Index seminum et sporarum quae Hortus Botanicus Conimbrigensis pro mutua commutatione offert. 2012 (original) (raw)
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DESCRIPTION Isolated from mainland Europe by the Pyrenees, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean (N, W and SW) and the Mediterranean Sea (S and E), the Iberian Peninsula is a small continent with a very rich flora (about eight thousands species), including several hundreds of endemic species of vascular plants (about two thirds of the total flora of Europe).The Index Seminum of the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra is one of the oldest periodic publications in Portugal (yearly published since 1868). Founded by Professor Julio Augusto Henriques (1838-1928) in the beginning of his long scientific career, the “Index Seminum et Sporarum quae Hortus Botanicus Conimbrigensis pro mutua commutatione offert” has been continuously published by the eforts of many people, including several outstanding botanists (professors, naturalists, gardeners and collectors).
Scientia Insularum. Revista de Ciencias Naturales en islas, 2020
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Warm-Temperate Forests of Central Portugal: A Mosaic of Syntaxa
Geobotany Studies, 2014
Despite extensive afforestations with allochthonous tree species, the Atlantic 7 façade of the mountain chain that extends through central Portugal still AU2 presents 8 several examples of autochthonous forests that show significant floristic and 9 ecophysiological diversity. Along a N-S transect of no more than 100 km along 10 this range, zonal forest types may vary from semi-deciduous Quercus robur 11 formations with evergreen understory (Viburnum tinus or Arbutus unedo) to 12 marcescent Quercus broteroi forests and sclerophyllous forests of Quercus 13 suber. Adding further diversity to the vegetated landscape are extrazonal groves 14 of non-sclerophyllous evergreens like Prunus lusitanica, Ilex aquifolium, 15 Rhododendron ponticum, Laurus nobilis and Myrica faya, relicts of the Tertiary 16 laurisilva. While data suggest that a macrobioclimatic gradient (from temperate 17 to mediterranean) may be responsible for such a variety of forest formations, a 18 convoluted set of orographic, edaphic, hydrologic, microclimatic and 19 paleohistorical factors certainly contributes to explain the variation in this 20 peculiar region. This study compares these plant communities of central 21 Portugal, classified according to Braun-Blanquet methodology. We studied the 22 number of relict species present in each community, as well as the laurophyllous 23 taxa that had become adapted to the present climatic conditions. Extrazonal 24 groves showed the greatest percentage cover by relict species, while zonal 25 forests contained more newly adapted laurophyll species. Among the zonal 26 forests, those dominated by Quercus robur in warmer areas had the highest 27 percentage covers of relict species. Finally, we propose the new syntaxon 28 Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis lauretosum nobilis. 29 Keywords 30 Laurophyllous • Relict flora • Arcto-tertiary flora • Vegetation • Phytosociology • 31 Constrained Correspondence Analysis (CCA) 1 32 there are relict subtropical laurophyll formations co-dominated by Laurus nobilis, 48 Prunus lusitanica, Ilex aquifolium, Myrica faya and Rhododendron ponticum ssp. 49 baeticum, along with other relicts such as Dryopteris guanchica and Woodwardia 50 radicans present in the undergrowth (Honrado et al. 2007). There is also another 51 group of laurophyll taxa which became adapted to submediterranean climatic 52 conditions and cannot, therefore, be considered true relicts: Viburnum tinus, Arbu-53 tus unedo, Myrtus communis, Phillyrea latifolia, Phillyrea media, Rubia peregrina, 54 Vinca difformis and others. 55 Most tropical and subtropical Tertiary vegetation was eliminated from the area 56 by the Pleistocene glaciations (Honrado et al. 2001). Several kinds of evidence, 57 however, suggest that some remaining forest survived in topographically sheltered 58 valleys. In fact, paleo-subtropical Arcto-Tertiary taxa existing in continental 59 Europe and in the Atlantic islands survived not only the Pleistocene glacial episodes 60 but also the environmental changes initiated during the Cenozoic: the development 61 of the Mediterranean climate (with lack of precipitation in summer) and the Alpine 62 tectonic events with their severe disruption of the Arcto-Tertiary flora (the 63 Messinian salinity crisis) (Costa et al. 2000). The forest climaxes that replaced 64 the Arcto-Tertiary vegetation involved both the deciduous forests of paleoboreal 65 origin (Querco-Fagetea) and the sclerophyllous evergreen forests of paleo-66 Mediterranean origin (Quercetea ilicis) (Coudé-Gaussen 1981; Costa et al. 2000). J.C. Costa et al. The Atlantic façade of the mountains in central Portugal presents several 68 examples of autochthonous forest that show significant diversity both floristically 69 and ecophysiologically. Along a N-S transect of about 100 km along the range, 70 between the 41 00 0 and the 39 50 0 N latitude, different zonal forest types form an 71 intricate mosaic of: (a) deciduous to semi-deciduous Quercus robur ssp. broteroana 72 formations with an evergreen understory (Viburnum tinus or Arbutus unedo); (b) 73 marcescent Quercus faginea ssp. broteroi forests; (c) sclerophyllous forests of 74 Quercus suber; and (d) groves of extrazonal non-sclerophyllous evergreens like 75 Prunus lusitanica, Rhododendron ponticum ssp. baeticum, Laurus nobilis and 76 Myrica faya, relicts of the Tertiary laurisilva, which are found in valley bottoms 77 on damp soils. 78 The occurrence of deciduous to semi-deciduous forests of Quercus robur ssp. 79 broteroana covering the northern half of this region reflects proximity to the Euro-80 Siberian Region; the occurrence of sclerophyllous forests of Quercus suber in the 81 southern half of this region is explained by the transition to the Mediterranean 82 climate. The occurrence of semi-deciduous forests of Quercus faginea ssp. broteroi 83 along the ecotone between the two regions suggests that this ecophysiological trait 84 represents an adaptation to submediterranean climatic conditions. 85 In this work we described and analysed the low-altitude (<1,000 m) vegetation 86 consisting of: zonal deciduous forests of Rusco aculeati-Quercetum roboris (Rus), 87 zonal semi-deciduous forests of Viburno tini-Quercetum roboris (Vib), zonal 88 marcescent forests of Arisaro-Quercetum broteroi (Bro), zonal evergreen forests 89 of Asparago aphylli-Quercetum suberis (Sub), and extrazonal laurophyll forests 90 and thickets (also azonal) of Vinco difformis-Lauretum nobilis (Lau), Frangulo 91 alni-Prunetum lusitanicae (Pru), Myrico fayae-Arbutetum unedonis (Myr) and 92 Calluno vulgaris-Rhododendretum pontici (Rho).