Phenomenology of doublet-triplet fermionic dark matter in nonstandard cosmology and multicomponent dark sectors (original) (raw)
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Singlet-triplet fermionic dark matter and LHC phenomenology
The European Physical Journal C
It is well known that for the pure standard model triplet fermionic WIMP-type dark matter (DM), the relic density is satisfied around 2 TeV. For such a heavy mass particle, the production cross-section at 13 TeV run of LHC will be very small. Extending the model further with a singlet fermion and a triplet scalar, DM relic density can be satisfied for even much lower masses. The lower mass DM can be copiously produced at LHC and hence the model can be tested at collider. For the present model we have studied the multi jet (≥ 2 j) + missing energy (E T) signal and show that this can be detected in the near future of the LHC 13 TeV run. We also predict that the present model is testable by the earth based DM direct detection experiments like Xenon-1T and in future by Darwin.
Physical Review D, 2011
A recent study of gamma-ray data from the Galactic Center motivates the investigation of light (∼ 7 − 10 GeV) particle dark matter models featuring tau lepton pairs as dominant annihilation final state. The Lepton-Specific two-Higgs-doublet Model (2HDM-L) provides a natural framework where light, singlet scalar dark matter can pair-annihilate dominantly into tau leptons. We calculate the nucleon-dark matter cross section for singlet scalar dark matter within the 2HDM-L framework, and compare with recent results from direct detection experiments. We study how direct dark matter searches can be used to constrain the dark matter interpretation of gamma ray observations, for different dominant annihilation final states. We show that models exist with the correct thermal relic abundance that could fit the claimed gamma-ray excess from the Galactic Center region and have direct detection cross sections of the order of what needed to interpret recent anomalous events reported by direct detection experiments. * Electronic address: † Electronic address: 1 arXiv:1106.3368v2 [hep-ph]
Dark matter in the Higgs triplet model
Physical Review D, 2015
The inability to predict neutrino masses and the existence of the dark matter are two essential shortcomings of the Standard Model. The Higgs Triplet Model provides an elegant resolution of neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism. We show here that introducing vectorlike leptons in the model also provides a resolution to the problem of dark matter. We investigate constraints, including the invisible decay width of the Higgs boson and the electroweak precision variables, and impose restrictions on model parameters. We analyze the effect of the relic density constraint on the mass and Yukawa coupling of dark matter. We also calculate the cross sections for indirect and direct dark matter detection and show our model predictions for the neutrino and muon fluxes from the Sun, and the restrictions they impose on the parameter space. With the addition of vectorlike leptons, the model is completely consistent with dark matter constraints, in addition to improving electroweak precision and doubly charged mass restrictions, which are rendered consistent with present experimental data.
A real triplet-singlet extended Standard Model: dark matter and collider phenomenology
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021
We examine the collider and dark matter phenomenology of the Standard Model extended by a hypercharge-zero SU(2) triplet scalar and gauge singlet scalar. In particular, we study the scenario where the singlet and triplet are both charged under a single ℤ2 symmetry. We find that such an extension is capable of generating the observed dark matter density, while also modifying the collider phenomenology such that the lower bound on the mass of the triplet is smaller than in minimal triplet scalar extensions to the Standard Model. A high triplet mass is in tension with the parameter space that leads to novel electroweak phase transitions in the early universe. Therefore, the lower triplet masses that are permitted in this extended model are of particular importance for the prospects of successful electroweak baryogenesis and the generation of gravitational waves from early universe phase transitions.
Constraining Inert Triplet dark matter by the LHC and FermiLAT
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014
We study collider phenomenology of inert triplet scalar dark matter at the LHC. We discuss possible decay of Higgs boson to dark matter candidate and apply current experimental data for invisible Higgs decay and R γγ to constrain parameter space of our model. We also investigate constraints on dark matter coming from forthcoming measurement, R Zγ and mono-Higgs production. We analytically calculate the annihilation cross section of dark matter candidate into 2γ and Zγ and then use FermiLAT data to put constraints on parameter space of Inert Triplet Model. We found that this limit can be stronger than the constraints provided by LUX experiment for low mass DM.
