Applied Research Regarding Learning Organization Model Like a Necessary Model for Romanian’s Organizations (original) (raw)
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Journal of Academic Researches and Studies / Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi , 2020
Organizational learning has been considered as an interesting concept since the 1960s both for the literature and the business world. It can be observed that the studies which examine organizational learning processes are focused more on the positive results of organizational learning and attaining a structure where their employees learn and develop continuously. From the late 1990s and early 2000s, studies, examined the concept with a critical perspective. have also come to light. In these few critical studies, there are various discussions on the parties in the organizational learning experience. In this study, it is tried to investigate organizational learning from a critical point of view and determine how the unexpected results of organizational learning were perceived in organizations in accordance with the relevant literature. A focus group meeting was held with 11 senior managers received MBA and asked to evaluate the organizational learning process in the focus of the trainings in their companies. Similar with the literature, unexpected results were found due to different dimensions of learning barriers in the organizational learning process. Öz Örgütsel öğrenme gerek akademik yazında gerekse iş dünyasında 1960'lardan bu yana ilgi çeken bir kavram olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Örgütlerin öğrenme süreçlerini irdeleyen çalışmalarda, örgütsel öğrenmenin daha çok pozitif sonuçlarına odaklanıldığı ve örgüt çalışanlarının sürekli öğrenerek geliştikleri varsayılmaktadır. 1990'ların sonu 2000'lerin başından itibaren örgütsel öğrenme literatüründe pozitif odaklı çalışmaların yanında, kavramı eleştirel açıdan inceleyen çalışmalar da görülmeye başlanmıştır. Sayıca daha az olan bu eleştirel çalışmalarda, örgütsel öğrenme sürecindeki taraflar üzerinden çeşitli tartışmalar yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada da örgütsel öğrenmeye eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşılarak, ilgili literatür doğrultusunda örgütsel öğrenmenin beklenmeyen sonuçlarının işletmelerde nasıl algılandığı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. MBA eğitimi alan 11 üst düzey yöneticiyle odak grup görüşmesi yapılarak, işletmelerindeki eğitimler çerçevesinde örgütsel öğrenme sürecinin değerlendirilmesi istenmiştir. Literatüre paralel olarak örgütlerdeki örgütsel öğrenme sürecinde de farklı boyutlardaki öğrenme engelleri nedeniyle beklenmeyen sonuçlar ortaya çıktığı belirlenmiştir.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
The given issue applied in the practise of food businesses in Slovakia is very actual. The objective reason is especially the fact that the food businesses are producers of domestic foodstuffs, production of which is considered very important not only from nutritional point of view for the population and availability of quality domestic products but from sustainability of employment in this branch, development and application of quality, qualified and committed employees, point of view as well. The objective of the paper is to find out how food businesses working in Slovakia implement and use new trends, in selected areas of human resource management, in reality. The research actively included 453 food businesses from all the Slovakia. The statistical relations and correlations between variables were performed by Cronbach alpha, Spearman test, Kruskal-Walis test using programs EXCEL and SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1. We found out that food businesses in Slovakia show significant reserves...
This research was conducted with the aim of studying the impact of managers ' leadership style on employees ' creativity with considering the mediating role of organizational structure in Metal Industries of Kaveh Industrial City at 2012. The populution of the research was including 4700 employee involved in metal industries of Iranian Kaveh Industrial City and among whom, 355 people was considered as sample by using Cochran formula and sampling method of rational random classification. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires. Technical characteristic of questionnaire including reliability and validity studied by using of various criterion, for example Alpha Chronbach method used as one of the methods of reliability assessment for this research, that reliability coefficient obtained for standard questionnaires MLQ leadership style 0.81, Torrance creativity 0.84 and Robbins organizational structure 0.78. Also to test the validity of questionnaires we used con...
Organizations have been incorporated into their practice some principles of management that give shape to what we call organizational learning and that since long time ago, was under the concept of personal learning where different individuals from different backgrounds and, given the nature of its characteristics, were able to learn about, evaluate and incorporate new and varied practices, which brings as a consequence a change in the Organization and the manifestation of a new management scheme based in the knowledge. The objective of this analysis is to understand the influence of organizational learning in the members of the Organization and their participation as a change in the same tutor. It's an exploratory study that was based on the review of the literature concerning the topic; find the answer to the question. As a conclusion that was reached, establishing that organizational learning is aimed to bring about a change in people's behavior and models of management of organizations. As a result, organizations improve, extend their survival and people are upgraded, thus obtaining a greater personal and professional development. Las organizaciones han ido incorporando a su práctica algunos principios de gestión que dan forma a lo que llamamos aprendizaje organizacional y que desde hace mucho tiempo, se percibía bajo el concepto del aprendizaje personal donde individuos diversos provenientes de distintos contextos y, dada la naturaleza de sus características, eran capaces de conocer, valorar e incorporar nuevas y variadas prácticas, lo que trae como consecuencia un cambio en la organización y la manifestación de un nuevo esquema de gestión basado en el conocimiento. El objetivo de este análisis es comprender la influencia del aprendizaje organizacional en los integrantes de la organización y su participación como tutor del cambio en la misma. Se trata de un estudio de carácter exploratorio ya que se basó en la revisión de la literatura referente al tema, encontrar la respuesta a la interrogante. La conclusión que se alcanzó, establece que el aprendizaje organizacional está orientado a provocar un cambio en el comportamiento de las personas y en los modelos de gestión de las organizaciones. Gracias a ello, las organizaciones mejoran, amplían su supervivencia y las personas se actualizan, obteniendo así un mayor desarrollo personal y profesional.
