The outdoor situational fear inventory: a newer measure of an older instrument (original) (raw)
This study examined the relationship of two methods of scaling the Outdoor Situational Fear Inventory-continuum scaling and the more easily scored certainty method of scaling. Although item-by-item correlations varied widley, overall and subscale score relationships were strong. The data also suggested ways tc? clarify interpretations of earlier continuum scaled OSFI scores. InaSduc66sn Whether using k a r to stimulate learnjlrg or using i:.tsbuction :o reduce fears, innst outdoor pursuits educators are familiar with the positive and negative impacts of students' fears. lhose studying the dyrramici; of fear in outdwr recreaiicm exprii:!ices and eilviror~ments have I!:OS~ frequently used an Cfutdoor Situational Fcix Ix.rvetltory (CjSFI) to identify, describe, and measure changes in the fears of pafiicipunts of outdoor recreatiort. Drawing From the literature of other disciplines. Ewert i 1988, 1989) developed the original "sit~:ational fear invenbry'" to measure and describe social-based fears and physicalor ertvimnment-based fears of outdoor pursuits prarticipanls. After extensive use in studies with Outward Bound studerla and with input from researchers. outdoor instmctors, and psychologists, the OSFT was revi.wr1 for use in new studies of students in a cnficgesponsored outdoor d-iiucatio~~ practlcuin (Ewert m d Young L992; Young and Ewert 1992). Having an overall reliabiiity. as rrleasured by Crctnbach's ;alpha, of .94 fEwert 1986). the OSFi and iis associated research have been useful conhibutions to the work of researchers and practitioners alike. Nevertheless. irnportaxlt concerns and sug gestions regarcling its scaling have heen expressed. T'he CfSFI uses a "cot~tinuum scaling" ~neUiod. Along a 10 ceriBmetcr lirie, anchored by the statements "not at dl anxious" and "very anxious," subjects are to place a slash mark "at the point &at best represents [their] level of concern for each item" (Bwert and Young, undated). Kespvr?ses to each item on the inskuxnent arc literally measured, using a ruler. A ~mrtion of the OSFl is illustrated in Figure I .
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