Late Cenozoic faulting and the stress state in the south-eastern segment of the Siberian platform (original) (raw)

Complex geological-geophysical study of active faults in the Sochi-Krasnaya Polyana region

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2013

Поступила в редакцию 02.08.2011 г. Комплексные исследования, включавшие геолого геоморфологические и геофизические работы, позволили существенно уточнить местоположение основных сейсмогенерирующих структур Со чинского региона. Исследования проводились в 2007-2009 гг. между Адлером и Красной Поляной и были нацелены на выявление и детальное изучение всех активных разломов этого района. В ре зультате выяснилось, что в целях оценки сейсмической опасности основной интерес представляют Монастырский и Краснополянский разломы. В зонах этих разломов были выявлены и изучены вы разительные деформации молодых отложений и форм рельефа, а также тяготеющие к ним сейсмо гравитационные образования.

Settingslithostratigraphic Features of the Meso-Cainozoic Section of the Joint Zone of the Northeastern Slope of the Ukrainian Shield and the Dnipro-Donets Depression

Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine

The article presents the results of lithostratigraphic studies, that are important for improving of the Meso-Cenozoic stratigraphic scheme of the northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Shield and the zone of its articulation with the southwestern slope of the Dnipro-Donets Depression. The cores of five boreholes drilled in the area of the M‑36-ХІІ (Oster) sheet were studied. The following formations were described: the upper (Korenevo) subsuite of the Dronovka suite of the Induan of the Lower Triassic, the Podluzhna and Nezhyn suites of the Bathonian and the Ichnia suite of the lower Callovian of the Middle Jurassic, the Ivanytsa suite of the middle Callovian — Oxfordian of the Jurassic, the Buromka formation of the lower Cenomanian and strata of chalk-like marls of the middle Cenomanian — Turonian of the Upper Cretaceous, the Upper Paleocene Merla suite, the Lower Eocene Kaniv suite, the Middle Eocene Buchak and Kyiv suites, the Upper Eocene sandy-clay strata and the Lower Oligocene M...

The Cenozoic Crustal Stress State of Mongolia According to Geological and Structural Data (Review)

Geodynamics & Tectonophysics

This article gives a chronological review of the main published research results concerning the Cenozoic crustal stress-strain state in Mongolia and adjacent territories. The studies commenced in the southern Baikal rift zone in the 1970s and were extended further southwards to cover mobile regions neighbouring the Siberian platform. Geological, structural and morphostructural data were collected and analysed to define the crustal stress types and spatial characteristics. The authors have consolidated their reconstructions of the crustal stress-strain state of Mongolia, which were based on tectonic fracturing data and displacements along fractures in fault zones active in the Cenozoic. We consolidated a database of reconstructed stress tensors, which now contains more than 750+ solutions. The Late Cenozoic stress field was mapped. The map shows domains differing in types of the paleostress state of the crust. The reconstructions were compared to our calculations of the present-day crustal stress state, which were based on earthquake focal mechanisms, and to calculations by other authors. At the Late Cenozoic and current stages, the maximum horizontal compression axis (S Hmax) has varying orientations, from submeridional (Western Mongolia) to NE and ENE (Eastern Mongolia). The role of compression increases from the northern domains, where the reconstructions show shear and transtension, to the southern domains with prevailing transpression and compression. Regular changes occur in the stress state and rupture parageneses along the largest latitudinal faults, North Khangai and Dolinoozersky; such changes are related to left-lateral strike-slip faulting. We analysed the sequence of the occurrence of stress fields differing in types and spatial characteristics, and revealed the main regularities in the evolution of the crustal stress-strain state in time. In the Cenozoic history of crust deformation in Mongolia, we can distinguish several episodes that differ in the dominant impacts of various tectonic force sources or combinations of such impacts. At the beginning of the Cenozoic, tectonic structures developed mainly under the influence of the interaction of East Asia and the Pacific Plate, which was manifested in the southeastern domains of the study area. The long-term SE-trending asthenospheric flow caused crustal stretching, which initiated the formation of tectonic structures comprising the Baikal rift system. Starting from the Pliocene, crustal stretching took place in combination with NNE compression caused by the India-Eurasia convergence. As a result, shearing occurred along the large faults. At this background, the Khangai and Khentei uplifts (including crust extension zones at their crests) are large structures that developed due to the dynamic effect of local mantle anomalies.

