Challenges in Analyzing Software Documentation in Portuguese (original) (raw)
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Exploiting Natural Language Structures in Software Informal Documentation
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
Communication means, such as issue trackers, mailing lists, Q&A forums, and app reviews, are premier means of collaboration among developers, and between developers and end-users. Analyzing such sources of information is crucial to build recommenders for developers, for example suggesting experts, re-documenting source code, or transforming user feedback in maintenance and evolution strategies for developers. To ease this analysis, in previous work we proposed DECA (Development Emails Content Analyzer), a tool based on Natural Language Parsing that classifies with high precision development emails' fragments according to their purpose. However, DECA has to be trained through a manual tagging of relevant patterns, which is often effort-intensive, error-prone and requires specific expertise in natural language parsing. In this paper, we first show, with a study involving Master's and Ph.D. students, the extent to which producing rules for identifying such patterns requires effort, depending on the nature and complexity of patterns. Then, we propose an approach, named NEON (Nlp-based softwarE dOcumentation aNalyzer), that automatically mines such rules, minimizing the manual effort. We assess the performances of NEON in the analysis and classification of mobile app reviews, developers discussions, and issues. NEON simplifies the patterns' identification and rules' definition processes, allowing a savings of more than 70% of the time otherwise spent on performing such activities manually. Results also show that NEON-generated rules are close to the manually identified ones, achieving comparable recall.
Open Research Europe, 2022
This paper aims to introduce the innovative work carried out in the Horizon 2020 DECODER project – acronym for “DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference” – (Grant Agreement no. 824231) by linking the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and software engineering. The project as a whole addresses the development of a framework, namely the Persistent Knowledge Monitor (PKM), that acts as a central infrastructure to store, access, and trace all the data, information and knowledge related to a given software or ecosystem. This meta-model defines the knowledge base that can be queried and analysed by all the tools integrated and developed in DECODER. Besides, the DECODER project offers a friendly user interface where each of the predefined three roles (i.e., developers, maintainers and reviewers) can access and query the PKM with their personal accounts. The paper focuses on the NLP tools developed and integrated in the PKM, namely the deep learning models ...
Applied Sciences, 2021
Software bug report classification is a critical process to understand the nature, implications, and causes of software failures. Furthermore, classification enables a fast and appropriate reaction to software bugs. However, for large-scale projects, one must deal with a broad set of bugs from multiple types. In this context, manually classifying bugs becomes cumbersome and time-consuming. Although several studies have addressed automated bug classification using machine learning techniques, they have mainly focused on academic case studies, open-source software, and unilingual text input. This paper presents our automated bug classification approach applied and validated in an industrial case study. In contrast to earlier studies, our study is applied to a commercial software system based on unstructured bilingual bug reports written in English and Turkish. The presented approach adopts and integrates machine learning (ML), text mining, and natural language processing (NLP) techniq...
Software evolution is an active eld of research and has featured many different approaches to learn more about the processes and people that drive software engineering eorts. Recent studies have further advanced research on software evolution by incorporating Natural Language Processing method- ologies to mine textual artifacts accessible in repositories like Bug Tracking Systems and Version Control Systems for information about the nature of software engineering. We propose a methodology called SubCat that exploits Natural Language Processing and data mining capabilities to provide a framework that provides both researchers and managers access to software evolution meta-data contained within their repositories. The proposed methodology incorporates in its design the current state of the art in the mining of software repositories and answers de ned problems with current tool support. We apply the resulting framework in dierent scenarios to validate the methods eciency. In these scen...
Textual Analysis and Software Quality: Challenges and Opportunities
Source code lexicon (identifier names and comments) has been used-as an alternative or as a complement to source code structure-to perform various kinds of analyses (e.g., traceability recovery). All these successful applications increased in the recent years the interest in using textual analysis for improving and assessing the quality of a software system. In particular, textual analysis could be used to identify refactoring opportunities or ambiguous identifiers that may increase the program comprehension burden by creating a mismatch between the developers' cognitive model and the intended meaning of the term, thus ultimately increasing the risk of fault proneness. In addition, when used "on-line" during software development, textual analysis could guide the programmers to select better identifiers aiming at improving the quality of the source code lexicon. In this paper, we overview research in text analysis for the assessment and the improvement of software quality and discuss our achievements to date, the challenges, and the opportunities for the future.
A Case for Software Specific Natural Language Techniques
For over two decades, software engineering (SE) researchers have been importing tools and techniques from information retrieval (IR). Initial results have been quite positive. For example, when applied to problems such as feature location or re-establishing traceability links, IR techniques work well on their own, and often even better in combination with more traditional source code analysis techniques such as static and dynamic analysis. However, recently there has been growing awareness among SE researchers that IR tools and techniques are designed to work under a different set of assumptions than those that hold for a software system. Thus it may be beneficial to consider IR inspired tools and techniques that are specifically designed to work with software. One aim of this work is to provide quantitative empirical evidence in support of this observation. To do so a new technique is introduced that captures the level of difficulty found in an information need, the true, often lat...
The need for software specific natural language techniques
Empirical Software Engineering, 2017
For over two decades, software engineering (SE) researchers have been importing tools and techniques from information retrieval (IR). Initial results have been quite positive. For example, when applied to problems such as feature location or re-establishing traceability links, IR techniques work well on their own, and often even better in combination with more traditional source code analysis techniques such as static and dynamic analysis. However, recently there has been growing awareness among SE researchers that IR tools and techniques are designed to work under different assumptions than those that hold for a software system. Thus it may be beneficial to consider IR-inspired tools and techniques that are specifically designed to work with software. One aim of this work is to provide quantitative empirical evidence in support of this observation. To do so a new technique is introduced that captures the level of difficulty found in an information need, the true, often latent, information that a searcher desires to know. The new technique is used to compare two domains: Natural Language (NL) and SE. Analysis of the data leads to three significant findings. First, the variation in the distribution of difficulty of the SE information needs differs from that of the NL information needs; second, collection age plays a role in the differences between the NL collections; and finally, the retrieval model used has little impact on the results.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
Software engineers need to be able to create, modify, and analyze knowledge stored in software artifacts. A significant amount of these artifacts contain natural language, like version control commit messages, source code comments, or bug reports. Integrated software development environments (IDEs) are widely used, but they are only concerned with structured software artifacts-they do not offer support for analyzing unstructured natural language and relating this knowledge with the source code. We present an integration of natural language processing capabilities into the Eclipse framework, a widely used software IDE. It allows to execute NLP analysis pipelines through the Semantic Assistants framework, a service-oriented architecture for brokering NLP services based on GATE. We demonstrate a number of semantic analysis services helpful in software engineering tasks, and evaluate one task in detail, the quality analysis of source code comments.
Text mining and software engineering: an integrated source code and document analysis approach
IET Software, 2008
Documents written in natural languages constitute a major part of the artifacts produced during the software engineering lifecycle. Especially during software maintenance or reverse engineering, semantic information conveyed in these documents can provide important knowledge for the software engineer. In this paper, we present a text mining system capable of populating a software ontology with information detected in documents. A particular novelty is the integration of results from automated source code analysis into a natural language processing (NLP) pipeline, allowing to cross-link software artifacts represented in code and natural language on a semantic level.