Singlet-doublet fermionic dark matter, neutrino mass, and collider signatures
Physical Review D, 2017
We propose a minimal extension of the standard model (SM) by including a scalar triplet with hypercharge 2 and two vector-like leptons: one doublet and a singlet, to explain simulatenously the non-zero neutrino mass and dark matter (DM) content of the Universe. The DM emerges out as a mixture of the neutral component of vector-like lepton doublet and singlet, being odd under a discrete Z2 symmetry. After electroweak symmetry breaking the triplet scalar gets an induced vev, which give Majorana masses not only to the light neutrinos but also to the DM. Due to the Majorana mass of DM, the Z mediated elastic scattering with nucleon is forbidden. However, the Higgs mediated direct detection cross-section of the DM gives an excellent opportunity to probe it at Xenon-1T. The DM can not be detected at collider. However, the charged partner of the DM (often next-to-lightest stable particle) can give large dispalced vertex signature at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Gauge-Singlet Vector-Like Fermion Dark Matter, LHC Diphoton Rate, and Direct Detection
Advances in High Energy Physics
We study a gauge-singlet vector-like fermion hidden sector dark matter model, in which the communication between the dark matter and the visible standard model sector is via the Higgs-portal scalar-Higgs mixing and also via a hidden sector scalar with loop-level couplings to two gluons and also to two hypercharge gauge bosons induced by a vector-like quark. We find that the Higgs-portal possibility is stringently constrained to be small by the recent LHC di-Higgs search limits, and the loop induced couplings are important to include. In the model parameter space, we present the dark matter relic density, the dark-matter-nucleon direct detection scattering cross section, the LHC diphoton rate from gluon-gluon fusion, and the theoretical upper bounds on the fermion-scalar couplings from perturbative unitarity.
Constraints on Two-component Dark Matter
Acta Physica Polonica B, 2013
We study 'Higgs Portal' 2-component Dark Matter scenario with two interacting cold Dark Matter (DM) candidates: a neutral scalar singlet (ϕ) and a neutral Majorana fermion (ν). The relic abundance of ν and ϕ is found assuming thermal DM production and solving the Boltzmann equations. We scan over the parameter space of the model to determine regions consistent with the WMAP data for DM relic abundance and the XENON100 direct detection limits for the DM-nucleus cross section.
Extending two-Higgs-doublet models by a singlet scalar field - the Case for Dark Matter
We extend the two-Higgs doublet models of Type I and Type II by adding a real gauge-singlet scalar S dark matter candidate (2HDMS models). We impose theoretical constraints deriving from perturbativity, stability, unitarity and correct electroweak symmetry breaking and require that the lightest CP-even Higgs, h, fit the LHC data for the ∼ 125.5 GeV state at the 68% C.L. after including existing constraints from LEP and B physics and LHC limits on the heavier Higgs bosons. We find that these models are easily consistent with the LUX and SuperCDMS limits on dark-matter-Nucleon scattering and the observed Ω h^2 for S masses above about 55 GeV. At lower m_S, the situation is more delicate. For points with m_S in the 6-25 GeV range corresponding to the CDMS II and CRESST-II positive signal ranges, the dark-matter-Nucleon cross sections predicted by the Type I and Type II models more or less automatically fall within the 95%-99% C.L. signal region boundaries. Were it not for the LUX and S...
Proceedings of 41st International Conference on High Energy physics — PoS(ICHEP2022)
Extensions of the Two Higgs Doublet model with a complex scalar singlet (2HDMS) can accommodate all current experimental constraints and are highly motivated candidates for Beyond Standard Model Physics. It can successfully provide a dark matter candidate as well as explain baryogenesis and provides gravitational wave signals. In this work, we focus on the dark matter phenomenology of the 2HDMS with the complex scalar singlet as the dark matter candidate. We study variations of dark matter observables with respect to the model parameters and present representative benchmark points in the light and heavy dark matter mass regions allowed by existing experimental constraints from dark matter, flavour physics and collider searches. We also compare real and complex scalar dark matter in the context of 2HDMS. Further, we discuss the discovery potential of such scenarios at the HL-LHC and at future e + e − colliders.