[641.21.RB] Singh, Rana P.B. (2021), Prof. R.B. Singh (1955~2021), an icon of Indian Geography: A Passage on the path of Lineage, Legacy and Liminality. Space and Culture, India (ACCB Publishing, England; Open Access online ISSN: 2052-8396, Scopus indexed), vol. 9 (2), September 2021, pp. 6-49. (original) (raw)

Professor R.B. Singh (1955-2021) had been the first Indian Geographer to have the dual distinction of holding the position of the IGU Secretary General and ICSU Scientific Committee Member. He was the first Indian and second Asian Secretary General and Treasurer of the IGU (2018-2022). Professor Singh was a distinguished geographer of the 21st Century India who had made distinct academic contributions over the last five decades, illustrated with publishing 16 books, 37 anthologies, and around 260 research papers (see appendix 1). He has covered and profusely published researches in 11 fields—Environmental Studies, Geoecology; Land resources, Land use/ Land cover; Water issues, Hydrology; Disaster, Natural Hazard; Quality of Life, Livelihood; Climatic Change, Air Pollution study; Urban Environment, Health, and wellbeing; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Environmental Monitoring; Geography, Development Studies R-U; Mountain Studies, Forestry, Tourism; and RS, GIS, Recent trends appraisal. He had supervised 39 PhD and 81 MPhil dissertations (see, appendixes 2 & 3). This paper presents an appraisal of his life journey on the path of Lineage, Legacy and Liminality—a type of biographical highlights in the frame of his practising geography, while also emphasising various niches, distinctions, networks and collaborative programmes. Keywords: R.B. Singh; Lineage; IGU, Secretary General; Environmental Studies, Climatic Change; Mountain Studies; Future Vision.