Implementasi Identifikasi Sistem Metode Black Box Pada Motor DC Menggunakan Correlation Analysis Dan Model Arx (original) (raw)
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Analisa Analitis Karateristik Arus Motor DC yang Disuplai Penyearah Dioda Satu Fasa
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This study intends to look at the characteristics of current drawn by the dc motor when supplied by a singlephase diode rectifier. Characteristics of this current will depend on the output of a single-phase sinusoidal rectifier and electrical characteristics of dc motors. Assessments carried out by modeling a single-phase diode rectifier in order to obtain output voltage equation. Next modeled as a series dc motor electric ekiuvalen thus obtained mathematical model. By using Kirchoff Voltage Law is obtained first order differential equation is not homogeneous due to the excitation voltage ac source. This equation contains the parameters of the current as a function of time. Electric current equation is then simulated to obtain the dc motor input current curve as a function of time or current dc motor moment. The result is a instantanous current characteristic curve dc motor function of time, steady-state current at t = 0, and the average current which is a dc currents.
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Testing an application serves to check whether an application / program is running with what is desired or whether there are still errors / errors that need to be corrected so that the program created into a quality program. Software testing method consists of two types, namely Blackbox testing and Whitebox Testing where many are used in the time of the testers to check the program is appropriate or not with what they want. Testing this time the software that will be tested using the Blackbox testing method, this time testing only has the purpose to check the program being tested whether it is in accordance with the benefits that the manufacturer wants to the program without the tester having to know what program code is used in the application. Testing the Blackbox method is really a variety of one is Equivalence Partitions. which is utilized by us in the testing process this time. This technique is a trial in which the tester inputs data on all pages in the cashier application pro...
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Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Nowadays, computers have an important role in human life. Because computers really help humans in carrying out tasks through the applications and features available according to human needs. Most of the people who have a business doing all their activities are more computerized on a regular basis for reasons of time, less risk and faster decisions than without a computer. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to produce a cashier information system that can conduct deposit sales and produce multiple transaction reports. This Cashier System was designed using PHP and MySQL programming languages with XAMPP software.
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi, 2020
Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system is a system used to record grades and other student data relating to the implementation of work practices in industry. This information system must be error free. If an error occurs can cause losses to stakeholders. To provide assurance that the information system developed has been free from errors, it is necessary to test. Testing is one level of the program implementation process that must be passed in order that an error can be found. Tests that can be said to be good are if the tests were initially found no errors and then errors can be found, even if only a small error. In testing the Praktek Kerja Industri (PRAKERIN) information system it is proposed as a Black Box. Black Box testing has various techniques. Of the many testing methods currently available, the current testing will use the Boundary Value Analysis method. The technique of determining the limits that exist in the lower and upper values to be able to produce the actual value. The test results show that the information system developed has been error free and has good quality.
Teknologi telah menjadi salah satu tren yang sangat melekat dengan kehidupan manusia. Astra Credit Companies (ACC) membangun sistem Quest Master & Training Expertise Academy sebagai wadah bagi para peserta internship, bootcamp, dan kegiatan lainnya untuk belajar dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Quest Master merupakan sebuah sistem yang dibangun dengan tujuan untuk mengasah skill dalam bentuk gamification. Maka dari itu, perlu dilakukan sebuah pengujian untuk menjamin kualitas dari sistem yang dibangun. Pada pengujian ini, black box testing dipilih sebagai metode pengujian karena pengujian akan berfokus pada fungsionalitas sistem. Fungsi yang diuji terdiri dari 8 fungsi Quest Master – Mobile dan 10 fungsi Quest Master – CMS. Pengujian akan dilakukan secara manual dan otomatis untuk membandingkan hasil akhir yang dihasilkan dari kedua pengujian tersebut. Pengujian Quest Master akan menggunakan teknik equivalence partitioning sebagai teknik pengujiannya. Tahapan dari pengujian yang di...
Pengujian Sistem Acc Mobile Survey (Amos) Menggunakan Metode Black Box Testing
Teknologi saat ini yang menjanjikan kemudahan dan kecepatan pada setiap proses sangat berbengaruh di berbagai bidang. Astra Credit Companies sebagai perusahaan pembiayaan mengembangkan sistem ACC Mobile Survey untuk melakukan survei melalui aplikasi mobile agar proses pengambilan keputusan dapat dipersingkat. Sebelum aplikasi digunakan, pengujian perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan aplikasi dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan alur yang telah ditetapkan pada perancangan awal aplikasi. Guna menemukan pengujian yang paling baik, pengujian dilakukan menggunakan dua cara yaitu manual dan otomatis untuk menemukan perbedaan dan mencari pengujian paling efektif bagi sistem ACC Mobile Survey. Metode black box testing dipilih sebagai metode dalam pengujian karena berfokus kepada fungsionalitas sistem yang diuji dan teknik yang digunakan pada pengujian adalah cause effect graph. Perancangan test case menggunakan teknik cause effect graph memerlukan beberapa tahapan yang dimulai dari proses identifikasi...