Созологічна оцінка біотопів екомережі на прикладі відділення Українського степового природного заповідника «Крейдова флора» - Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата біологічних наук (original) (raw)

Созологічна оцінка біотопів екомережі на прикладі відділення Українського степового природного заповідника «Крейдова флора» - Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата біологічних наук

АНОТАЦІЯ Спінова Ю.О. Созологічна оцінка біотопів екомережі на прикладі відділення Українського степового природного заповідника «Крейдова флора». – Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису. Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата біологічних наук за спеціальністю 03.00.16 – «Екологія» – Інститут агроекології і природокористування Національної академії аграрних наук України, Київ. – 2021. Дисертаційна робота присвячена класифікації, оцінці созологічної цінності та ризиків втрати біотопів відділення Українського степового природного заповідника «Крейдова флора», який є унікальною територією природно-заповідного фонду з точки зору об’єктів збереження, а також розташування у межах двох адміністративних районів Донецької області, що серед інших мають найвищий показник заповідності в регіоні. На прикладі комплексного дослідження стану та змін біотопів відділення Українського степового природного заповідника «Крейдова флора» та прилеглих територій запропоновано шляхи оптимізації ключового елементу екологічної мережі локального рівня. Розроблено екологічну мережу локального рівня на прикладі Краматорського району та запропонована перспективна схема Смарагдової мережі Донецької області. Ключові слова: збереження біорізноманіття, природно-заповідний фонд, екологічна мережа, класифікація біотопів, раритетні види, Донецька область, екосистема, Степова зона. SUMMARY Spinova Yu. Sozological assessment of the ecological network’s biotopes on the example of the “Kreidova flora” Ukrainian steppe nature reserve branch.  The qualifying scientific paper manuscript copyright. Thesis for searching for the Candidate degree in Biological Sciences оn specialty 03.00.16 – “Еcology”. – Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. – 2021. The dissertation is regarding the classification, assessment of sozological value and risks of biotope loss of the branch of the Ukrainian Steppe Nature Reserve "Kreidova flora", which is a unique territory of the Nature Reserve Fund. It is located in the administrative district of Donetsk region, which has the highest conservation rate in the region and belongs to the Raigorodska regional key territory and the Sіversko-Donetsk meridional ecological corridor of the national level. The steppe zone of Ukraine in general, and the territory of Donetsk region in particular, is characterized by excessive agricultural development and excessive anthropogenic load. This is the reason for the high fragmentation of natural ecosystems, so it is here that the conservation of biodiversity through eco-networks is both a crucial and a complex task. The results of the nature reserve fund analysis and assessment of the adequacy of the ecological network of Donetsk region confirm the high degree of biodiversity and richness of natural conditions, high level of endemism and rarity of flora and unreasonably low percentage of protected areas – 3.8% compared to 7.3% average in Ukraine. The development of effective methods for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity with eco-networks, as well as management plans for protected areas is impossible without an inventory and assessment of the ecosystems state. That is why comprehensive studies of habitats and spatial distribution of natural ecosystems, which would allow effective methods and measures for their conservation, are extremely relevant. Analysis of the state of ecological networks from the local to the European level in Ukraine showed that the main problems of their formation and management are: lack of data on species and habitats; disproportionate distribution of protected areas; high level of fragmentation of territories; uncontrolled impact of climate change, as well as ignorance of communities about protected areas. The necessity of optimizing the existing structure of the nature reserve fund and the ecological network is shown, the main ones of which are the creation of new and increasing the areas of the existing protected area net, as well as ensuring the functioning of ecological networks of the local level filling the regional ecological network. Accordingly, descriptions of nature reserve networks of 18 districts of Donetsk region were provided with recommendations for the future, and a local ecological network was developed on the example of Kramatorsk district. For the first time, the classification scheme of its biotopes was formulated for the Nature Reserve "Kreidova Flora'', as well as the corresponding equivalents in the national and European classifications of biotopes. The assessment of the state of biotopes, the degree of stability and the level of their sozological value showed that 11 of the 22 that were assessed belong to the first class, which have the highest risk of loss and require special protection and special conservation measures. With the help of retrospective analysis of the most valuable types of biotopes, the positive dynamics of areas for pine forests on chalk was revealed. The main factor of change was the large fires in 1996 and 2007, which damaged up to 20% of this type of habitat in the reserve. The data show that after the first fire over the next four years, there was a successful recovery of the pine population. It is found that fire prevention and measures to preserve the diversity of species are the main problems of the "Kreidova flora" nature reserve at the present stage. In this case, the species should be constantly monitored, grass mowing should be carried out regularly together with pine sprouts in certain steppe areas with valuable steppe species, and the formation of clearings in pine areas may limit the spread of fire. Implementation of technical measures to prevent fires, limiting of invasive species and the regular pine population monitoring can be effective in reducing risks. The main types of vegetation damage from military actions in 2014 were identified and analyzed: damage to the tree/shrub layer (fires from arson / shelling, felled trees, individual trees damaged by shelling); damage to the grass layer (fires from annual fires, funnels in places where shells fall, remains of fortifications, trenches, dugouts, trenches, firing points, accumulation of household waste, as a result - nitrification and spread of ruderal plant species in such places); damage to the soil cover and its contamination with heavy metals. During the next period no significant successional changes in the disturbed areas are observed. Disturbed vegetation is restored very slowly and mainly with typical steppe species distributed in the surrounding lands. On the example of a complex study of the state and changes of Nature Reserve "Kreidova Flora” biotops and adjacent areas, ways to optimize a key element of the ecological network of the local level. An ecological network of the local level has been developed on the example of Kramatorsk district and a perspective scheme of the Emerald Network of Donetsk region has been proposed. Key words: biodiversity conservation, Nature Reserve Fund, ecological network, biotope classification, rare species, Donetsk region, ecosystem, Steppe zone.