Reflection on language teaching practice in polytechnic: Identifying sources of teachers' beliefs (original) (raw)

Recalling Student Teacher’s Beliefs on English Language Teaching: Evidence from a Pre-Service Teaching Program in Indonesia


Pedagogical decisions and teaching practice are influenced by student teachers’ belief. Personal predispositions of student teachers’ beliefs on teaching practice are strongly affected by their experiences, or course content they have been taken. In developing their beliefs, values, and practice of teaching, student teachers adopt theories about good teaching practice by interpreting these experiences in teaching or taking courses. The numbers of studies have been conducted about student teachers’ belief on teaching practice from their experiences in teaching-learning, but less attention put on student teachers’ belief in interpreting their pedagogical knowledge from theories to practices. Thus, to fill the gap, the writers conduct a case study regarding to a student teacher’s belief after she had received pedagogical courses and finished preservice teaching program. Using a thematic analysis from a semi structured interview and reflective journal from a student teacher in English E...

Malaysian School English Language Teachers’ Perceptions on Teaching and Learning

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 2019

Studies on school teachers' perceptions toward teaching and learning have shown inconsistent results which call for further research in the area. This study was an attempt to investigate the perceptions of teachers towards Teaching and Learning of the English Language. A Likert scale questionnaire with 33 items was developed by the researchers. A randomly selected group of Malaysian School English language teachers (n = 165) responded to the questionnaire. The descriptive statistics results indicated that the Malaysian School English Language Teachers' perceptions of teaching are mainly positive; such as having higher intrinsic interest in adopting teaching as profession, decreased tendency in perceiving Teaching as a stressful profession, understanding the significance of listening and speaking skills (commonly neglected skills), awareness of the advantages of having literature in the English classroom, showing interest in the knowledge about high frequency words and lexiles, and showing interest in knowing and understanding students' interests and problems. However, teachers' perceptions regarding the education system, resource adequacy, class size and in the teaching of the writing skill are negative in the analysis. The findings further indicate the teachers' technology illiteracy and although they acknowledge the supportive role of books in teaching language skills they seem not to be positive on the use of textbooks in the English classroom. The results have interesting implications for policy makers and researchers.

Reflection before action: Students’ perceptions of selected aspects of the language teaching profession

Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics

The study explores trainee teachers’ opinions on selected aspects of the languageteaching profession. Reflecting on the reasons for becoming a teacher, on a language teacher’s professional qualities, and on the positive and negative aspects of the profession appears to be necessary at the starting point of professional training. A qualitative method was employed to collect the data. The students were asked to answer four survey questions pertaining to the issues mentioned above. Thirty-five undergraduate students completed the survey. Their answers were then analysed, which resulted in suggesting some procedures that could be implemented in the training programme. The findings revealed generally positive attitudes to the language teaching profession. However, some actions should be also taken to eliminate a few subjective theories that could negatively influence the students’ approach, such as the feeling of having power over learners, or controversial ways of dealing with disciplin...

Language Teaching Beliefs, Problems and Solutions: Reflecting and Growing Together

Taking the principles of reflective practice and teacher cognition as a starting point, this paper will present the findings related to the beliefs, perceived problems and suggested solutions emerging from an action research study involving three university English Language Teaching (ELT) instructors seeking ways to improve their practice using peer observation and reflective journals.

A reflective practice approach to educate English language teachers in a post graduate diploma in teaching programme


or at any other educational institution for any degree or examination purposes. All the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged accordingly. January, 2019-Signature Date iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all my sincere gratitude is to Almighty GOD who makes everything possible. I am very grateful to my supervisor at UNISA, Professor Van Wyk Michael, for his unwavering academic and positive guidance and moral support since the beginning of the study. His continuous comments and encouragement have shaped the study to take the final form. Thank you Professor Van Wyk. Again, I extend my special thanks to, Dr Cilla Dowse who edited this thesis. She was very committed and helpful. I would like to say thank you for your excellent guidance. My great gratitude goes to my family. My mother and my father showed the greatest love, trust, confidence, and encouragement during my youth. I send my thanks for their emphasis on the value of education. My father's hard work and diligence guided me to who I'm today. He has always been my strength. My sisters and brothers thank your support as well. I would like to appreciate my colleagues and friends who have also supported me in their best convenient way. Dear Dr. Temesgen I would like to express my heartfelt thankfulness for your moral support, technical assistance and your dedication to proofreading this work. Dear Dr.

