor analysis. Findings show that the less-known validated procedures and explanatory factor analysis can not give more stronger statistical results than confirmatory.
International Journal of Higher Education
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to investigate the impact of burnout on the academic achievement of female students in the colleges of health sciences and to explore on their educational levels of study regarding burnout.Methods: Purposive sampling technique was used in this study and a sample size of 540 Saudi female students was chosen to participate in this study. The tools used were Maslach Burnout Inventory–General Survey for Students MBI–GS (S) to measure the level of burnout and a socio-demographic questionnaire were administered on participants. The MBI–GS (S) proved internal consistency reliability at 0.86 across many samples.Results: The level of burnout among participants was 51.9%. Some 27.2% of the participants experienced mild burnout, while 14.4% showed moderate levels of burnout. Only 6.5% of participants displayed a high level of burnout, and they were among the Colleges of Pharmacy (25.0%) and Dentistry (10.1%).Conclusions: The study findings showed n...
Economy & Business Journal, 2019
The role of the university department and students’ year of birth and year of study in relation to burnout syndrome has been examined thoroughly. In this paper it is assumed that students are considered as workers and that the studies are analogously their work. Correspondingly, the years of study are proportional to both the student's age and the characteristics of the workload to. In this regard, a structured questionnaire was answered by 582 students of the University of Patras whose answers were analysed via an exploratory factor analysis. The aim was to deconstruct the phenomenon of students’ burnout in its causal structural elements and to examine the impact of the university department and the year of study on each of these elements. The results showed that the university department affects the students' burnout syndrome via three channels: efficacy and self-accomplishment of studies, lack of interest in university studies and via the difficulty in collaborating with ...
Conhecimento & Diversidade, 2024
The emotional exhaustion assessment scale has been tested for validity and reliability in different cultures. In this study, The short version of the emotional exhaustion Assessment Tool Core (BAT-C) was originally developed by Schaufeli et al. (2020b) and was adapted to Turkish. The Turkish scale was applied to 359 students studying at a state university in the 2022-2023 academic year. The study is significant in data collection and providing university students with emotional exhaustion assessment experiences. The short version of the emotional Exhaustion Assessment Tool Core Scale consists of 4 sub-dimensions. In the adaptation study, the opinions of a total of six experts in the fields of translation and evaluation were taken. Reliability analyses were conducted, and a model fit test and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were organized. As reported, the emotional exhaustion Assessment Tool Core Scale's four-dimensional structure was confirmed. In this study, reliability analysis evaluated the scale's internal consistency and Cronbach's alpha value. The scale's overall internal consistency coefficient was determined to be 0.97. The Turkish and short version of the emotional exhaustion Assessment Tool Core Scale was confirmed by CFA analysis to be reliable and valid in the sample group
International journal of research publications, 2022
Background: Burnout is a symptom of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and fatigue that occurs in an individual who does work by providing a form of service to others or the like. Burnout has the possibility of happening to students even though professionally students are not considered to be working or not having a job. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome based on the year of lecture and to determine academic and non-academic factors that influence the occurrence of burnout syndrome in medical students. Method: This study is a cross-sectional with respondents from the Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University in the 2019-2021 class. The sampling technique was carried out by consecutive sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. Instrument used is a burnout scale questionnaire made by Freudenberger and Richelson which has been translated into Indonesian Results: The results showed that 136 medical students had filled out the distributed questionnaires. The total number of students affected by burnout is 71 people with a percentage of 52.2%. In this study, the academic and non-academic factors that were found to have a significant effect on the occurrence of burnout in students were the average lecture time (p-value = 0.011), study fatigue (p-value = 0.038), and free time (p-value = 0.037) through logistic regression. Conclusion: There is a correlation between the incidence of burnout with the variable duration of daily lectures, study fatigue, and free time.
Oldenburg Burnout Inventory - student version: cultural adaptation and validation into Portuguese
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2012
Realizou-se adaptação cultural do Inventário de Oldenburg para estudantes (OLBI-S) em português e estimou-se sua confiabilidade e validade. O OLBI-S foi preenchido por 958 estudantes universitários brasileiros e 602 portugueses. O modelo fatorial original apresentou ajustamento adequado mas foram removidos dois itens com confiabilidade individual baixa (λ<0,5). A nova estrutura apresentou bom ajustamento a 2/3 da amostra total sendo invariante no 1/3 restante da amostra. Verificou-se baixa consistência interna e validade convergente, confiabilidade compósita aceitável, boa validade discriminante, concorrente e divergente. O OLBI-S não foi invariante nas amostras de Brasil e Portugal. O OLBI-S apresentou limitações e ausência de validade transcultural nas amostras estudadas. Palavras-chave: Burnout, estudantes universitários, avaliação, Psicometria.