Correlation between theoretical and experimental atomic absorption data for sodium spectral lines (original) (raw)
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Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
The first observation of atomic emission dates back to at least the first campfire where hominoids/humans observed a yellow color in the flame. This color was caused by the relaxation of the 3p electron to a 3s orbital in sodium (refer to the energy level diagram in Figure 1-3 given earlier), and in part by carbene ions. Slightly more advanced, but still unexplained observations were responsible for the first development of colorful fireworks in China over 2000 years ago. A few of the more relevant discoveries for atomic spectroscopy were the first observations by Newton of the separation of white light into different colors by a prism in 1740, the development of the first spectroscope (a device for studying small concentrations of elements) in 1859 by Kirchhoff and Bunsen, and the first quantitative analysis (of sodium) by flame emission by Champion, Pellet, and Grenier in 1873. The birth of atomic spectrometry began with the first patent of atomic absorption spectrometry by Walsh in 1955. In the same year, flames were employed to atomize and excite atoms of several elements. The first atomic absorption instrument was made commercially available in 1962. Since then, there have been a series of rapid developments that are ongoing in atomic and emission spectrometry including a variety of fuels and oxidants that can be used for the flame, the replacement of prisms with grating monochromators, a variety of novel sample introduction techniques (hydride, graphite furnace, cold vapor, and glow discharge), advances in electronics (especially microprocessors to control the instrument and for the collection and processing of data), and the development of atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Surprisingly, detection limits for the basic instruments used in flame atomic absorption and emission spectrometry have improved little since the 1960s but specialty sample introduction techniques such as hydride generation and graphite furnace have greatly improved detection limits for a few elements. 2.2
The absorption and emission observations of the sodium near-infrared spectrum
Optics Communications, 1986
The absorption and emission spectra of dense sodium vapour have been measured between 790 nm and 1000 nm. In the emission spectrum from the high-pressure sodium lamp we observed the characteristic continuum structure at X82 nm which we interpreted as a satellite band originating from the 1 'El -1 3x: transition. The complementary absorption measurements in very dense sodium vapour revealed only certain structures near the head of heads of the A-X molecular band, but not a continuous band at 882 nm.
Use of high-temperature pre-mixed flames in atomic absorption spectroscopy
Spectrochimica Acta, 1966
Pre-mixed flames having temperatures of about 2900°C may be produced by burning acetylene either with nitrous oxide or with oxygen-nitrogen mixtures. The performance of both types of flame in the atomization of metals for atomic absorption spectroscopy is fairly similar, though the acetylene-nitrous oxide mixture is more convenient and can be burned with greater safety at a long burner. The new flames allow the addition of some 25 metals to the list of those that can be determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. They possess the further advantage that they permit the determination of metals such as calcium, strontium, barium and molybdenum, which are only partially atomized in cooler flames, with higher sensitivity and greater freedom from chemical interference.
Advances in Analytical Chemistry of Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2012
A method of flame ato mic absorption analysis has been developed which does not need a light source, such as hollow-cathode lamp, wh ich to produce the radiation absorbed by the analyte atoms. Light emission fro m the analyzed atoms in the flame can serve as a light source because this emission has the same wave length as the resonance absorption line of the unexcited analyte atoms. At certain conditions, in the flame can take place an absorption process known as self-absorption. In the work self-absorption occurring in the flame is used to determine absorbance. Absorbance is calculated fro m the flame emission intensity signal of the analyte atoms. A co mputer program is specially created to calculate absorbance, to draw the calibration curve and to co mpute the analyte concentration. For safety purposes ethyl alcohol is used as a flame fuel and is applied as an alcohol vapor / air flame. Because this flame has low temperature, only lithiu m, potassium, sodium, calciu m, bariu m is able to be analyzed.
Absorption Spectroscopy Through the Dark Zone of Solid Propellant Flames
REPORT D CUMENTATON PAGPOMT NUMBER4018 1. GENY UE OLY(Leve lan). RPOR DAE 3 RPOR TYE AD ATENCOVEREPOTNMD UIS Armyl allsti Fesearc Octbeborawiybr 99 41. STIPTLEANTARYBNOTLESS UDN UBR Thbsworkto madectposcobepy Thrunighfo the DarmyoeofSoi ProdvtyCpeltalIesent Praesogram.2H4 JonA LaoandeyhResearch Cooprativ"ege"' Aocand"ineJ oa 7. PERSTRMINGORU NZTION NAAMAISA ANDY STATEMENT 18. DPSRFRIBU ORANZTIONCD 13. ABSRACT (Mximum 20 w3r3S 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 51 absorption; solid propeflant; temperature; concentration; dark zone;, spectroscopy; nitric 16. PRICE COOE oxide 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMIITA TION OF ABSTRACT'
Theoretical study of the absorption spectra of the sodium dimer
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2001
Absorption of radiation from the sodium dimer molecular states correlating to Na(3s)-Na(3s) is investigated theoretically. Vibrational bound and continuum transitions from the singlet X 1 Σ + g state to the first excited A 1 Σ + u and B 1 Π u states and from the triplet a 3 Σ + u state to the first excited b 3 Σ + g and c 3 Π g states are studied quantum-mechanically. Theoretical and experimental data are used to characterize the molecular properties taking advantage of knowledge recently obtained from ab initio calculations, spectroscopy, and ultra-cold atom collision studies. The quantum-mechanical calculations are carried out for temperatures in the range from 500 to 3000 K and are compared with previous calculations and measurements where available.
Analysis of Na using Flame Emission Spectroscopy
This experiment aimed at applying internal standard method in the analysis of an unknown Na sample. Using flame emission spectroscopy, the concentration of Na was determined applying linear regression analysis plotting the different concentrations of analyte standard against the corresponding signal ratio of the sample mixture, compensating for changes in concentration of the analyte. Internal standard solutions containing 50 ppm Li solution was added to varying Na standard concentrations, measuring separate emission units at subsequent additions. Using a multiple-point internal addition curve, it was found out that the unknown solution contained 0.81 ppm Na, by four different sets of addition. Emission intensity may be affected significantly by the temperature of the excitation source and the efficiency of atomization. To accurately compensate for these errors the analyte and internal standard emission lines must be monitored simultaneously.
Atomic absorption, atomic fluorescence, and flame emission spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry, 1984
Page 1. Anal. Chem. 1904, 56, 278R-292R Atomic Absorption, Atomic Fluorescence, and Flame Emission Spectrometry Gary Horlick Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G2 A. INTRODUCTION ...