[Determination of major metal cations in juices and nectars by capillary zone electrophoresis] (original) (raw)

Spectrophotometric Determination of Fructans in Foods

A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method was developed for determination of fructans in food products (chewing candies with inulin). The proposed method is based on the familiar Seliwanoff test for ketoses. The pres-ence of monosaccharides glucose and galactose did not show any interference in the analysis. The best operating conditions for development and measurement of a colored compound formed by interaction of fructans with resorcinol and thiourea in the hydrochloric acid medium was heating the samples for 8 min at 80°С. The producing red colored product is measured spectrophotometrically at 480 nm and the color is stable more than 60 min.Bees law was obeyed in con-centration range of fructose 0,520 μg.cm -3 (R 2 =0,997). The proposed method was tested and validated for various parameters according to the ICH (Interna-tional Conference on Harmonization) guidelines. The results demonstrated that the method is accurate, reproducible, cheap and less time consuming. ...

Determination of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Cooper and Zinc in Drinking Water from R. Macedonia

Knowledge International Journal, 2018

The presence of some chemical compounds at higher levels than maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in the drinking water, suggests of water resources pollution. In this paper the following elements were analyzed: total arsenic, cadmium, lead, cooper and zinc. Twelve samples of water from the water supply system from the city of Skopje were examined during one year from three different springs. Also, ten samples of bottled water from three producers from the Macedonian market were tested.The determined average mass concentrations of total As, Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) in the analyzed water samples from the water supply system are 1.35 μg/l, 0.06 μg/l, 0.6 μg/l, 0.9 μg/l and 1,12 μg/l, respectively, and for the tested bottled water, the mean values ranges from 0.56 - 0.83 μg total As / l, 0.053 - 0.056 μg Cd(II)/l, 0.51 - 0.54 μg Pb(II)/l , 0.6 - 0.87 μg Cu(II)/l and 0.68 - 0.8 μg Zn(II)/l water.The following instrumental analytical methods and techniques were used for the...

Determination of heavy metal contents in salt and rechargeable batteries

Ecological Sciences, 2020

Сольові батарейки та акумулятори є загальновживаними елементами живлення, які використовуються в різноманітних побутових приладах. Але внаслідок високого вмісту важких металів, кислот, лугів і специфічних органічних сполук вони є джерелом екологічної небезпеки, у складі внутрішньої частини яких міститься не менше 10 хімічних високотоксичних елементів і розчинні важкі металилітій, ртуть, свинець, кадмій, нікель, кобальт, цинк, марганець та інших. Разом зі сміттям батарейки потрапляють на сміттєзвалища, де з часом їх корпус руйнується, важкі метали вивільняються, створюючи небезпеку для навколишнього середовища. Мета дослідження полягає в комплексному хімічному аналізі вмісту відпрацьованих сольових та акумуляторних батарейок та орієнтовній оцінці їх екологічного впливу. У статті наведено результати виконаного хімічного аналізу на вміст важких металів у 14 видах довільно обраних відпрацьованих сольових батарейках та акумуляторах методом мас-спектрометрії з індуктивно-зв'язаною плазмою (ІЗП-МС). Встановлено, що вміст макроелементів (цинк, марганець, калій, натрій, кремній) коливається в незначних межах, тому є відносно типовим для усіх досліджених батарейок. Найбільший вміст мікроелементів (церій, сурма, олово, індій, кадмій, срібло, молібден, ітрій, кобальт, хром, ванадій, літій), рідкоземельних і радіоактивних елементів (уран, торій, реній, самарій, празеодим, цезій) виявлено в батарейках Germania, а також Sony New Ultra, Panasonic, Digital, Energy (Енергія), Varta. Також надмірний вміст лантаноїдів визначено в батарейках Germania та Digital, що в 2-15 разів вище порівняно з іншими батарейками. На підставі результатів ІЗП-МС аналізу встановлено, що саме сольові батарейки Germania та Digital є найбільш екологічно небезпечними для довкілля за умови несанкціонованого потрапляння на сміттєзвалища внаслідок вмісту важких металів. Ключові слова: сольова батарейка, акумулятор, метод мас-спектрометрії з індуктивно зв'язаною плазмою, важкі метали. Determination of heavy metal contents in salt and rechargeable batteries. Kovrov O., Zvoryhin K. Salt batteries and rechargeable batteries are common electric devices used in various household appliances. But the high content of heavy metals, acids, alkalis and specific organic compounds is a source of environmental hazard. The inner part contains at least 10 highly toxic chemical elements and soluble heavy metals-lithium, mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, zinc, manganese, etc. Together with the domestic wastes, the batteries get to the landfills, where over time their shells are destroyed and heavy metals are released outside causing environmental hazard. The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive chemical analysis of the content of used salt and rechargeable batteries and provide an indicative assessment of their environmental impact. The paper presents the results of the chemical analysis of heavy metals content for 14 types of arbitrarily selected used salt batteries and rechargeable batteries by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) technique. Macro-elements (zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, silicon) are detected within a small range of variation and therefore relatively typical for all the batteries tested. The highest content of trace elements (cerium, antimony, tin, indium, cadmium, silver, molybdenum, yttrium, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, lithium), rare earths and radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, rhenium, samarium, praseodymium, cesium) are detected in the batteries Germania, Sony New Ultra, Panasonic, Digital, Energy, Varta. Also, the excess lanthanide content is determined in Germania and Digital batteries, which is 2-15 times higher than in other batteries. Based on the result of the ICP-MS analysis, it was established that Germania and Digital salt batteries are the most environmentally hazardous in the case of unauthorized depositing to landfill due to the high content of heavy metals.

