Leisure, recreation and tourism in inner cities: Explorative case studies Myriam Jansen-Verbeke. Royal Dutch Geographical Society KNAG (Weteringschans 12, 1017 SG Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Nederlandse Geografische Studies 58, ISBN 90-6809-068-2, 1988, 309 pp (tables, charts, references (original) (raw)

Leisure Sciences Introduction to the Special Issue Looking Back, Looking Forward: 40 Years of Leisure Sciences

This special 40th anniversary issue focuses on where leisure sciences (as a field) and Leisure Sciences (as a journal) started and what the future might hold for both. As such, we have provided a space for dialogue, debate, critique, and reflection relating to leisure studies' progress and future. Authors were asked to consider and write about key issues and controversies of the field, developments we should be celebrating, and directions of study we should be pursing. The call for this special issue also asked scholars to consider research gaps that exist, issues we should be thinking about, and where we are now in relation to where previous projections expected. Reflection on the progress of Leisure Sciences over the past 40 years and its role in advancing the field of leisure research was also encouraged.

The Leisure Studies Association: past, present and future


The Leisure Studies Association completed in 2015 40 years since its creation and its history intertwines with the history of leisure research and its development. The focus of this article is on the past, present and future of the association. The article starts analysing the 40 years of the organisation and its contributions to the field explaining the developments and its current structure and objectives. In 40 years the Leisure Studies Association offered an immense contribution to the field with its journal Leisure Studies, the publication of over 120 books and the organisation of its annual conference and multiple workshops and seminars. The final part of this paper looks to the future of the association and the leisure studies as well as to the obstacles to be overcome considering the current situation and characteristics of higher education.

Leisure trends "an enquiry in the past two decades to understand the transition in leisure trends."


Recreation and leisure can be found where people congregate to play, enjoy, or rest. Cities, towns, small villages, the countryside, and urban centers provide recreation opportunities. Leisure affects people of all ages, stages of life, cultures, social classes, and genders through personal experiences or observations. It is used to identify people who engage in recreational activities or spend time in natural settings. Leisure has a prominent role in the mental and physical health of the human being. Leisure activities are being ignored by people for different reasons; while building future cities, we have to introduce a new domain of leisure while planning and designing cities. This study focuses on exploring significant trends in the Leisure domain using the Elsevier Scopus database and analyzing the database using bibliometric analysis to evaluate the research components. The study will serve as a fundamental basis for understanding the different trends in the research domain. This bibliometric analysis combines information from various research areas, adds to the categorization of the literature review on the subject, and provides information to help understand changing trends in the leisure domain that can be used in building future cities. ISBN: 978-604-80-7564-4 Link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ieq411LM6XMFrfUOQ-icM6RpfmGxN5Pf/view

Leisure Studies in the 21st Century: The Sky is Falling?

Leisure Sciences, 2010

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Theory in Recreation and Leisure Research: Reflections from the Editors

Leisure Sciences, 2004

The evolution and importance of theory in leisure research have been recognized as essential to broaden understandings of leisure. The purpose of this reflective piece is to describe and critique the contributions that theory has made by examining the research documented in American leisure and recreation research journals during the 1990s and projecting those contributions toward the future. From our perspective as individuals associated with Leisure Sciences during the past two years, we provide a review of literature regarding the meanings of theory, note summaries of other studies in our field that have empirically examined theory, compare leisure research from the 1980s to the 1990s, and offer suggestions regarding trends in the future theoretical development of the parks, recreation, leisure, sport, and tourism fields. We also advocate "post approaches" such as postmodernism that may be essential in the next stage of theory evolution.

Recreation and Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on a Scopus Database

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

The aim of the research is to reveal academic publications related to recreation and tourism in terms of bibliometric indicators. In this context, 553 publications published between 2021-1964 were reached as a result of the scan performed in the Scopus database on May 4, 2021. According to the findings, it has been determined that the studies on recreation and tourism generally tend to increase over the years and the most studies were published in 2019. Most of the publications are in the type of article and the most preferred language is English. The words "tourism" and "recreation" are the most used keywords. Although "Tourism Recreation Research" has the most publications, "Journal of Travel Research" is the most cited journal. Beside, Pickering C.M. (2007) is the most cited document. In addition, America is the country with the highest number of publications, cooperation, and citations and has played an important role in the development of this field.

Forty-three years journey of Tourism Recreation Research: a bibliometric analysis

Tourism Recreation Research, 2019

The Tourism Recreation Research (TRR) is a leading international journal in the domain of 'marketing', 'logistics' and 'tourism' since 1976. Using a bibliometric approach, the bibliographic data of all the documents (articles, notes, and reviews) published in TRR from 1976 to 2018 have been analysed. This study has primarily focused on the key indicators like the number of annual publications, citations, most cited papers, most productive authors, and the diversity of institutions and countries that have published documents in TRR. The study indicates that TRR is one of the leading journals with the growing number of publication year by year based on the key indicators as mentioned above.

Setting the scene for theWorld Leisure Journalspecial edition on leisure management

World Leisure Journal, 2016

This article sets the scene for the range of issues that could be addressed in the WLJ special edition on leisure management. The management and delivery of leisure programs and services is the foundation of community leisure. Leisure management textbooks provide guidelines and direction for leisure program delivery but there is limited research about how leisure programs and services are delivered and evaluated. This paper provides a summary of a range of considerations about leisure management and community leisure programs and services. After decades of leisure services delivery, there is still a need for public leisure managers to provide a rationale for why they deliver services. Five legitimations based on health, socialisation, economic impact, community development and national identity provide a further consideration for what needs to be better understood about leisure management.