Parallel quantum simulation of large systems on small NISQ computers (original) (raw)

Tensor Network Quantum Simulator With Step-Dependent Parallelization


In this work, we present a new large-scale quantum circuit simulator. It is based on the tensor network contraction technique to represent quantum circuits. We propose a novel parallelization algorithm based on \stepslice . In this paper, we push the requirement on the size of a quantum computer that will be needed to demonstrate the advantage of quantum computation with Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA). We computed 210 qubit QAOA circuits with 1,785 gates on 1,024 nodes of the the Cray XC 40 supercomputer Theta. To the best of our knowledge, this constitutes the largest QAOA quantum circuit simulations reported to this date.

A multilayer multi-configurational approach to efficiently simulate large-scale circuit-based quantum computers on classical machines

The Journal of Chemical Physics

The multilayer multi-configurational (MLMC) theory framework is adapted to simulate circuit-based quantum computers. Quantum addition of superpositions of an exponential number of summands is performed in polynomial time with high accuracy. We demonstrate numerically accurate calculations including up to one million qubits for entangling benchmarks. Simulation cost can be assessed by entropybased entanglement measures. For the considered systems we show that the entanglement only grows weakly with the system size. The present simulations demonstrate how quantum algorithms in low-entropy regimes can be used efficiently on classically simulated quantum computers.

Classical simulation of quantum algorithms using the tensor product representation

Using the tensor product representation in the density matrix renormalization group, we show that a quantum circuit of Grover's algorithm, which has one-qubit unitary gates, generalized Toffoli gates, and projective measurements, can be efficiently simulated by a classical computer. It is possible to simulate quantum circuits with several ten qubits.

Designing Quantum Circuits for Efficient Many-Body Quantum Simulation


We construct an efficient autonomous quantum-circuit design algorithm for creating efficient quantum circuits to simulate Hamiltonian many-body quantum dynamics for arbitrary input states. The resultant quantum circuits have optimal space complexity and employ a sequence of gates that is close to optimal with respect to time complexity. We also devise an algorithm that exploits commutativity to optimize the circuits for parallel execution. As examples, we show how our autonomous algorithm constructs circuits for simulating the dynamics of Kitaev's honeycomb model and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer model of superconductivity. Furthermore, we provide numerical evidence that the rigorously proven upper bounds for the simulation error here and in previous work may sometimes overestimate the error by orders of magnitude compared to the best achievable performance for some physics-inspired simulations.

Simulations of quantum-logic operations in a quantum computer with a large number of qubits

Physical Review A, 2000

We report the first simulations of the dynamics of quantum logic operations with a large number of qubits (up to 1000). A nuclear spin chain in which selective excitations of spins is provided by the gradient of the external magnetic field is considered. The spins interact with their nearest neighbors. We simulate the quantum CONTROL-NOT (CN) gate implementation for remote qubits which provides the long-distance entanglement. Our approach can be applied to any implementation of quantum logic gates involving a large number of qubits.

General-purpose parallel simulator for quantum computing

Physical Review A, 2002

With current technologies, it seems to be very difficult to implement quantum computers with many qubits. It is therefore of importance to simulate quantum algorithms and circuits on the existing computers. However, for a large-size problem, the simulation often requires more computational power than is available from sequential processing. Therefore, the simulation methods using parallel processing are required.

RosneT: A Block Tensor Algebra Library for Out-of-Core Quantum Computing Simulation

2021 IEEE/ACM Second International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (QCS), 2021

With the advent of more powerful Quantum Computers, the need for larger Quantum Simulations has boosted. As the amount of resources grows exponentially with size of the target system Tensor Networks emerge as an optimal framework with which we represent Quantum States in tensor factorizations. As the extent of a tensor network increases, so does the size of intermediate tensors requiring HPC tools for their manipulation. Simulations of medium-sized circuits cannot fit on local memory, and solutions for distributed contraction of tensors are scarce. In this work we present RosneT, a library for distributed, out-ofcore block tensor algebra. We use the PyCOMPSs programming model to transform tensor operations into a collection of tasks handled by the COMPSs runtime, targeting executions in existing and upcoming Exascale supercomputers. We report results validating our approach showing good scalability in simulations of Quantum circuits of up to 53 qubits.

Stabilizer Tensor Networks: Universal Quantum Simulator on a Basis of Stabilizer States


Efficient simulation of quantum computers relies on understanding and exploiting the properties of quantum states. This is the case for methods such as tensor networks, based on entanglement, and the tableau formalism, which represents stabilizer states. In this Letter, we integrate these two approaches to present a generalization of the tableau formalism used for Clifford circuit simulation. We explicitly prove how to update our formalism with Clifford gates, non-Clifford gates, and measurements, enabling universal circuit simulation. We also discuss how the framework allows for efficient simulation of more states, raising some interesting questions on the representation power of tensor networks and the quantum properties of resources such as entanglement and magic, and support our claims with simulations.

Tensor Ring Parametrized Variational Quantum Circuits for Large Scale Quantum Machine Learning


Quantum Machine Learning (QML) is an emerging research area advocating the use of quantum computing for advancement in machine learning. Since the discovery of the capability of Parametrized Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) to replace Artificial Neural Networks, they have been widely adopted to different tasks in Quantum Machine Learning. However, despite their potential to outperform neural networks, VQCs are limited to small scale applications given the challenges in scalability of quantum circuits. To address this shortcoming, we propose an algorithm that compresses the quantum state within the circuit using a tensor ring representation. Using the input qubit state in the tensor ring representation, single qubit gates maintain the tensor ring representation. However, the same is not true for two qubit gates in general, where an approximation is used to have the output as a tensor ring representation. Using this approximation, the storage and computational time increases linearl...

Massively Parallel Quantum Computer Simulations: Towards Realistic Systems

Parallel computing: …, 2008

M. Richter et al./Massively Parallel Quantum Computer Simulations: Towards Realistic Systems Eq.(8)), excite bus phonons (which are needed to couple qubits for two-qubit operations), or measure a qubit. The total time-dependant Hamiltonian consists of the following parts7 ...