YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation (original) (raw)

Learning long-term spatial-temporal features are critical for many video analysis tasks. However, existing video segmentation methods predominantly rely on static image segmentation techniques, and methods capturing temporal dependency for segmentation have to depend on pretrained optical flow models, leading to suboptimal solutions for the problem. End-to-end sequential learning to explore spatialtemporal features for video segmentation is largely limited by the scale of available video segmentation datasets, i.e., even the largest video segmentation dataset only contains 90 short video clips. To solve this problem, we build a new large-scale video object segmentation dataset called YouTube Video Object Segmentation dataset (YouTube-VOS). Our dataset contains 4,453 YouTube video clips and 94 object categories. This is by far the largest video object segmentation dataset to our knowledge and has been released at this http URL We further evaluate several existing state-of-the-art vid...

We present a novel embedding approach for video instance segmentation. Our method learns a spatio-temporal embedding integrating cues from appearance, motion, and geometry; a 3D causal convolutional network models motion, and a monocular self-supervised depth loss models geometry. In this embedding space, video-pixels of the same instance are clustered together while being separated from other instances, to naturally track instances over time without any complex post-processing. Our network runs in real-time as our architecture is entirely causal - we do not incorporate information from future frames, contrary to previous methods. We show that our model can accurately track and segment instances, even with occlusions and missed detections, advancing the state-of-the-art on the KITTI Multi-Object and Tracking Dataset.

Object-class segmentation is a computer vision task which requires labeling each pixel of an image with the class of the object it belongs to. Deep convolutional neural networks (DNN) are able to learn and exploit local spatial correlations required for this task. They are, however, restricted by their small, fixed-sized filters, which limits their ability to learn long- range dependencies. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), on the other hand, do not suffer from this restriction. Their iterative interpretation allows them to model long-range dependencies by propagating activity. This property might be especially useful when labeling video sequences, where both spatial and temporal long-range dependencies occur. In this work, we propose novel RNN architectures for object-class segmentation. We investigate three ways to consider past and future context in the prediction process by comparing networks that process the frames one by one with networks that have access to the whole sequence. We evaluate our models on the challenging NYU Depth v2 dataset for object-class segmentation and obtain competitive results.

Video Instance Segmentation (VIS) is a task that simultaneously requires classification, segmentation, and instance association in a video. Recent VIS approaches rely on sophisticated pipelines to achieve this goal, including RoI-related operations or 3D convolutions. In contrast, we present a simple and efficient single-stage VIS framework based on the instance segmentation method CondInst by adding an extra tracking head. To improve instance association accuracy, a novel bi-directional spatio-temporal contrastive learning strategy for tracking embedding across frames is proposed. Moreover, an instance-wise temporal consistency scheme is utilized to produce temporally coherent results. Experiments conducted on the YouTube-VIS-2019, YouTube-VIS-2021, and OVIS-2021 datasets validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. We hope the proposed framework can serve as a simple and strong alternative for many other instance-level video association tasks. Code will be mad...

Object class segmentation is a computer vision task which requires labeling each pixel of an image with the class of the object it belongs to. Deep convolutional neural networks (DNN) are able to learn and take advantage of local spatial correlations required for this task. They are, however, restricted by their small, fixed-sized filters, which limits their ability to learn long-range dependencies. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), on the other hand, do not suffer from this restriction. Their iterative interpretation allows them to model long-range dependencies by propagating activity. This property is be especially useful when labeling video sequences, where both spatial and temporal long-range dependencies occur. In this work, a novel RNN architecture for object class segmentation is presented. We investigate several ways to train such a network. We evaluate our models on the challenging NYU Depth v2 dataset for object class segmen-tation and obtain competitive results.

This paper tackles the task of Few-Shot Video Object Segmentation (FSVOS), i.e., segmenting objects in the query videos with certain class specified in a few labeled support images. The key is to model the relationship between the query videos and the support images for propagating the object information. This is a many-to-many problem and often relies on full-rank attention, which is computationally intensive. In this paper, we propose a novel Domain Agent Network (DAN), breaking down the full-rank attention into two smaller ones. We consider one single frame of the query video as the domain agent, bridging between the support images and the query video. Our DAN allows a linear space and time complexity as opposed to the original quadratic form with no loss of performance. In addition, we introduce a learning strategy by combining meta-learning with online learning to further improve the segmentation accuracy. We build a FSVOS benchmark on the Youtube-VIS dataset and conduct experi...