Liminal Spaces: A Narrative Spirituality of the Bible (original) (raw)

This dissertation would not have happened if not for the many people supporting me along the way. First and foremost, I must thank my wife, Kara. She has been a source of encouragement and inspiration the entire way. She has loved me, believed in me, and supported me and been a traveling companion on the whole journey. We shall see what God has for us next. Next I thank my Dad, who taught me much in his life and even more in his death. I miss him dearly. I would like to thank the members of Shiloh Community Church, the Well Church, and Highland Community Church for supporting me on this journey with prayers, opportunity, and community. Kendall, you are a fellow traveler and kindred spirit. Ed you encouraged me to 'giterdun'. I owe much inspiration to the great teachers I have had in my Masters and Doctorate programs: Mojo became a teacher and friend on the journey, Valerie Hess has provided wisdom, Ken Brewer prayed powerfully for me, Wil Hernandez taught me much about Nouwen and friendship. I wish to thank Dan Brunner for the concept of the desert, A.J. Swodoba for the term 'liminal', and thank you Loren and Cliff for the patient advice and guidance along the way. Cohort "Great" from the MSFL, you were great teachers on the journey. Cohort N, from LSF program you walked through a liminal time in my life, and I am grateful. Cherrie Gladding you and your family have been faithful prayer warriors and supporters of our family, Grace and Howard thank you for being fellow permanent liminal wanderers. Jim and Lisa Coe, thank you for believing in me. Pete McGowan, thank you for pastoring me. Dan Marsalese, thank you for inspiring conversations. viii Evan Howard, thank you for taking this project on, and for becoming a great friend on the way. You helped me ask the right questions. Diane Zemke, your editing made sense of my muddled mess. Mark Anderson, thank you for guiding me through the desert for nearly four years now. Dave Beach, thank you for the patient listening and inspiring conversations. Rodney and Mindy, thank you for your ministry of Sozo's coffee. You made the early morning writing times possible. Lyle SmithGreaybeal, thank you for your friendship from a long distance. Richard Foster, thank you for a breakfast that changed my life in 2010. The power of your prayer is still with me.