An Analysis of Language Teachers’ Beliefs in Their Teaching Learning Process

Jurnal Bahasa Inggris terapan, 2015

Language teachers play a very important part in language education and learning. What they do in classroom is a reflection of what they know and believe about issues related to their professional practices. Their knowledge and beliefs provide them with the underlying framework guiding their teaching learning process related to the content, approach, and evaluation of teaching and learning. The objective of this paper, therefore, was to examine the beliefs of language techers in teaching learning process. Based on the discussions and conclusions, it is recommended that the English language teachers need to have clear beliefs about their teaching learning process, and be very much willing to improve the language pedagogy through self-reflection/self-study.

Zhang, T.F. (2012). The beliefs practicum students bring to their classes regarding language teaching. Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, 6(1), 42-76.

In the literature of teacher belief, it assumes that 1) teachers' beliefs are critical in their impact on their teaching practices and professional development; 2) Changes in teachers' behaviours, actions and practices stem from changes in teachers' beliefs; 3) understanding how teachers' beliefs construct or reshape as they learn to teach is essential to inform and strengthen teacher education programs. Under these assumptions, rather in ELT field in Thailand, there has been a great likelihood of student teachers receiving training in their teaching practicum. Importantly, general or specific beliefs have largely dawned when training through ELT teacher education program. They bring those conscious or unconscious beliefs about language learning and teaching to their practicum classes. This study endeavourers to investigate beliefs about language teaching of ELT student teachers at the Assumption University of Thailand over the postgraduate teacher education program in the ELT field with a focus on their Teaching Practicum. It employed both of quantitative and qualitative instruments for data collection. All relevant data were collected and analysed from four sources: a questionnaire, the interviews, classroom observations and teaching journals. This study found that student teachers hold extensive beliefs about language teaching, importantly those beliefs can be either reinforced or changed by the language teacher education program. A number of contextual constraints within the relationship between student teachers' beliefs and their practices were identified and discussed. This study would do its share for a better understanding of what extent student teachers' beliefs lead to good teachers and inspiring the ELT educators to pay close attention to students' beliefs and curriculum construction.

Why can't we do it as teachers: English language teaching from the perspectives of secondary school teachers

Research in Pedagogy, 2021

The purpose of this study is to discover the issues in teaching English from the perspective of teachers. The qualitative method was employed in the study by using semi-structured interview forms to 19 teachers from a central Black Sea region province of Turkey. The teachers highlighted the impact of learning-teaching process, teacher training, teacher-stakeholder relationship and students during the study. According to the teachers, students' prejudices against foreign language learning, interest in the subject, awareness of the importance of language learning, speaking skills, participation in the lesson and the environment they take the courses affect the language learning process. Nevertheless, the reasons for the problems are a lot more complex than this. The students are also need to be supported by the education system, by the parents and by teachers in this process. For instance, the results shows that there is a need for activities that will make students more active, a...

Teachers’ Beliefs And Classroom Practices Of English Teaching(A Case Study At Mts N Jeketro)


This research was a case study of English teachers' beliefs and classroom practices at MTs N Jeketro. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe teachers' beliefs about English teaching, (2) to investigate the teachers' beliefs implemented in the classroom practices, (3) to analyze factors contributing to shape teachers' beliefs. The type of the research was a qualitative with case study approach. It was an investigation of a single case or collective case to capture the complexity of objects of the study. The object of the study was teachers' beliefs of English teaching at MTs N Jeketro. The subjects of the study were four English teachers consisting of two male and female teachers. The data sources used in this study were: classroom observation, open ended questionnaire, transcript of interview and document. The techniques of collecting data used were openended questionnaire, semi-structured interview, classroom observation and document analysis taken from the informants. The data validity used was data triangulation to gain accountable information through a variety of sources. Then, the researcher used Miles and Hubberman's Model (1993) to analyze the data. The finding of this study showed that first, most of the teachers' beliefs were consistent with their classroom practices namely beliefs about learning objective, syllabus, instructional material, classroom techniques, teachers' roles, students' roles and assessment although the researcher still found one discrepancy namely teachers' beliefs about classroom procedure. The factors contributing to shape teachers' beliefs were (1) experience as language learners (2) training or seminar that teachers participated, (3) personal factor and (4) teaching experience works best.