Optical Methods of Engineering Analysis (original) (raw)

Advances in Optics Reviews Vol. 3

Sergey Y. Yurish Editor. Advances in Optics: Reviews Book Series, Volume 3., 2018

Preface It is my great pleasure to introduce the third volume of new Book Series ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ started by the IFSA Publishing in 2018. Three volumes were published in this year. The ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series is published as an Open Access Books in order to significantly increase the reach and impact of these volumes, which also published in two formats: electronic (pdf) with full-color illustrations and print (paperback). The third of three volumes of this Book Series has organized by topics of high interest. In order to offer a fast and easy reading of each topic, every chapter in this book is independent and self-contained. All chapters have the same structure: first an introduction to specific topic under study; second particular field description including sensing or/and measuring applications. Each of chapter is ending by complete list of carefully selected references with books, journals, conference proceedings and web sites. The Vol.3 is devoted to various topics of applied optics and contains 17 chapters written by 49 experts in the field from 14 countries: Australia, China, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Taiwan, UK, USA and Vietnam. ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series is a comprehensive study of the field of optics, which provides readers with the most up-to-date coverage of optics, photonics and lasers with a good balance of practical and theoretical aspects. Directed towards both physicists and engineers this Book Series is also suitable for audiences focusing on applications of optics. A clear comprehensive presentation makes these books work well as both a teaching resources and a reference books. The book is intended for researchers and scientists in physics and optics, in academia and industry, as well as postgraduate students. I shall gratefully receive any advices, comments, suggestions and notes from readers to make the next volumes of ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series very interesting and useful. Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish Editor IFSA Publishing Barcelona, Spain.

Advances in Optics Reviews. Vol. 5

Advances in Optics Reviews. Vol. 5, 2021

It is my great pleasure to introduce the fifth volume from our popular open access Book Series ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ started by the IFSA Publishing in 2018. The Vol. 5 of this Book Series is also published as an Open Access Book in order to significantly increase the reach and impact of this volume, which also published in two formats: electronic (pdf) with full-color illustrations and print (paperback). ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series is a comprehensive study of the field of optics, which provides readers with the most up-to-date coverage of optics, photonics and lasers with a good balance of practical and theoretical aspects. Directed towards both physicists and engineers this Book Series is also suitable for audiences focusing on applications of optics. A clear comprehensive presentation makes these books work well as both a teaching resources and a reference books. The book is intended for researchers and scientists in physics and optics, in academia and industry, as well as postgraduate students. Like the first four volumes of this Book Series, the fifth volume also has been organized by topics of high interest to offer a fast and easy reading of each topic, every chapter in this book is independent and self-contained. All chapters have the same structure: first an introduction to specific topic under study; second particular field description including sensing or/and measuring applications. Each of chapter is ending by well selected list of references with books, journals, conference proceedings and web sites. The fifth volume is devoted to optics, lasers, optical communication and networks, and written by 53 authors from academia and industry from 12 countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, China, France, Italy, Iraq, Japan, Russia, Spain, Turkey, USA and Vietnam. But it is not a simple set of reviews. As usually, each chapter contains the extended state-of-the-art followed by new, unpublished before, obtained by the authors results. This book ensures that our readers will stay at the cutting edge of the field and get the right and effective start point and road map for the further researches and developments. By this way, they will be able to save more time for productive research activity and eliminate routine work. I shall gratefully receive any advices, comments, suggestions and notes from readers to make the next volumes of ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’ Book Series very interesting and useful. Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish Editor IFSA Publishing Barcelona, Spain


DESCRIPTION. Optics Communications invites original and timely contributions containing new results in various fields of optics and photonics. The journal considers theoretical and experimental research in areas ranging from the fundamental properties of light to technological applications. Topics covered include classical and quantum optics, optical physics and light-matter interactions, lasers, imaging, guided-wave optics and optical information processing. Manuscripts should offer clear evidence of novelty and significance. Papers concentrating on mathematical and computational issues, with limited connection to optics, are not suitable for publication in the Journal. Similarly, small technical advances, or papers concerned only with engineering applications or issues of materials science fall outside the journal scope. The Fast Track section of Optics Communications is the venue for very rapid publication of short communications on significant developments in the various fields of modern optics. The goal is to offer the broad modern optics community quick and immediate access to recently completed work in research areas that are rapidly developing and in which there are developments with great potential impact. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com AUDIENCE. Optical scientists and engineers, solid state-, molecular-, and chemical physicists. IMPACT FACTOR. 2014: 1.449

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIII, 2016

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