From Hidden Quasiparticles to non-Fermi Liquid in the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model (original) (raw)

Hole propagation in the Kitaev-Heisenberg model: From quasiparticles in quantum Néel states to non-Fermi liquid in the Kitaev phase

Physical Review B, 2014

We explore with exact diagonalization the propagation of a single hole in four magnetic phases of the t-J-like Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a honeycomb lattice: the Néel antiferromagnetic, stripe, zigzag and Kitaev spin-liquid phase. We find coherent propagation of spin-polaron quasiparticles in the antiferromagnetic phase by a similar mechanism as in the t-J model for high-Tc cuprates. In the stripe and zigzag phases clear quasiparticles features appear in spectral functions of those propagators where holes are created and annihilated on one sublattice, while they remain largely hidden in those spectral functions that correspond to photoemission experiments. As the most surprising result, we find a totally incoherent spectral weight distribution for the spectral function of a hole moving in the Kitaev spin-liquid phase in the strong coupling regime relevant for iridates. At intermediate coupling the finite systems calculation reveals a well defined quasiparticle at the Γ point, however, we find that the gapless spin excitations wipe out quasiparticles at finite momenta. Also for this more subtle case we conclude that in the thermodynamic limit the lightly doped Kitaev liquid phase does not support quasiparticle states in the neighborhood of Γ, and therefore yields a non-Fermi liquid, contrary to earlier suggestions based on slave-boson studies. These observations are supported by the presented study of the dynamic spin-structure factor for the Kitaev spin liquid regime. PACS numbers: 75.10.Kt, 05.30.Rt, 71.10.Hf, 79.60.-i I. INTRODUCTION Carrier propagation in Mott or charge-transfer insulators is a challenging problem particularly motivated by strongly correlated superconducting cuprates [1-4].

Confinement-deconfinement transition and spin correlations in a generalized Kitaev model

Physical Review B, 2011

We present a general classification of the perturbations to the Kitaev model on the basis of their effect on it's spin correlation functions. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the spin correlators to exhibit a long ranged power-law behavior in the presence of such perturbations. We substantiate our result by a study of the phase diagram of the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising term, within a RVB mean-field theory. We estimate the stability of the spin-liquid phase against such perturbations and show that this model exhibits both confinementdeconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagnetic/spin-chain/ferromagnetic phases as well as topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin liquid phases.

Fractional Spin Fluctuations as a Precursor of Quantum Spin Liquids: Majorana Dynamical Mean-Field Study for the Kitaev Model

Physical Review Letters, 2016

Experimental identification of quantum spin liquids remains a challenge, as the pristine nature is to be seen in asymptotically low temperatures. We here theoretically show that the precursor of quantum spin liquids appears in the spin dynamics in the paramagnetic state over a wide temperature range. Using the cluster dynamical mean-field theory and the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method, which are newly developed in the Majorana fermion representation, we calculate the dynamical spin structure factor, relaxation rate in nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic susceptibility for the honeycomb Kitaev model whose ground state is a canonical example of the quantum spin liquid. We find that dynamical spin correlations show peculiar temperature and frequency dependence even below the temperature where static correlations saturate. The results provide the experimentally-accessible symptoms of the fluctuating fractionalized spins evincing the quantum spin liquids.

Probing Spinon Nodal Structures in Three-Dimensional Kitaev Spin Liquids

Physical Review Letters, 2017

We propose that resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is an effective probe of the fractionalized excitations in three-dimensional (3D) Kitaev spin liquids. While the non-spin-conserving RIXS responses are dominated by the gauge-flux excitations and reproduce the inelastic-neutron-scattering response, the spin-conserving (SC) RIXS response picks up the Majorana-fermion excitations and detects whether they are gapless at Weyl points, nodal lines, or Fermi surfaces. As a signature of symmetry fractionalization, the SC RIXS response is suppressed around the Γ point. On a technical level, we calculate the exact SC RIXS responses of the Kitaev models on the hyperhoneycomb, stripyhoneycomb, hyperhexagon, and hyperoctagon lattices, arguing that our main results also apply to generic 3D Kitaev spin liquids beyond these exactly solvable models.