Elemental Composition of Herbal Teas Studied by Instrumental Neutron Activation Anal-Ysis and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

chemistry of plant raw material

The plants that make up herbal tea have a complex chemical composition and can be related to drug collections and have various pharmacological properties that affect human health. In addition to organic acids, vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, the medicinal properties of plants are affected by macro- and microelements included in their composition. Macronutrients and microelements determine the medicinal properties of plants, are substances necessary for human growth and normal development. The composition of seven herbal teas developed in the scientific center of the North Ossetian State University after K.L. Khetagurov, each of which contains from 3 to 8 plant components was analyzed. Plant material was collected in the summer of 2018 in the mountainous and foothill areas of North Ossetia (Central Caucasus). Using instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrometry, the presence and determination of 37 elements was carried out for the first time in herb...

Content of the fluorine in the bottled w.ater in the Republic of Macedonia.

Нови можности и предизвици на големот откритие 36 Преземено Граѓаните на Хрватска им веруваат на своите лекари кога им препишуваат лекови 40 Практика Биомеханика на рбетниот столб 47 Портрети Д-Р РИСТО ИВАНОВСКИ Основополжник на анестезиологијата во Македонија и во Хрватска 50 Спорт Десет трофеи за македонските доктори на Балканското првенство 8 Активности Стручниот надзор стартува во Велес и Гостивар Прилог: Стручни и научни трудови 4 ЈУНИ 2013 ГЛАСИЛО НА ЛЕКАРСКАТА КОМОРА НА МАКЕДОНИЈА Воведник 5 ЈУНИ 2013

Extraction and-determination of-fructans oligofructose and inulin in medicinal plants petkova-denev-2012

Тhe continuous ethanol and water extractions of the dry roots from medicinal plants and Helianthus tuberosus tubers were carried out. The amount of extracted fructans was defined by the resorcinol method. The obtained average fructan content was as follows: Cichorium intybus -33 %, Inula helenium -42-44 % and Taraxacum officinale-34 % and Helianthus tuberosus -69 %, which make them rich sources of soluble dietary fiber, when they were used in dietary food products.

Quantitative Determination of the Sum of Flavonoids of the Aboveground Part of Scutellaria Comosa

chemistry of plant raw material

As a result of pharmacological studies, it was revealed that the sum of flavonoids from the aboveground part of the plant Scutellaria comosa (Lamiaceae family) has adaptogenic and antihypoxic effects. For the introduction into medical practice of a drug based on the sum of flavonoids, studies have been conducted on the standardization of raw materials – the aboveground part of the crested helmet. The analysis of plant raw materials by TLC and HPLC methods showed that the dominant flavonoid of the aboveground part of the crested skullcap is isoscutellarein 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. A differential spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the quantitative determination of the sum of flavonoids of the aboveground part of the crested helmet in terms of isoscutellarein 7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside. The optimal parameters for the extraction of vegetable raw materials are: extraction with 70% ethyl alcohol in a boiling water bath for 60 minutes in the ratio "raw material – extract...

Uranium(VI) Flotoextraction Isolation from Dilute Aqueous Solutions with Electrolyte Additions Presence

Vìsnik Odesʹkogo Nacìonalʹnogo Unìversitetu: Hìmìâ, 2015

Purposefulness of the uranium(VI) flotoextraction isolation from their diluted nitrate, sulphate and carbonate solutions in the presence of electrolyte additions using the thin-emulsified solution of the trialkylamine in white spirit has been found. It has been shown that in the presence of electrolyte additions uranium compound isolation degree decreased by 10—15%, optimal pH range got narrow and displaced to neutral medium, the collector optimal consumption decreased considerably, rate constants increased into 1,5—2 times. High efficiency of the uranium(VI) flotoextraction isolation has been showed by tests carried out on carbonate and sulfate model solutions.