Hubungan Antara Brand Awareness, Brand Reputation, dan Brand Trust pada Restoran Lokal Berbasis Rantai di Kota Malang (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kepercayaan Merek, Dan Kualitas Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Pada Pelanggan Geprek Bensu Di Kota Malang

Holistic Journal of Management Research

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand image, brand trust, dan quality product terhadap brand loyalty pada pelanggan Geprek Bensu di Kota Malang. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah explanatory research yang menjelaskan atau membuktikan hubungan atau pengaruh antar variabel independen dan dependen. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 195 responden dimana penyebaran kuisioner dilaksanakan di Kota Malang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel terdiri dari responde yang berdomisili di Kota Malang atau menetap sementara di Kota Malang, berusia minimal 17 tahun, merupakan pelanggan Geprek Bensu yag mempunyai pengetahuan atau pernah mendapatkan informasi secara online tentang Geprek Bensu, dan melakukan pembelian produk Geprek Bensu minimal 3x (tiga kali). Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS ver. 20. Hasil analisis yang didapat dalam...

Pengaruh Identitas Merek, Citra Merek, Dan Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Pada Rumah Makan Waroeng Spesial Sambal “Waroeng Ss” Cabang Pasar Lama Kota Tangerang


This research was done to analyze the effect of variable (X1) brand identity to the variable (Y) that is brand loyalty, the influence of variables (X2) is the brand image to variable (Y) that is brand loyalty, the influence of variables (X3) is brand trust the to variable (Y) that is brand loyalty,and the effect of variable (X1) which is variable brand identity , variable (X2) is the brand imageand variabel (X3) is the brand trustsimultaneously to variable (Y) brand loyalty. This research was conducted using a survey method. The population in this study is that consumers Rumah Makan Waroeng Spesial Sambal Waroeng SS Cabang Pasar Lama Kota Tangerang. Sampling with 100 respondents conducted by incidental sampling technique. While the analysis is done is done with the data, the classic assumption test hypothesis testing, validity, reliability, multiple regression analysis, multiple correlation analysis, and analysis of the coefficient of determination (R ²). Based on data analysis perf...

Pengaruh Brand Awareness Dan Sosial Media Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Pt. Lawang Cafe & Resto)

Co-Value, 2024

Pasar yang dinamis, dipengaruhi oleh perubahan gaya hidup dan tren masa kini, menuntut peran manajemen brand awareness dan sosial media yang semakin penting. Penelitian ini fokus pada dampak brand awareness dan pemasaran melalui media sosial terhadap keputusan pembelian, dengan kasus studi pada Lawang Café dan Resto di Karawang, Jawa Barat. Perusahaan ini berhasil memanfaatkan kopi sebagai produk unggulan dan strategi brand awareness melalui media sosial untuk menarik konsumen lokal dan ekspatriat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif. Data dikumpulkan dari 100 responden menggunakan kuesioner, observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data melibatkan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis deskriptif, dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari brand awareness dan sosial media terhadap keputusan pembelian. Brand awareness dan sosial media memiliki kontribusi masing-masing sebesar 0,951 dan 0,737 terhadap keputusan pembelian. Koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,880 menunjukkan kemampuan variabel independen (brand awareness dan sosial media) dalam menjelaskan variabel dependen (keputusan pembelian) sebesar 88,0%. Meskipun penelitian ini memberikan wawasan yang berharga, terdapat keterbatasan, seperti fokus pada satu perusahaan dan kemungkinan adanya variabel-variabel lain yang tidak dipertimbangkan. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat memperluas cakupan variabel dan melibatkan lebih banyak perusahaan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian di industri ini. Sebagai saran praktis, manajemen Lawang Café dapat meningkatkan strategi pemasaran brand awareness dan kehadiran di media sosial untuk memperkuat pengaruhnya pada keputusan pembelian konsumen.

Pengaruh Brand Feelings Terhadap Loyalitas Tamu DI Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok

THE Journal : Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal, 2016

Tourism is a service industry becomes global economic catalyst and a tool for socio-economic development. Tourism activities undertaken by tourists can not run if the lack of tourism products available to area attractions. The hotel is an integral part of the tourism business which is also a type of accommodation that uses some or all of the building to provide accommodation, food and beverage and other support services for the commercial general term. The level of competition-star hotel development in Sindh particularly in the area of Senggigi Beach and grow up. Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok. Occupancy rates are important to describe the extent to which the number of rooms at the hotel was sold. Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok strive to maintain and enhance the guests to come and stay back there, and the guests who had been a guest can be spiritual so that advocates can recommend it to others. The higher the level of competition in the hospitality industry to make the...


Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, 2019

Based on BPS DKI Jakarta data, there is a growth of restaurants that are quite high in Jakarta. This increase motivates restaurants to provide services and innovation to maintain customer loyalty. One of the innovations made by Sentosa Beach Restaurant Jakarta is "live seafood". Many customers like this concept based on observations and reviews from the internet. When customer satisfaction is achieved, a brand image will be formed and customers will be loyal to the restaurant. To distinguish their products, it is very important for restaurants to build a positive brand image. Positive brand image motivates people to visit restaurants. The purpose of this study is to show customer satisfaction and brand image influence brand loyalty at Sentosa Restaurant Jakarta Beach. Descriptive quantitative research method, where the method is carried out through questionnaire surveys. The unit of analysis used in this study is the visitors to Sentosa Restaurant Beach. The data analysis was used in this study by applying the direct sampling procedure to respondents found by distributing questionnaires. The number of questionnaires was 120. The results showed that the Customer was satisfied with the services, Customer saw the brand image of Sentosa Restourant Beach was very strong as liveseafood restaurant. Hypothesis testing is the sig value is 0.00 <0.05. It was concluded that the variable customer satisfaction had a positive influence on brand loyalty and showed that the brand image variable had a positive influence on brand loyalty. ABSTRAK

Pengaruh Kesadaran, Asosiasi, Citra Dan Kesetiaan Terhadap Ekuitas Merek Pada Produk Mie Instan DI Yogyakarta

Kajian Bisnis Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Wiwaha

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dimensi Ekuitas Merek yang mempengaruhi Ekuitas Merek mie instan Indomie pada mahasiswa S1 yang merantau di Yogyakarta. Teori deteksi sinyal dapat mendeteksi stimulus yang diterima dan menghasilkan keputusan; teori tersebut digunakan untuk menghasilkan formulasi strategi untuk meningkatkan Ekuitas Merek. Sampel berjumlah 182 responden sesuai dengan kriteria, yaitu responden yang menyukai mie instan, menyukai produk mie instan Indomie, dan mahasiswa S1 yang telah merantau di Yogyakarta. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling untuk mengetahui hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Pengujian penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 24 dan AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Asosiasi Merek, Loyalitas Merek, Kesadaran Merek, dan Citra Merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Ekuitas Merek. Kontribusi akademis dari penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris dari variab...

Faktor-Faktor Determinan Reputasi Perusahaan Pada Restoran Cepat Saji DI Jakarta


This study aims to analyze about determinant factors the company's reputation such as social responsibility, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and brand image on the company's reputation. This study uses primary data obtained by distributing to respondents with google form. The population in this study are consumers of fast food restaurants in DKI Jakarta. The sample used is consumers from fast food restaurants through a questionnaire used as many as 260 respondents. The sampling technique was determined by using a non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling type, namely the way of taking samples not randomly but using certain criteria, among other consumers who bought fast food restaurant products, especially in DKI Jakarta at least 2 times and at least 17 years old and knew about corporate social responsibility conducted through a questionnaire used. The data testing technique used in this study used multiple regression analysis which was operated throu...