Combined Exposure of Activated Intestinal Epithelial Cells to Nondigestible Oligosaccharides and CpG-ODN Suppresses Th2-Associated CCL22 Release While Enhancing Galectin-9, TGFβ, and Th1 Polarization (original) (raw)

Mediators of Inflammation

Background. Short-chain galacto- and long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scGOS/lcFOS) and CpG-ODN affect intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). Epithelial IL1α may contribute to allergic sensitization via autocrine mediator release affecting dendritic cells (DC). We studied whether IL1α contributes to Th2-associated mediator release by activated IEC and IEC/DC cocultures and possible modulation by scGOS/lcFOS±CpG-ODN. Methods. Solid phase or transwell cultured IEC were preincubated with IL1α and/or IFNγ/TNFα for 6 h. The transwell IEC were also apically exposed to scGOS/lcFOS±CpG-ODN for 6 h, washed, and re-exposed, while cocultured with immature moDC (ccDC) for 48 h. These ccDC were subsequently added to allogeneic naïve T cells (MLR). IEC- and/or DC-derived mediators and T cell cytokines were measured. Results. IL1α tended to enhance IL25 and enhanced IL33 and CCL20 release by IEC, while IL1α or TNFα or IFNγ enhanced CCL22. These were all further increased upon combined exposure of IF...