Effects of spin vacancies on magnetic properties of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model

Physical Review B, 2011

We study the ground state properties of the Kitaev-Heisenberg model in a magnetic field and explore the evolution of spin correlations in the presence of non-magnetic vacancies. By means of exact diagonalizations, the phase diagram without vacancies is determined as a function of the magnetic field and the ratio between Kitaev and Heisenberg interactions. We show that in the (antiferromagnetic) stripe ordered phase the static susceptibility and its anisotropy can be described by a spin canting mechanism, accounting as well for the transition to the polarized phase when including quantum fluctuations perturbatively. Effects of spin vacancies depend sensitively on the type of the ground state. In the liquid phase, the magnetization pattern around a single vacancy in a small field is determined, and its spatial anisotropy is related to that of non-zero further neighbor correlations induced by the field and/or Heisenberg interactions. In the stripe phase, the combination of a vacancy and a small field breaks the six-fold symmetry of the model and stabilizes a particular stripe pattern. Similar symmetry-breaking effects occur even at zero field due to effective interactions between vacancies. This selection mechanism and intrinsic randomness of vacancy positions may lead to spin-glass behavior.

Topological spin liquids in the ruby lattice with anisotropic Kitaev interactions


The ruby lattice is a four-valent lattice interpolating between honeycomb and triangular lattices. In this work we investigate the topological spin-liquid phases of a spin Hamiltonian with Kitaev interactions on the ruby lattice using exact diagonalization and perturbative methods. The latter interactions combined with the structure of the lattice yield a model with Z_2 ×Z_2 gauge symmetry. We mapped out the phase digram of the model and found gapped and gapless spin-liquid phases. While the low energy sector of the gapped phase corresponds to the well-known topological color code model on a honeycomb lattice, the low-energy sector of the gapless phases is described by an effective spin model with three-body interactions on a triangular lattice. A gap is opened in the spectrum in a small magnetic field. We argue that the latter phases could be possibly described by exotic excitations, whose their spectrum is richer than the Ising phase of the Kitaev model.

Correlated spin liquids in the quantum kagome antiferromagnet at finite field: a renormalization group analysis

New Journal of Physics, 2019

We analyze the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXZ model on the kagome lattice at finite external magnetic field with the help of a non-perturbative zero-temperature renormalization group (RG) technique. The exact nature of the ground and excited state properties (e.g. gapped or gapless spectrum etc) of this system are still debated. Approximate methods have typically been adopted towards understanding the low-energy spectrum. Following the work of Kumar et al (2014 Phys. Rev. B 90 174409), we use a Jordan-Wigner transformation to map the spin problem into one of spinless fermions (spinons) in the presence of a statistical gauge field, and with nearest-neighbor interactions. While the work of Kumar et al was confined mostly to the plateau at 1/3-filling (magnetization per site) in the XY regime, we analyze the role of inter-spinon interactions in shaping the phases around this plateau in the entire XXZ model. The RG phase diagram obtained contains three spin liquid phases whose position is determined as a function of the exchange anisotropy and the energy scale for fluctuations arising from spinon scattering. Two of these spins liquids are topologically ordered states of matter with gapped, degenerate states on the torus. The gap for one of these phases corresponds to the one-spinon band gap of the Azbel-Hofstadter spectrum for the XY part of the Hamiltonian, while the other arises from two-spinon interactions. The Heisenberg point of this problem is found to lie within the interaction gapped spin liquid phase, in broad agreement with a recent experimental finding. The third phase is an algebraic spin liquid with a gapless Dirac spectrum for spinon excitations, and possess properties that show departures from the Fermi liquid paradigm. The three phase boundaries correspond to critical theories, and meet at a SU(2)-symmetric multicritical point. This special critical point agrees well with the gap-closing transition point predicted by Kumar et al. We discuss the relevance of our findings to various recent experiments, as well as results obtained from other theoretical analyses.

Exact results for spin dynamics and fractionization in the Kitaev Model


We present certain exact analytical results for dynamical spin correlation functions in the Kitaev Model. It is the first result of its kind in non-trivial quantum spin models. The result is also novel: in spite of presence of gapless propagating Majorana fermion excitations, dynamical two spin correlation functions are identically zero beyond nearest neighbor separation, showing existence of a gapless but short range spin liquid. An unusual, all energy scale fractionizationof a spin -flip quanta, into two infinitely massive π-fluxes and a dynamical Majorana fermion, is shown to occur. As the Kitaev Model exemplifies topological quantum computation, our result presents new insights into qubit dynamics and generation of topological excitations.

Stable Algebraic Spin Liquid in a Hubbard Model

Physical Review Letters, 2013

We show the existence of a stable algebraic spin liquid (ASL) phase in a Hubbard model defined on a honeycomb lattice with spin-dependent hopping that breaks time-reversal symmetry. The effective spin model is the Kitaev model for large on-site repulsion. The gaplessness of the emergent Majorana fermions is protected by the time-reversal invariance of this model. We prove that the effective spin model is time-reversal invariant in the entire Mott phase, thus ensuring the stability of the ASL. The model can be physically realized in cold atom systems, and we propose experimental signals of the ASL.