О представлениях янгиана супералгебры Ли типа A(m,n)A(m,n)A(m,n) (original) (raw)

Янгиан странной супералгебры Ли и его квантовый дубль

Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2013

Янгиан странной супералгебры Ли построен как частный случай общей конструкции скрученного янгиана. Описан базис Пуанкаре-Биркгофа-Витта янгиана супералгебры Ли типа Qn. Построен квантовый дубль янгиана странной супералгебры Ли типа Q2.

О диких и ручных конечномерных алгебрах Ли

Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 2013

Найдены все конечномерные алгебры Ли над алгебраически замкнутым полем нулевой характеристики, для которых задача классификации конечномерных представлений не является дикой.

Расщепленный оператор Казимира и решения уравнения Янга-Бакстера для супералгебр Ли osp(M∣N)osp(M|N)osp(MN) и sell(M∣N)s\ell(M|N)sell(MN), высшие операторы Казимира и параметры Вожеля

Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika

Для супералгебр Ли osp(M∣N)osp(M|N)osp(MN) и sell(M∣N)s\ell(M|N)sell(MN) найдены характеристические тождества для расщепленного оператора Казимира в определяющем и присоединенном представлениях. С помощью этих тождеств построены проекторы на инвариантные подпространства представления Totimes2T^{\otimes 2}Totimes2 супералгебр osp(M∣N)osp(M|N)osp(MN) и sell(M∣N)s\ell(M|N)sell(MN) в двух случаях: когда TTT - определяющее и присоединенное представления. В определяющем представлении дано новое выражение для osp(M∣N)osp(M|N)osp(MN) и sell(M∣N)s\ell(M|N)sell(MN) инвариантных решений уравнения Янга-Бакстера в виде рациональных функций от расщепленного оператора Казимира. В присоединенном представлении найденные характеристические тождества и инвариантные проекторы рассматриваются с позиции универсального описания супералгебр Ли с использованием параметризации Вожеля. Построена универсальная производящая функция для высших операторов Казимира супералгебр osp(M∣N)osp(M|N)osp(MN) и sell(M∣N)s\ell(M|N)sell(MN) в присоединенном представлении.

Г. А. Дзагуров и яфетическая теория академика Н. Я. Марра: комментированное переиздание текста

Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Язык и литература, 2024

The present work introduces to the annotated re-edition of an article written by the prominent Ossetian scientist, folklorist and teacher Grigory Alekseevich Dzagurov (1888–1979), which was published in 1924 under the title “The Japhetic Theory of Academician N.Ya. Marr and the Question of the Origin of the Ossetians”. The text, reproduced in a new annotated version with identification of the sources used by the author, introduces to the new linguistic theory promoted by Academician N.Ya.Marr (1864–1934), postulating the relationship between Hamito-Semitic and Kartvelian languages as well as the idea of linguistic mixing and crossing. By deliberately overusing direct quotations from the works of the creator of Japhetic linguistics, Dzagurov gives a brief overview of the main provisions of Marr’s linguistic theory, showing its direct relation to the question of the dual nature, Indo-European (Iranian) and Japhetic, of Ossetic. At that time, as is well known, linguistic arguments were readily provided when discussing thorny questions about the ethnogenesis of peoples. Overall, Dzagurov’s article has historical significance in many respects. Firstly, it testifies to the reception of the Japhetic stage of Marr’s linguistic theory (that is, before the emergence of the New Doctrine of Language) with respect to the study of the Iranian linguistic world in the Northern Caucasus. Secondly, such ideas about the phenomena of the Caucasian substrate and language mixing were skill- fully developed over the following decades by one of the best students of Marr, V.A.Abaev (1900–2001), who identified numerous Caucasian elements in the Ossetian language at all language levels. Finally, it is interesting to notice that it was Dzagurov who gave a recommendation on Abaev’s application for admission to the Petrograd State University, thus indirectly contributing to the onset of an important stage in the history of Ossetian studies and, in general, Soviet linguistics.


«Труды Государственного Эрмитажа: Византия в контексте мировой культуры», 2019

The article describes a set of Orthodox liturgical utensils in Neo-Byzantine style created for a chapel set up at the British royal residence – the Clarence House in London for the Russian Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna Romanova, in marriage – the Duchess of Edinburgh (1853-1920). The objects for the set were designed by the Russian architect David Grimm (1823-1898) – one of the founders of the Neo-Byzantine style in Russian architecture, the formation and development of which took place in Russia during the reign of Alexander II. The winner of the competitive bid process to manufacture the church utensils was famous Saint-Petersburg’s luxury goods purveyor and manufacturer – Nichols 􏰇 Plinke, known as Magazin Anglais. After World War II, the set was in the collection of the American collector Pavel Fekula (1905-1982) who had it exhibited at the Interchurch Center in New 􏰈York, and after his death – in a number of private collections in the United States. The article provides evidence of the unequivocal attribution of the church utensils to the dowry of the Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna and provides the exact time of their manufacture (1876-1877). Based on previously unpublished archival documents, the article uncovers widely considered to be a lost set of fine liturgical objects from the 2nd half of the 19th century that have a number of unique features. In addition, it is the only surviving example of decorative and applied art in the Neo-Byzantine style, designed by renowned architect David Grimm. (The unpublished English translation is available upon request)