A review of studies in swarm robotics (original) (raw)

Editorial: Special Issue “Swarm Robotics”

Applied Sciences, 2019

Swarm robotics is the study of how to coordinate large groups of relatively simple robots through the use of local rules so that a desired collective behavior emerges from their interaction [...]

A Review of Swarm Robotics in a NutShell


A swarm of robots is the coordination of multiple robots that can perform a collective task and solve a problem more efficiently than a single robot. Over the last decade, this area of research has received significant interest from scientists due to its large field of applications in military or civil, including area exploration, target search and rescue, security and surveillance, agriculture, air defense, area coverage and real-time monitoring, providing wireless services, and delivery of goods. This research domain of collective behaviour draws inspiration from self-organizing systems in nature, such as honey bees, fish schools, social insects, bird flocks, and other social animals. By replicating the same set of interaction rules observed in these natural swarm systems, robot swarms can be created. The deployment of robot swarm or group of intelligent robots in a real-world scenario that can collectively perform a task or solve a problem is still a substantial research challeng...

Overview of Swarm Robotics


The swarm robotics inspired from nature is a combination of swarm intelligence and robotics, which shows a great potential in several aspects. It is important to study swarm robotics system because it has desirable properties unlikely to be found in other systems, for example they scale very well; there is no single point of failure, making swarm systems very robust and well suited in operating in safety critical situations. As research progresses in robot system, more and more aspects are explored in multi robot system. This paper describes advances in multi robot system and discusses the current state of art. The focus is principally on the research that has been demonstrated in various entity projects.

A Review on Swarm Robotics: From Concept to Development

Swarm Intelligence (SI) is the collective behaviour of decentralized, self-organized systems inspired from natural biological systems such as ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, bacterial growth, and fish schooling. Swarm Robotics (SR) is an emerging application of swarm principles to robots, it is the study of how to design groups of homogeneous, small and cheap robots that mimicking insects and animals and acts together for robust, scalable and flexible swarm robotic systems. Swarm robots operate without depending upon any external control and infrastructure, the behaviour of robots depends on interactions between robots and between the robots and the environment in which they act. Swarm Robotics has effectively applied in tasks that are risky and difficult for human being or single robot. This Paper is a review of swarm robotics from origin to its future. It contains discussion on introduction to swarm robotics, design of robot swarm, design of robotics collective behaviours, and interaction mechanism and future of swarm robotics.

A Systematic Review of Swarm Robots

Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2020

Advances in robotics have paved the way for a novel approach of organizing large numbers of robots, otherwise referred to as multi-robots. Multi-robots can either be homogenous or heterogeneous. Nevertheless, a group of autonomous and relatively homogenous robots that interacts with one another as well as with their environment is referred to as swarm robots. Swarm robots are biologically inspired by natural swarms as found in animal societies such as birds and fishes as well as social insects such as honey bees, wasps, termites and ants. Hence, they exhibit certain properties which are similar to those found in these creatures such as aggregation, self-organization, foraging as well as flocking. Swarm robots work together to achieve a desired goal, which is usually too complex for a single robot to accomplish. They are typically characterized by simplicity of individuals, fault tolerance, autonomy, parallelism, high reliability, scalability as well as robustness. They can be used f...

Swarm robotics reviewed

SUMMARY We present a review of recent activities in swarm robotic research, and analyse existing literature in the field to determine how to get closer to a practical swarm robotic system for real world applications. We begin with a discussion of the importance of swarm robotics by illustrating the wide applicability of robot swarms in various tasks. Then a brief overview of various robotic devices that can be incorporated into swarm robotic systems is presented.

Swarm robotics: A Survey from a Multi-tasking Perspective

ACM Computing Surveys

The behaviour of social insects such as bees and ants has influenced the development of swarm robots. To enable robots to cooperate together, swarm robotics employs principles such as communication, coordination, and collaboration. Collaboration among multiple robots can lead to a faster task completion time compared to the utilisation of a single, complex robot. One of the key aspects of swarm robotics is that control is distributed uniformly across the robots in the swarm, which boosts the system’s resilience and fault-tolerance. Through the use of the robots’ embodied sensors and actuators, this distributed control often facilitates the emergence of collective behaviours through the interaction of the robots with one another and with the environment. The purpose of this survey is to examine the reasons behind the lack of utilisation of swarm robots in multi-tasking applications, which will be accomplished by studying previous research works in the field. We examine the literature...

An Experimental Approach for Simple Swarm Robots


9  Abstract-Swarm robotics is a relatively new field that focuses on controlling large-scale homogeneous multi-robot systems. Swarm robotics draws inspiration from selforganizing behaviour observed in social insects1 like ants, bees and of other animals, called swarm intelligence. One example of SI is bird flocking. By evading collisions, staying close to each other and aligning to local neighbours, birds in a flock avoid predators. These simple rules give rise to a very complex behaviour This paper describe a low-end and easy to implement flocking algorithm which was developed for very simple swarm robots and which works without communication, memory or global information. By adapting traditional flocking algorithms and eliminating the need for communication, we created an algorithm with emergent flocking properties. We analyze its potential of aggregating an initially scattered robot swarm, which is not a trivial task for robots that only have local information.

Swarm Robotics: A Perspective on the Latest Reviewed Concepts and Applications

Sensors, 2021

Known as an artificial intelligence subarea, Swarm Robotics is a developing study field investigating bio-inspired collaborative control approaches and integrates a huge collection of agents, reasonably plain robots, in a distributed and decentralized manner. It offers an inspiring essential platform for new researchers to be engaged and share new knowledge to examine their concepts in analytical and heuristic strategies. This paper introduces an overview of current activities in Swarm Robotics and examines the present literature in this area to establish to approach between a realistic swarm robotic system and real-world enforcements. First, we review several Swarm Intelligence concepts to define Swarm Robotics systems, reporting their essential qualities and features and contrast them to generic multi-robotic systems. Second, we report a review of the principal projects that allow realistic study of Swarm Robotics. We demonstrate knowledge regarding current hardware platforms and ...