Gauge theories, Simple Groups and Integrable Systems (original) (raw)
Related papers
Classical integrable systems and gauge field theories
Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2009
In these lectures I consider the Hitchin integrable systems and their relations with the self-duality equations and the twisted super-symmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimension follow Hitchin and Kapustin-Witten. I define the Symplectic Hecke correspondence between different integrable systems. As an example I consider Elliptic Calogero-Moser system and integrable Euler-Arnold top on coadjoint orbits of the group GL(N,C) and explain the Symplectic Hecke correspondence for these systems.
Deformation of surfaces, integrable systems and Self-Dual Yang-Mills equation
A few years ago, some of us devised a method to obtain integrable systems in (2+1)-dimensions from the classical non-Abelian pure Chern-Simons action via reduction of the gauge connection in Hermitian symmetric spaces. In this paper we show that the methods developed in studying classical non-Abelian pure Chern-Simons actions, can be naturally implemented by means of a geometrical interpretation of such systems. The Chern-Simons equation of motion turns out to be related to time evolving 2-dimensional surfaces in such a way that these deformations are both locally compatible with the Gauss-Mainardi-Codazzi equations and completely integrable. The properties of these relationships are investigated together with the most relevant consequences. Explicit examples of integrable surface deformations are displayed and discussed.
Duality in integrable systems and gauge theories
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000
We discuss various dualities, relating integrable systems and show that these dualities are explained in the framework of Hamiltonian and Poisson reductions. The dualities we study shed some light on the known integrable systems as well as allow to construct new ones, double elliptic among them. We also discuss applications to the (supersymmetric) gauge theories in various dimensions.
A new approach to integrable theories in any dimension
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
The zero curvature representation for two dimensional integrable models is generalized to spacetimes of dimension d + 1 by the introduction of a d-form connection. The new generalized zero curvature conditions can be used to represent the equations of motion of some relativistic invariant field theories of physical interest in 2 + 1 dimensions (BF theories, Chern-Simons, 2 + 1 gravity and the CP 1 model) and 3 + 1 dimensions (self-dual Yang-Mills theory and the Bogomolny equations). Our approach leads to new methods of constructing conserved currents and solutions. In a submodel of the 2+1 dimensional CP 1 model, we explicitly construct an infinite number of previously unknown nontrivial conserved currents. For each positive integer spin representation of sl(2) we construct 2j+1 conserved currents leading to 2j + 1 Lorentz scalar charges.
Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and integrable systems
Nuclear Physics B, 1996
The Coulomb branch of N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions is described in general by an integrable Hamiltonian system in the holomorphic sense. A natural construction of such systems comes from two-dimensional gauge theory and spectral curves. Starting from this point of view, we propose an integrable system relevant to the N = 2 SU(n) gauge theory with a hypermultiplet in the adjoint representation, and offer much evidence that it is correct. The model has an SL(2, Z) S-duality group (with the central element -1 of SL(2,Z) acting as charge conjugation); SL(2, Z) permutes the Higgs, confining, and oblique confining phases in the expected fashion. We also study more exotic phases.
Quantization of Integrable Systems and Four Dimensional Gauge Theories
XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, 2010
We study four dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theory in the Ωbackground with the two dimensional N = 2 super-Poincare invariance. We explain how this gauge theory provides the quantization of the classical integrable system underlying the moduli space of vacua of the ordinary four dimensional N = 2 theory. The ε-parameter of the Ω-background is identified with the Planck constant, the twisted chiral ring maps to quantum Hamiltonians, the supersymmetric vacua are identified with Bethe states of quantum integrable systems. This four dimensional gauge theory in its low energy description has two dimensional twisted superpotential which becomes the Yang-Yang function of the integrable system. We present the thermodynamic-Bethe-ansatz like formulae for these functions and for the spectra of commuting Hamiltonians following the direct computation in gauge theory. The general construction is illustrated at the examples of the many-body systems, such as the periodic Toda chain, the elliptic Calogero-Moser system, and their relativistic versions, for which we present a complete characterization of the L 2 -spectrum. We very briefly discuss the quantization of Hitchin system.
Characteristic classes of gauge systems
Nuclear Physics B, 2004
We define and study invariants which can be uniformly constructed for any gauge system. By a gauge system we understand an (anti-)Poisson supermanifold endowed with an odd Hamiltonian self-commuting vector field called a homological vector field. This definition encompasses all the cases usually included into the notion of a gauge theory in physics as well as some other similar (but different) structures like Lie or Courant algebroids. For Lagrangian gauge theories or Hamiltonian first class constrained systems, the homological vector field is identified with the classical BRST transformation operator. We define characteristic classes of a gauge system as universal cohomology classes of the homological vector field, which are uniformly constructed in terms of this vector field itself. Not striving to exhaustively classify all the characteristic classes in this work, we compute those invariants which are built up in terms of the first derivatives of the homological vector field. We also consider the cohomological operations in the space of all the characteristic classes. In particular, we show that the (anti-)Poisson bracket becomes trivial when applied to the space of all the characteristic classes, instead the latter space can be endowed with another Lie bracket operation. Making use of this Lie bracket one can generate new characteristic classes involving higher derivatives of the homological vector field. The simplest characteristic classes are illustrated by the examples relating them to anomalies in the traditional BV or BFV-BRST theory and to characteristic classes of (singular) foliations.
Hitchin integrable systems, deformations of spectral curves, and KP-type equations
An effective family of spectral curves appearing in Hitchin fibrations is determined. Using this family the moduli spaces of stable Higgs bundles on an algebraic curve are embedded into the Sato Grassmannian. We show that the Hitchin integrable system, the natural algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian system defined on the Higgs moduli space, coincides with the KP equations. It is shown that the Serre duality on these moduli spaces corresponds to the formal adjoint of pseudo-differential operators acting on the Grassmannian. From this fact we then identify the Hitchin integrable system on the moduli space of Sp 2m-Higgs bundles in terms of a reduction of the KP equations. We also show that the dual Abelian fibration (the SYZ mirror dual) to the Sp 2m-Higgs moduli space is constructed by taking the symplectic quotient of a Lie algebra action on the moduli space of GL-Higgs bundles.
Integrable theories in any dimension: a perspective
We review the developments of a recently proposed approach to study integrable theories in any dimension. The basic idea consists in generalizing the zero curvature representation for two-dimensional integrable models to space-times of dimension d + 1 by the introduction of a d-form connection. The method has been used to study several theories of physical interest, like self-dual Yang-Mills theories, Bogomolny equations, non-linear sigma models and Skyrme-type models. The local version of the generalized zero curvature involves a Lie algebra and a representation of it, leading to a number of conservation laws equal to the dimension of that representation. We discuss the conditions a given theory has to satisfy in order for its associated zero curvature to admit an infinite dimensional (reducible) representation. We also present the theory in the more abstract setting of the space of loops, which gives a deeper understanding and a more simple formulation of integrability in any dimension.