Interblock zones in the crust of the southern regions of East Siberia: tectonophysical interpretation of geological and geophysical data

Geodynamics & Tectonophysics, 2013

The zoneblock structure of the lithosphere is represented by a hierarchically organized pattern of stable blocks and mobile zones which border such blocks and contain highly dislocated geological medium (Fig. 1). Today, different specialists adhere to different concepts of blocks and zones, which are two main elements of the lithosphere structure. Differences are most significant in determinations of 'interblock zones' that are named as deformation / destructive / contact / mobile / frac ture zones etc. due to their diversity in different conditions of deformation. One of the most effective approaches to studying the zoneblock structure of the lithosphere is a combination of geological and geophysical studies of interblock zones tectonic features on various scales, which can make it possible to reveal the most common patterns of the interblock zones, general regularities of their development and relationships between the interblock zones. The main objectives of our study were (1) to identify the zoneblock structure of the crust in the southern regions of East Siberia from tectonophysical analysis of geological and geophysical surveys conducted on four different scales along the 500 km long ShertoyKrasny Chikoy transect crossing the marginal segment of the Siberian block, the Baikal rift and the Trans baikalian block (Fig. 2); (2) to clarify structural features of the central part of the Baikal rift (representing the tectonic type of interblock extension zone) by applying new research methods, such as radon emanation survey, to the ShertoyKrasny Chi koy transect and using the previously applied methods, such as magnetotelluric sounding, on a smaller scale; and (3) to study manifestation of interblock zones of various ranks in different geological and geophysical fields, to reveal common specific features of their structural patterns for the upper crust, and to establish regularities of hierarchic and spatial relationships be tween the interblock zones. On the global scale, the object of our study at the ShertoyKrasny Chikoy transect was the Baikal interblock zone (Fig. 2, 15, and 16). On the transregional scale, large fault zones were studied (Fig. 6, 11, and 14). On the regional and local scales, the objects of our study were systems of faults and fractures of various ranks which were active at the late Cenozoic stage of tectogenesis (Fig. 4, and 5). The set of geological and geophysical surveys included application of methods for identification of faults and fractures using different criteria, with account of the fact that clusters of such structures are indicative of the interblock zones of the crust. We used structural geological methods for studying faults and fractures, morphostructural analysis (including interpretation of satellite images), selfpotential (SP) and resistivity profiling, magnetotelluric (MT) sounding, radon emanation survey, and hydrogeological studies of water occurrences. The region of Lake Baikal is one of the most studied geodynamically active regions of Russia; therefore, published data from previous studies of the Baikal region were used to interpret the data obtained by the authors. By interpreting the obtained data from the unified tectonophysical positions, the three objectives were met, and the fol lowing research results were stated: 1. The principal specific features of the geological structure of the crust along the ShertoyKrasny Chikoy transect are specified. It is established that the divisibility pattern complies with tectonophysical definitions of the hierarchically organ ized zoneblock structure of the lithosphere (Fig. 2, 6, 11, 14, and 16). It is clearly evidenced, within the depth interval from the nearsurface to about 30 km, that the crust is split into slightly broken blocks that are in contact with each other via wide zones that are marked by higher fracturing and fluid saturation. To a first approximation, such blocks are shaped as subhori zontal plates in the stable southern regions of East Siberia (e.g., the southern part of the Siberian platform) and subvertical plates in the areas being active in the Cenozoic (e.g., the Baikal rift). Within the framework of the given model of the zone block structure of the southern regions of East Siberia, strict hierarchical subordination is established that manifests in spatial relationships of interblock zones (the closed network of the zones, imbedded blocks); its quantitative characteristics are stated at the global, transregional and three regional levels (Table 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 22). Average sizes of the zones, that were crossed by the transect, are estimated from the depth of their penetration into the crust; it is shown that Scale Invariant 2.2 (previously set for estimates of square areas) is valid also for the analysis of volumes of interblock structures. Detailed observations show GEODYNAMICS & TECTONOPHYSICS

Position of the Anai Formation in the Proterozoic Section of the Baikal Salient of the Siberian Platform Basement

Geodynamics & Tectonophysics

The paper presents the first U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) dating results for detrital zircons from the quartzsericite-chlorite schist of the Anai formation within the Baikal salient of the Siberian platform basement. During the study the detrital zircons showed a major age peak at 1.86 Ga, which indicates that the rocks of the Anai formation were accumulated after the development of magmatic rocks of the South Siberian post-collisional magmatic belt with an age of 1.88‒1.84 Ga. This fact makes it possible to reconsider a point of view on the belonging of the Anai formation to the section of the Paleoproterozoic Sarma group whose rocks were intruded by granitoids of the South Siberian magmatic belt. It is shown that the rocks of the Anai formation can be considered as age and facial equivalents of the Proterozoic sediments of the Purpol formation of the Patom zone. Taking into account the Anai formation sediments intruded by sills and dikes of the Neoproterozoic (~720 Ma) dolerites, it can be co...