AI Publication, 2019
This study seeks to identify and analyze the aspects that favor and those that hamper learning in the organization according to the perception of managers Coamo Cooperativa Agroindustrial unit of Paranaguá PR, analyzing how the learning process in an organization can be favored and what barriers can be found. Having as justification that through the understanding of the presented problem, it is possible to constitute a diagnosis of the organizational practices. With the necessary practices in the process of change and development of the organization bringing the proposal of the learning in order to improve the capacity of action of the individuals involved and of the organization as one all. It begins by contextualizing the objective of this study, presenting a review of the referential with the survey of the most relevant and pertinent aspects to the theme. Following, a description of the methodology adopted in this research carried out in the exploratory qualitative research modality, which contemplates a case study. The research was carried out at the Coamo Agroindustrial Cooperativa Unidade de Paranaguá in Paraná, with questionnaires applied to the members of the company. Because it is a study of a specific case, the research delimits the analysis in the experience of a working group within an organization, however it was possible to have the vision about learning, as it happens, which can facilitate or impair learning in an organization.
Management Science Letters, 2016
This survey aims to evaluate the quality of learning among regular employees and managers who work for Tabriz municipality, District 2 in city of Tabriz, Iran. The study designs a questionnaire consists of 55 questions, which covers five organizational learning survey (OLS) including systematic thinking, personal capabilities, mental models, shared goal and collective learning. Cronbach alpha was calculated as 0.93, which is well above the desirable level. Using some statistical test, the study has determined that managers maintained higher level of OLS than regular employees. Based on the results of the survey, some suggestions are proposed in order to improve the quality of leaning in the organization.
The Analysis of the Creative Factors in the Formation of the Study for the Managers of the Future
US-China Law Review, 2017
A good leader is a creative leader. A number of examples from practice show a need to change the way executives think and work-the need for creativity. Success depends on the managers' ability to learn creative thinking. It is not enough just to learn creativity we must become creative people. Research shows that everyone has creative potential that we may not be aware of. Only when the individual is aware of his creativity competencies strengths and weaknesses, can he improve them and become a creative manager. In order to determine whether awareness of creativity components affects individuals in their decision-making, at MLC Ljubljana we have continued last year's pilot survey on the level of our students' creativity competencies. We used a survey. Respondents completed a questionnaire, processed by Epstein methodology; we did the statistical analysis and hi2 tests. The purpose of this research is to raise awareness of the importance of creativity competences in management and law. Knowing the differences between individual creative potential and his actual creativity is an important stepping-stone in the process of improving his creative potential.
Employee Development and Knowledge-based Organization
First Published 1967, 2009
In the conditions of constant market changes, fast development and spread of technology, multiply competition and "over night" product superannuation, successful companies became those who create new knowledge, spread it out trough the entire company and implement it rapidly in the new technologies and products. These activities define company as knowledge-creating organization which only and principal task is ongoing innovation. Those are the companies that understood that the learning and new knowledge are the key to success, and that the development is crucial for future survival. The notion of education, development and knowledge creating company, or in other words an organization that develops and learns, in the most pragmatic way expresses the attitude of modern, successful companies versus the development and knowledge of employees. Another name for this kind of organization is knowledge-based organization. The aim of this paper is to show that the employee development is a key procedure in implementing human resource politics. In order to create learning organization it is a necessity for the employees to have formal and informal education and to acquire it throughout entire professional career. Lifelong learning politics is the basic premise of the company's market competiveness considering the fact that the knowledge is the only resource that grows with use and not disburse. The main conclusion of the paper states that the most successful companies and national economies are those based on knowledge, or in other words highly educated and trained human resources. High level of inventiveness and innovations, without which a modern market cannot be imagined, can be achieved only in following the path of permanent employee development, which also represents one of the main motivators in accomplishing efficiency and effectiveness of the companies.