Providing clean, environmentally safe water for livestock in sufficient quantities continues to be a major concern for farmers and ranchers. Abundant water in remote locations in needed to insure that grasslands are grazed evenly. A solar powered water pumping system designed for remote locations was operated to determine the performance and reliability of the system and components. The system began pumping water (0.25 L/min) when the solar radiation intensity exceeded 300W/m 2 . Flow increased linearly with radiation intensity and reached a maximum flow of 4.5L/min at an intensity of 900 W/m 2 . Maximum flow was dependent on using the correct controller adjustment as well as the radiation intensity. Daily water volumes pumped ranged from a high of 1,671 L/day to a low of 504 L/day and average 1,105 L/day. Solar water pumping system operate on direct current. The output of solar power system varies throughout the day and with changes in weather conditions. Photovoltaic module, the power source for solar pumping, have no moving parts, requires no maintenance and last for decades. A properly designed solar pumping system will be efficient, simple and reliable. Solar powered pumping systems are used principally for three applications town and city water supply, livestock watering and irrigation.