HE-LHC beam-parameters, optics and beam-dynamics issues (original) (raw)
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Luminosity Optimization for a Higher-Energy LHC
A Higher-Energy Large Hadron Collider (HE-LHC) is an option to further push the energy frontier of particle physics beyond the present LHC. A beam energy of 16.5 TeV would require 20 T dipole magnets in the existing LHC tunnel, which should be compared with 7 TeV and 8.33 T for the nominal LHC. Since the synchrotron radiation power increases with the fourth power of the energy, radiation damping becomes significant for the HE-LHC. It calls for transverse and longitudinal emittance control vis-a-vis beam-beam interaction and Landau damping. The heat load from synchrotron radiation, gas scattering, and electron cloud also increases with respect to the LHC. In this paper we discuss the proposed HE-LHC beam parameters; the time evolution of luminosity, beam-beam tune shifts, and emittances during an HE-LHC store; the expected heat load; and luminosity optimization schemes for both round and flat beams.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
In the frame of the FCC study we are designing a 27 TeV hadron collider in the LHC tunnel, called the High Energy LHC (HE-LHC). The HE-LHC can be realized by replacing the LHC's 8.33 T niobium-titanium dipole magnets with 16 T niobium-tin magnets developed for FCC-hh. A high-quality beam available from the upgraded LHC injector complex and significant radiation damping allow achieving the challenging target values for both peak and integrated luminosity required by particle physics. Tunnel integration determines the maximum outer size of the magnet cryAPCostat. The HE-LHC arc optics maximizes the dipole filling factor and optimizes the dynamic aperture, while limiting the field strengths of quadrupoles and sextupoles. The low-beta optics for the experimental insertions features a shielded quadrupole triplet even longer than the HL-LHC's, which can support an interaction-point beta function of 25 cm, and survive an integrated luminosity above 10/ab. Other challenges include collimation and extraction. The choice of injection energy and injector is another important element, and so are various collective effects. We here report the HE-LHC design status.
Estimates of HE-LHC beam parameters at different injection energies
A future upgrade to the LHC envisions increasing the top energy to 16.5 TeV and upgrading the injectors. There are two proposals to replace the SPS as the injector to the LHC. One calls for a superconducting ring in the SPS tunnel while the other calls for an injector (LER) in the LHC tunnel. In both scenarios, the injection energy to the LHC will increase. In this note we look at some of the consequences of increased injection energy to the beam dynamics in the LHC.
Experimental Interaction Region Optics for the High Energy LHC
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) is one option for a next generation hadron collider explored in the FCC-hh program. The core concept of the HE-LHC is to install FCC-hh technology magnets in the LHC tunnel. The higher beam rigidity and the increased radiation debris, however, impose severe challenges on the design of the triplet for the low beta insertions. In order to achieve 25 cm β * optics and survive a lifetime integrated luminosity of 10 ab −1 a new longer triplet was designed that provides sufficient shielding and enough beam stay clear. This triplet has been designed using complimentary radiation studies to optimise the shielding that will also be presented. The optics for the rest of the interaction region had to be adjusted in order to host this more rigid beam and longer triplet whilst leaving enough room for crab cavities. Moreover, the effects non-linear errors in this triplet have on the dynamic aperture will be outlined.
First Thoughts on a Higher-Energy LHC
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Beam physics in future electron hadron colliders
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Optimized Arc Optics for the HE-LHC
The High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) proton-proton collider is a proposed replacement of the LHC in the existing 27-km tunnel, with the goal of reaching the centre-of-mass beam energy of 27 TeV. The required higher dipole field can be realized by using 16-T dipoles being developed for the FCC-hh design. A major concern is the dynamic aperture at injection energy due to degraded field quality of the new dipole based on Nb3Sn superconductor, the potentially large energy swing between injection and collision, and the slightly reduced magnet aperture. Another issue is the field in quadrupoles and sextupoles at top energy, for which it may be cost-effective, wherever possible, to stay with Nb-Ti technology. In this study, we explore design options differed by arc lattice, for three choices of injection energy, with the goal of attaining acceptable magnet field and maximum injection dynamic aperture with dipole non-linear field errors.
Beam Dynamics Studies to Develop a High-energy Luminosity Model for the LHC
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Luminosity Performance Limitations Due to the Beam-Beam Interaction in the Large Hadron Collider
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Matthew Paul Crouch Thesis title: Luminosity Performance Limitations Due To The BeamBeam Interaction In The Large Hadron Collider In the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), particle physics events are created by colliding high energy proton beams at a number of interaction points around the ring. One of the main performance indicating parameters of the LHC is the luminosity. The luminosity is limited by, amongst other things, the strength of the beam-beam interaction. In this thesis, the effect of the beam-beam interaction on the luminosity performance of the LHC and the proposed High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is investigated. Results from a number of dedicated, long-range beam-beam machine studies are presented and analysed. In these studies, the minimum beam-beam separation for two different β∗ optics are identified. This separation defines the minimum operational crossing angle in the LHC. The data from these studies are then com...