A 10 V Josephson Voltage Standard Comparison Between NIST and INMETRO as a Link to BIPM (original) (raw)

Comparison of the Josephson voltage standards of the EIM and the BIPM

Metrologia, 2010

A comparison of the 10 V Josephson array voltage standard of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) was made with that of the Hellenic Institute of Metrology (EIM), Greece, in March 2010. For this exercise, the option B of the BIPM.EM-K10.b comparison protocol was applied, in which the BIPM only provides a reference voltage that has to be measured by the EIM using its Josephson voltage standard and its own measuring device. The results of both participants are in very good agreement and the overall relative standard uncertainty is 2.0 parts in 10 10 .

Direct Comparison of Josephson Voltage Standards at 10 V Between BIPM and CENAM

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2013

A direct comparison of Josephson voltage standards at 10 V between the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and the Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM), México, was carried out in September 2011. This comparison is part of the BIPM key comparisons (BIPM.EM-K10.b) and took place in the new DC Voltage Laboratory of CENAM. Both systems were very stable during the comparison, and the type "A" uncertainty was very low. The relative voltage difference between the two quantum standards was −6 parts in 10 11 (−0.6 nV), with a combined uncertainty of 7 parts in 10 11 (0.7 nV). Index Terms-DC voltage measurement, DC voltage standard measurements, Josephson voltage standard (JVS), JVS comparison, standards comparison.

A 10 V programmable Josephson voltage standard and its applications for voltage metrology

Metrologia, 2012

The concept of a programmable Josephson voltage standard (PJVS) was first proposed in 1997. Since then a significant amount of research and development work has been devoted to the fabrication of the programmable Josephson junction array and its deployment in a voltage standard system. This paper reports the recent development of a 10 V PJVS system at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and its voltage metrology applications. The superior stability of the voltage step of the new 10 V PJVS enables it to perform the same tasks as the conventional Josephson voltage standard (JVS) that uses hysteretic voltage steps and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a JVS direct comparison. For the first time, a comparison between a conventional JVS and the NIST 10 V PJVS was performed in order to verify the performance of the NIST 10 V PJVS. The mean difference between the two systems at 10 V was found to be −0.49 nV with a combined standard uncertainty of 1.32 nV (k = 1) or a relative combined standard uncertainty of 1.32 parts in 10 10. Automatic comparisons between the 10 V PJVS and a 2.5 V PJVS at 1.018 V were performed to monitor the long term accuracy and stability of the 2.5 V PJVS and to support the NIST electronic kilogram experiment. By matching the voltages of the two PJVS systems during a comparison, the type B uncertainty can be minimized to a negligible level. The difference between the two PJVS at 1.018 V was found to be −0.38 nV with a combined standard uncertainty of 0.68 nV (k = 1) or a relative combined standard uncertainty of 6.7 parts in 10 10. Issues encountered during the PJVS comparison and potential challenges for 10 V applications are also discussed.

High precision comparison between a programmable and a pulse-driven Josephson voltage standard

Metrologia, 2011

Over the last 15 years, research in ac Josephson voltage metrology has focused on two fundamentally different systems: the programmable and the pulse-driven Josephson voltage standards (JVSs). This paper reports the first high precision comparison between the two types of JVS. The METAS programmable voltage standard was moved from Switzerland to the Netherlands to be compared with the Dutch pulse-driven system during four days in November 2010. After a careful investigation of the systematic sources of errors, the comparison was made at a frequency of 500 Hz and an rms amplitude of 104 mV. At that level, the voltage difference measured between the fundamental frequency components of the two standards was −0.18 ± 0.26 µV V −1 (k = 2), showing an excellent agreement between the two systems.

Experimental Determination of the Voltage Lead Error in an AC Josephson Voltage Standard

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000

The National Research Council (NRC) of Canada has recently established an alternating-current Josephson voltage standard (ACJVS) system based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology pulse-driven Josephson junction arrays. This paper describes the efforts undertaken at the NRC and the experience that was gained. An experimental method of measuring corrections for the voltage probe lead errors is described, and first results are reported. By introducing the ACJVS, the NRC will be able to reduce the uncertainties of the thermal transfer standard calibration by threefold on the 200-mV range and five-to tenfold on the 20-mV range, in comparison with thermal-converter-and micropotentiometer-based calibrations.

Correction of Systematic Errors Due to the Voltage Leads in an AC Josephson Voltage Standard

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000

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Recent developments in BIPM voltage standard comparisons

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2001

The Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM) carries out a number of comparisons of dc voltage standards with National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). These take the form of on-site comparisons of Josephson standards or bilateral comparisons using traveling standards based on Zener diodes. This paper describes some of the new procedures used in both types of comparison and presents some results of five recent BIPM key comparisons.

Metrological measurements using programmable Josephson Voltage Standard

2017 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2017

In this study, Programmable Josephson Voltage Standard established in UME is used in static and dynamic ADC characterization, and solid state voltage standard calibration. Model functions of the measurements are created including the stray components in the measurement circuit. Uncertainties of the measurements are evaluated according to the model functions. Software tools and mathematical tools for investigating the quantum state of the measurements are presented. Gain difference between the static and dynamic gain parameters is suggested to be used for digital metrology.