KONSEP ‘AQABAH DALAM TAŞAWWUF AL-GHAZĀLĪ: Tela’ah atas Kitab Minhāj al-‘Ābidīn (original) (raw)

2008, Jurnal Sosioteknologi

Al-Ghazālī"s complete name was Abū Hāmid Muh ammad Ibn Muh ammad Al-Ghazālī Al-Ţūsī (450-505H/1058-1111M). He contibuted greatly to the development of taşawwuf mastered the majority of Islamic traditional knowledge, such as Fiqh, Tafsir, Kalam and taşawwuf with his wide and deep knowledge at least in Muslim Sunni"s perspective, he was considered, at least in Muslim Sunni prespective, as the most complete Muslim thinker who answered most at Islamic questions, especially in sufism. It is not surprising that his works, especially in sufism has exerted great the influences on Islamic world generally and Indonesia especially in interpreting sufi doctrines for long time. The influence of al-Ghazālī"s thought can be seen from the great numbers of studies on sufism conducted by educated Muslim society from the Islamic boarding high school till university or college. With observing several works of al-Ghazālī thought in many boarding schools and the tendency for student college to study the thought of al-Ghazālī, the writer conclude that concerning religious matters Indonesian Muslim community have considered al-Ghazālī"s works as reference more authoritative than the other thinkers in this field. Al-Ghazālī dominated the study of it in educated Indonesian Muslim are : Ihya" "Ulūm al-Dīn, Bidāyah al-Hidāyah and Minhāj al-"Ābidīn. These works had been translated into Indonesian language. Furthermore, the last two works have been explained with Arabic language, first the book "Bidāyah al-Hidāyah" by Nawawi Banten with title al-Marāqi al-"ubūdiyyah, secondly the book "Minhāj al-"Ābidīn" by Ihsān Ibn Muh ammad Dahlān (d.1330H/1952M), a "alim from Jampes, Kediri with titled Sirāj al-Tālibīn. Al-Ghazālī"s Minhāj al-"Ābidīn is interesting and very important to study. This book is a short composition but contains the esential doctrines (at sufism). It was the last work of al-Ghazālī before he passed away, just his extraordinary friends who listen directly from al-Ghazālī. This book summons its readers to reflect the essence of Ibādah (Worship) and its various steps to make it perfect. There are seven steps: 1) knowledge and gnosis (al-"ilm wa al-ma"rifah), 2) repentance (al-tawbah), 3) permanent barriers (al-"awā"iq), 4) temporary barriers (al-"awārid), 5) encouraging factors (al-khawf wa al-raja"), 6) blaming spirit (al-qawādih) and 7) praising God (al-h amd wa al-shukr).