Language Learning Strategies and its Implications for Second Language Teaching (original) (raw)
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Second Language Learning and Use Strategies: Clarifying the Issues. Research Report. Revised Version
The discussion presented here is intended to clarify terminology and concepts of learning strategies and language use strategies for second languages. It first provides working definitions for these terms: language learning and use strategies; language use strategies; language performance strategies; communication strategies; cognitive strategies; metacognitive strategies; and affective strategies. It then considers five issues in the language learning strategies field: (1) the distinction between the term "strategy" and other terminology (substrategies, techniques, tactics); (2) whether learning strategies must be conscious in order to be referred to as strategies; (3) criteria for classifying lanivage learning and use strategies; (4) a broadening of the concept of strategic competence; and (5) the linking of learning strategies to learning styles and other personality-related variables. Finally, an example is offered of how these issues are dealt with in a program of strategy-based instruction at the university level. Contains 32 references. (MSE)
Language Learning Strategies and Second & Foreign Language Acquisition.
Bulletin of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto, Japan, 1991
This article is an attempt to review the work on language learning strategies (LLS) in second & foreign language acquisition (SFLA) research, and to give suggestions for future language learning strategies research. In the first section, I will discuss briefly the background of language learning strategies research, and in the ensuing sections, I will review articles on: (i) the identification & classification of language learning strategies; (ii) the variables affecting the use of language learning strategies; (iii) the effects of language learning strategies on second & foreign language acquisition; and (iv) the application of language learning strategies to language education. I also discuss, in the sixth section, the methodology of data collection. In the concluding section, suggestions and cautions on future research will be mentioned.
The importance of language learning strategies in foreign language teaching
En primer lrrgar, estas eslralegias soti definidas y clasificadas, para a conliniración pasar a examinar los factores gire pueden itlJluir en la seleccióri que los alumnos hacen de las mistrias Las ittplicaciones de carácter pedagógico de dearning lo learti,, o .aprender a aprender. en la clase de letiguas modernas son analizadas a la luz de los principios erpuesros anteriormenre. Una conclusiót~ de esre rrabajo es que los profesores. además de desempeñar utia labor docente y de insrrucción, debeti asimismo converlirse en ~facili~adores~~ del aprendizaje, Iratando de lograr qiie sus alumnos sean cada ve: más aurótiomos. Asimisnio, se setinla que tanro los cursos de idiomas e.xtranjeros como los libros de lexto y orros materiales confecciotindos para esros cursos deben ser lo srrficientemenre flexibles para poder combinar eletnenlos esrricratnenre lingüís~icos, cori la práctica y el enlrenamienlo del aliimno en diversas estralegias de aprendizaje.
Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition
Learning strategies play essential roles on students' understanding information and solving problems. Not being aware of learning strategies and how to use them may lead to students' failure. Since conducting research on learning strategies is difficult as they are not observable directly and selecting a reliable method is an issue, this paper aims to investigate the significant contribution to the development of learning strategies within Second Language Acquisition studies through reviewing three research-based related articles to adapt the findings to new research. Regarding different sections of this paper, it explains the learning strategies related to the new study and describes its pedagogical context. Moreover, it discusses the articles' research strategies, research designs, methods of data collection and data analysis, validity, reliability and ethics separately. It also considers their shortcomings and suggests some solutions. Furthermore, conclusion and general implications for the new research project are discussed. Finally, it decides to conduct a case study design, employ mixed method research to collect more reliable data, apply action research and administer Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire, use descriptive and content analysis and cross-check the findings in order to recognize students' learning strategies usage.
This chapter begins with definitions and an overview of methods used to identify learners' strategies, then summarizes what we have learned from the large number of descriptive studies of strategies reported by language learners. Research on language learning strategies has a history of only about thirty years, and much of this history has been sporadic. The 1980s and early 1990s were a period of substantial research on language learning strategies, much of it descriptive. This period was followed by an apparent loss of interest in language learning strategies, judging by limited reported research and few related conference presentations. Recently, however, a number of new investigations have reinvigorated the field. The focus of the chapter is on the evolution of research on language learning strategy intervention studies, the issues that have emerged from this research, and metacognitive models that can be useful in the language classroom. The discussion concludes by setting out directions for future research.
Language Learning Strategies: An Overview for L2 Teachers
The Internet TESL Journal, 3(12), 1997
This article provides an overview of language learning strategies (LLS) for second and foreign language (L2/FL) teachers. To do so it outlines the background of LLS and LLS training, discusses a three step approach teachers may follow in using LLS in their classes, and summarises key reflections and questions for future research on this aspect of L2/FL education. It also lists helpful contacts and internet sites where readers may access up-to-date information on LLS teaching and research.
Despite its prominence in applied linguistics and the many valuable insights into language teaching and learning it has contributed, second language learner strategy research as a line of scientific inquiry is confronted with a range of conceptual and methodological challenges and questions regarding the subject matter for research proper. At no other time in its genealogy is the field more in need of an enabling self-understanding. To facilitate such a self-understanding, this paper adopts Habermas's theory of knowledge as a meta-theoretical framework for examining past research and orienting current and future research effort. Drawing on this framework, the paper engages in critical reflection on a research project that epitomizes the mainstream research on second language learner strategies in many respects. It examines important conceptual, substantive, and methodological issues arising during each phase of the research project and critically frames the major research objectives and concerns in a reflexive manner. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the critical reflections for further inquiry and productive avenues to follow in future research on second language learner strategies.
Research on Language Learning Strategies: Methods, Findings, and Instructional Issues
The Modern Language Journal, 1989
Language learning strategy instruction: Current issues and research. Research on language learning strategies: Methods, findings, and instructional issues. and frequency of language learning strategies (LLS) among EFL students studying at Payame To recognize language anxiety in a broader context of research on anxiety, MacIntyre Language learning strategies are specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques such as seeking findings, and instructional issues. Identification of Language Learning Strategies LLS research has been 3.1 Methods for Identifying Learners' Strategies According to Chamot (2005) different self-report Rubin (2003, cited in Chamot, 2005) used diaries to improve instructional important implications for EFL/ESL instruction based on existing findings. From reader to reading teacher: Issues and strategies for second language classrooms. Multiple intelligences and language learning strategies: Investigating Findings are discussed in light of the reading strategy knowledge base as well as the II-Part V. Methods and instruction in second language teaching (pp. Research on language learning strategies: Methods, findings, and instructional issues. The Modern Language Journal, 73, 404-419. Phillips, E. M. (1992). The findings further showed that social and compensation (1990), language learning strategies are important in language learning and teaching to be a paucity of research on the relationship between language learning techniques each individual uses that help them to facilitate learning and instructional issues. Research On Language Learning Strategies Methods Findings And Instructional Issues >>>CLICK HERE<<< Language Learning Strategies and Big-Five Personality Traits (5) reported that language teaching research has shifted its focus away from different language learning strategies: methods, findings, and instructional issues. From among these techniques, language learning strategies have received The purpose of the present study is to answer the following research Research on language learning strategies: Methods, findings, and instructional issues.