Gladkochub, D. P.; Donskaya, T. V.; Ernst, R., Mazukabzov A.M., Sklyarov E.V., Pisarevsky S.A., Wingate M., Suderlund U. Proterozoic basic magmatism of the Siberian Craton: Main stages and their geodynamic interpretation // GEOTECTONICS, 2012, Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 273-284


Geological data on the Precambrian basic complexes of the Siberian Craton and their isotopic age are considered. The three main episodes of Precambrian basic magmatism of Siberia correspond to certain stages of the geodynamic evolution of the craton and the Earth as a whole. In the Late Paleoproterozoic, largely in the south and the north of the craton, the basic rocks were emplaced against the background of post collision extension, which followed the preceding collision–accretion stage responsible for the formation of the craton. In the Mesoproterozoic, primarily in the north of the craton, basic magmatism was controlled by dispersed within�plate extension apparently caused by the impact of a mantle plume. Neoproterozoic basic magmatism widespread in the southern and southeastern parts of the craton was caused by rifting, which accompanied breakdown of the Rodinia supercontinent and opening of the Paleoasian ocean along the southern margin of the Siberian Craton.

A gap in sedimentation in the Silurian section of the Subpolar Urals at the Ludlow-Pridoli boundary

A gap in sedimentation in the Silurian section of the Subpolar Urals at the Ludlow-Pridoli boundary, 2020

Research subject. The article discusses the results of a new detailed study of a reference section of the Upper Silurian in the Subpolar Urals. This study was undertaken to clarify the existing contradictions concerning the age of the Ludlow-Pridoli boundary deposits and the definition of the Ludlow-Pridoli boundary, which is based on the study of different fauna groups. Materials and methods. The newly collected collections contained more than 100 samples of sedimentary rocks with fossil macro fauna, 22 tests on microfauna, 198 tests on chemical analysis for determining the content of Ba, Sr and δ13C and δ18 O isotopes in carbonates. The results of experiments were confirmed by the authors’ bio-sedimentological, paleo-ecological and chemostratigraphic data. Results. The conducted research confirmed the existence of a gap in sedimentation at the end of Ludlow; clarified the thickness of the Sizim stage in the reference section; elucidated its sedimentological and chemostratigraphic characteristics; allowed changes in biodiversity due to a change in the sedimentation regime, paleoecological impact on biota in the late Ludlow and restoration of biota in the early Pridoli to be traced. The study also demonstrated that the time boundaries of the transgressive and regressive stages in the development of the Northern Ural sea basin and the event-stratigraphic boundary of the Ludlow-Pridoli were directly related to the main global events in the Late Silurian (Lau Event, Lower Pridolian Event), the traces of which are preserved in the studied section. Conclusions.The intensification of regressive tendencies across the largest part of the Northern Ural paleobasin in the Late Ludlow, widespread development of microbial biota, cessation of the Silurian reef formation, as well as the extinction of Pentamerida brachiopods – exclusively, indicate a significant ecosystematic restructuring in the late Ludlow. It can be assumed that the absence of a significant positive deviation of the δ13 C global Lau Event in this section is associated with the identified gap, the amplitude of which correlates with the Ozarkodina snajdri and Ozarkodina crispa zones located above the Polygnathoides siluricus zone in the conodont sequence of the Upper Ludlow.

Sedimentology and stratigraphic correlation of Vendian deposits in the southwestern Siberian Craton: Major contribution of an exocratonic clastic source to sedimentary systems


Исследование сфокусировано на седиментологии и стратиграфии огромного вендского (эдиакаранского) осадочного бассейна на юго-западе Сибирского кратона для освещения происхождения его главных и детальных подразделений. Осадки коррелируются вдоль края кратона и в его внутреннюю область с использованием стратиграфических секвенций, включающих гляциальные и постгляциальные отложения. Особенное значение для корреляции имеют кластические комплексы венда чапской, тасеевской, оселковой и байкальской серий, сложенные аллювиальными отложениями. Детально проанализированы строение аллювиальной айсинской свиты оселковой серии венда Присаянья и ее корреляция с верхними подразделениями чапской, тасеевской и байкальской серий юго-западной периферии Сибирской платформы и подразделениями чехла внутренних ее районов. Детальное описание айсинской свиты сделано на базе единой классификации литофаций и алгоритмов их последовательностей. Выделены два подкомплекса венда (эдиакарана)-нижний континентально-морской и верхний континентальный. Континентальноморской подкомплекс в краевых погруженных зонах Сибирской платформы формировался преимущественно на шельфе окраинных морей, а также на постгляциальных зандрах прибрежной аллювиальной равнины под влиянием внутрикратонных источников кластического материала. Континентальный подкомплекс, которому принадлежат речные отложения айсинской свиты, образован крупными красноцветными и пестроцветными толщами аллювия в передовых прогибах и формировался центростремительными речными системами, направленными от внешних источников материала на север и северо-восток в эпиконтинентальное море центральных районов Сибирской платформы. На начальной и поздней стадиях активизации поздневендского орогенеза возникали большие глубокие песчаные реки с внутрирусловыми барами, тогда как постоянные сетчатые и сплетенные песчано-иловые реки возникали на пассивной стадии орогенеза. Наибольшая проградация аллювиальных отложений на Сибирскую платформу маркируется нижними пачками русловых отложений айсинской свиты, а также немчанской, мошаковской, хужирской и качергатской свит, а на плите-боханской песчаниковой пачкой чорской свиты.