El Ingeniero de Inclusión Social (original) (raw)
Related papers
Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 5, No 1 (2011)
Collaboration between academia and industry is not the norm in Latin America. This happens although many academic programs require a period of working experience to obtain a degree. The concern is that work experiences both at the undergraduate and graduate levels are not sufficiently posed as technical problem-solving endeavors. It is important, then, to disseminate stories of successful cases in Latin-American countries as well as to describe how these could be implemented. In this work, two working schemes ...
The crisis in engineering education system in Colombia, has called to examine the practices of teaching and learning of engineering and to explore new betting that integrate curricular elements, strategies, educational models and curriculum guidelines consistent with the needs and national contexts, to reduce the high dropout rates in Colombia. The article begins with a review of the international context of the formation and curriculum in Systems Engineering, then formulating a proposal for flexible curriculum design from the systems approach, designed to unite forms of organization, forms of articulation and forms of interaction in a professional curriculum model in Systems Engineering for Colombia.
Integration as a Means to Excellence in Engineering Education and Practice
Our own favorite description of what engineers do is "design under constraint." Engineering is creativity constrained by nature, by cost, by concerns of safety, environmental impact, ergonomics, reliability, manufacturability, maintainability-the whole long list of such "ilities." To be sure, the realities of nature is one of the constraint sets we work under, but it is far from the only one, it is seldom the hardest one, and almost never the limiting one.
Nueve años de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos de Ingeniería
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria
Los programas de ingeniería impartidos en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Educación de Águeda, Universidad de Aveiro, se han venido organizando desde 2001 bajo el paradigma de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Este breve artículo se propone mostrar el marco del desarrollo educativo y proceder a continuación a describir la implementación actual de los planes de estudio en este campo, de acuerdo con la experiencia acumulada durante nueve años de funcionamiento. Por último, el autor ofrece su personal visión sobre las dificultades del proceso de desarrollo e implementación, en su calidad de actor comprometido con el proceso.
The Degree of Assimilation of Generic Competencies by Future Engineering Graduates of Tlaxcala
Higher education in the world is a field of profound transformations, with repercussions at the economic, social, political and cultural levels. For UNESCO "Education gives people autonomy by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary for their own improvement through comprehensive training." In order to know the degree of skills acquired in their training by future graduates of the engineering related careers of schools of Higher Education of the State of Tlaxcala, a diagnosis was made to four government institutions, from which it is expected to know the trends that have the objects of study. This type of study was descriptive and deterministic.
Bases conceptuales de la inclusión educativa
Actualmente se desarrolla el sistema de "integración educativa" para atender a las necesidades educativas especiales del alumnado en los centros educativos ordinarios. No obstante, no se consigue al máximo que los alumnos que presenten alguna discapacidad, trastorno del desarrollo o cualquier otra necesidad específica de apoyo, desarrollen sus competencias y puedan aspirar a una igualdad de oportunidades. Por lo tanto, en el presente artículo, exponemos las bases conceptuales actualizadas del modelo de "inclusión educativa", a día de hoy, con algunas pautas orientativas para poder llevarlo a cabo.
Overhauling Engineering Education in Latin America
The advancement of technology in today's world requires that more people be prepared as engineers, in all fields. The way we are approaching engineering education, however is not keeping pace with technological development; the curricula has not substantially changed in the last few decades, and what we are teaching our students is now rapidly becoming obsolete. Students cannot readily apply the learned concepts, and they are graduating with an outdated perspective, which in turn makes future students shy away from the field.
Valores y actitudes del ingeniero en las escuelas de ingeniería
… Barcelona Conference on …, 2008
The schools and faculties of engineering have to open the mind to the values in the engineering in the managerial spheres, in the departments, in the educational meetings, in the academic commissions, and in the work of the teaching staff. University has to believe in the importance and in the category of the values and attitudes (constancy, creativity, strenght, perseverance, ...). Teaching staff has to be sustained in values, has to protect, has to defend and has to transmit values, has to educate with values and in values to the new generations of professionals (sometimes, leaders). The unit UPC-Fecsa/Endesa-Endesa/Escuela de Energía "Victoriano Muñoz Oms" animates this spirit. There are many reasons in order to work in the achievement for the future engineers of a visible madurity, of an exercise of performances balanced on rights and duties, and of a vigilant attention to an ethical behaviour in the professional activities. Devoted to the engineers of the future, there are numerous arguments to promote a will of cementing, constructing, collaborating and sharing. The communication describes different representations of the word "values" and sets forth some annotations that guarantee the importance of thinking about the consideration of the values as pillars in the formation of the engineers. The Proceedings of the 4 th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education Vol. 1. Ethics and relevance of scientific knowledge: what knowledge for what society? GUNI-Global University Network for Innovation-www.guni-rmies.net Proceedings of the 4 th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education Vol. 1. Ethics and relevance of scientific knowledge: what knowledge for what society? GUNI-Global University Network for Innovation-www.guni-rmies.net Bibliography • DE MIGUEL ed. (dir.) (2005). Adaptación de los planes de estudio al proceso
La Multidisciplinariedad en la Ingeniería
Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 2019
Los nuevos medios interactivos han creado muchos entornos educativos. Donde es llamado al método de enseñanza la " caja de herramientas ", que luego de utilizar este medio se puede obtener los objetivos que tenemos dentro de las limitaciones de un entorno determinado.