In vitro identification and control of Pestalotiopsis longisetula fungus, pathogens strawberry crop (original) (raw)
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This study was conducted to identify the crown rot disease in strawberry caused by an uncommon fungus. However, the study also focused to evaluate the efficacy of plant extracts and chemical fungicides against this fungus. Results from isolating 200 samples of infected plant parts collected from 15 main strawberry cultivating areas in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Based on morphological and cultural characteristics the Pestalotiopsis sp. was found as a fungal pathogen against strawberry and Koch’s methodology confirmed it. Five different concentrations (50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm) of plant extracts (Neem, Tulsi, Bottlebrush, Arjun, and Aloe vera) and commercial fungicides (Bavistin, Tilt, Hayconazole, Score, Rovral, Antracol, Dithane, Ridomil, Folicur, Cupravit, Secure, Thiovit and Sulcox) were used for efficacy study against Pestalotiopsis sp. in both in vitro and field condition. The percent inhibition of radial growth of the fungus was increased with the increasing concentrations of fungicide. Bavistin (1000 ppm) showed 100% inhibition of growth of this fungus in in vitro condition and in field conditions. Bavistin treated plants showed only 21.5% disease incidence, where control was 85%. Number of fruits/plant was 10.88±0.23, fruit weight/plant was 148.56±0.81 (g) whereas in control these were 5.33±0.23 and 63.88±0.26 respectively. This is the first report on the association of Pestalotiopsis sp. causing crown rot disease of strawberries in Bangladesh.
Efficacy of Four In Vitro Fungicides for Control of Wilting of Strawberry Crops in Puebla-Mexico
Applied Sciences, 2022
Strawberry wilt is an established disease of strawberry crops caused by fungus Fusarium solani. In Mexico, strawberry cultivation represents an important productive activity for several rural areas; however, wilt disease affects producers economically. The objectives of this research were: (a) to identify and morphologically characterize strain “MA-FC120” associated with root rot and wilting of strawberry crops in Santa Cruz Analco, municipality of San Salvador el Verde, Puebla-Mexico; (b) to evaluate the potential of single and multiple applications of four broad-spectrum fungicides used against F. solani in vitro. Plant tissue samples were collected from strawberry crops in Puebla-Mexico with presence of symptoms of desiccation and root rot. Strain “MA-FC120” was identified as F. solani, being the causal agent of wilt and root rot in strawberry plants from Santa Cruz Analco. Fungicide Benomyl 50® showed the highest percentage of inhibition on F. solani (100%) under in vitro condit...
The First Report of Pestalotiopsis Sp. Causing Crown Rot Disease on Strawberries in Dalat
Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Đà Lạt, 2016
Study on the pathogens causing strawberries crown rot disease was complied with the methodology of Koch. Results from isolating 150 samples of infected plant parts collected from three strawberry cultivated areas in Dalat (Ward 7, Ward 8 and Ward 12) indicated that there were 327 isolates belonging to six fungal species. Most fungi isolated from infected parts were identified as Botrytis cinerea, Verticillium sp., Cylindrocarpon destructans, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia sp. and Pestalotiopsis sp., in which the main fungi consistently isolated were Pestalotiopsis sp.. By fulfilling Koch's postulates, the results of pathogenesis test indicated that Pestalotiopsis sp. was a pathogen causing the crown rot disease on strawberries in Dalat. This is the first report on the association of Pestalotiopsis sp. with crown rot disease of strawberries in Vietnam.
Integrated Management of Fungal Diseases in Strawberry
An experimental trial with eight treatments viz. carbendazim 50 WP (0.05%), hexaconazole 5 EC (0.03%), mancozeb 75 WP (0.3%) cultural control (removal of older leaves + weeding), aqueous extracts of datura leaves, extract of garlic cloves, mulching (polythene) and check (without treatment) in RBD manner was carried out in Research Farm of SKUAST-K. Treatments were replicated thrice. The data on individual effect of treatments revealed that five diseases viz. root rot (Pythium sp. Rhizoctonia solani), fruit rot (Botrytis cineria), Alternaria leaf blight (Alternaria alternata), leaf spot (Hainesia lythri) and foliage blight (Sclerotium rolfsii) were noticed in variable per cent disease index (PDI), whereas, fruit rot caused by Botrytis cineria did not appear in beds where three sprays of carbendazim, mancozeb and hexaconazole were given after 15 days interval but mulching with polyethylene in the month of June also gave excellent result and no fruit rot incidence was observed. Minimum root rot (0.23%) was recorded when carbendazim was sprayed than that of other treatments. Cultural practices comprised with removal of basal leaves and weeding had profound effect after the fungicidal sprays. In case of Alternaria leaf blight, spray of the crop with hexaconazole reduced its incidence and recorded minimum PDI (2.67) than other treatments but cultural practices and extract of garlic cloves exhibited almost at par effect against Alternaria leaf blight. Among the major diseases, leaf spot caused by Hainesia lythri was significantly checked by all the treatments and minimum leaf spot was recorded when crop was treated with carbendazim and hexaconazole followed by cultural practices (5.67) but effects of extracts and mulching had at par effect. Despite, foliage blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii also occurred on vines, blossom and leaves of crop in variable PDI whereas minimum PDI (2.33) was noticed when crop was sprayed with hexaconazole but cultural practices and mulching showed at par effect (7.33). Similarly, maximum fruits weight was computed in carbendazim followed by hexaconazole while as other treatments also gave significant fruit yield over control.
Revista Mexicana de Fitopatología, Mexican Journal of Phytopathology, 2020
México es el tercer productor de fresa a nivel mundial, donde la producción de este cultivo es de importancia económica y generación de divisas en el pais. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar y caracterizar morfológicamente los hongos asociados a enfermedades en un cultivo de la fresa, así como determinar la capacidad antagónica in vitro de la cepa T-H4 de Trichoderma harzianum con los hongos identificados. Se colectaron muestras de plantas del cultivo de fresa con síntomas de enfermedades fúngicas, se sembraron en medio PDA y se generaron cultivos monospóricos para su caracterización morfológica. Los hongos identificados y la cepa T-H4 se confrontaron mediante cultivos duales. Se identificaron tres hongos asociados al fruto (A. niger, Colletotrichum sp. y R. stolonifer), tres en hojas y tallo (Pestalotiopsis sp., Curvularia sp. y Alternaria sp.) y dos hongos asociados a la raíz (Rhizoctonia sp. y Fusarium sp.). La cepa T-H4 presentó un nivel antagónico adecuado...
microbiota on strawberry. DTU Orbit (17/08/2019) Importance of microbial pest control agents and their metabolites In relation to the natural microbiota on strawberry. The main objectives of the this project were to examine the abundance of applied microbial pest control agents (MPCAs) and their metabolites compared to that of the natural microbiota and to examine the compatibility between MPCAs and conventional fungicides and their combination effects in disease control. A series of laboratory, growth chamber, semi-field and field experiments using strawberry as a model plant focusing on commercial microbial pest control products (MPCPs) or laboratory MPCAs expected to be on the market within 10 years served as our experimental platform. Initially the background level of indigenous microbial communities and their mycotoxins/metabolites on strawberries was examined in a field survey with 4 conventional and 4 organic growers with different production practise and geographic distribut...