Intensive Water Quality Monitoring in Two Karst Watersheds of Boone County, Missouri (original) (raw)

Influences of agricultural practices on water quality of Tumbling Creek cave stream in Taney County, Missouri

Environmental Earth Sciences, 2004

Influences of agricultural practices on water quality of the Tumbling Creek cave stream are of particular interest because of the karst nature of the area and the recent implementation of a Better Management Practice (BMP). Water quality parameters, measured bi-weekly during one year, consisted of pH, turbidity, water temperature, specific conductivity, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, and chloride. Heavy metals, nutrient and bacteria levels were also monitored during the study. Effects of land use were most obvious in turbidity, nitrate, chloride, and bacteria levels. Sites within the recharge area that pose a major threat to its water quality were identified. Results provide a baseline for these water quality parameters and their seasonal variability that can be used in future studies to address the effects of water quality and stream sediment contamination on the cave’s ecosystem and to determine the effectiveness of the BMP implemented in this karst area.

Ground Water in Northwest Arkansas: Minimizing Nutrient Contamination From Non-point Sources in Karst Terrane


Water-quality monitoring at each site facilitated the hydrogeologic assessment through interpretation of the hydrogeologic setting and hydrochemical analyses. The water quality monitoring program designed and implemented for this project was intended to assess water quality variations resulting from the implementation ofBMP's within the watersheds of the selected springs. Significant data were collected over several storm events over the five-year project. These data were sufficient to characterize the quality of the water and to compare water quality from different formations such as the Boone Formation and the Batesville Sandstone. The data represent a valuable resource that may be used as background for much of the future water quality efforts in the karst areas of northwestern Arkansas and surrounding vicinity. Data collection was not extended over a sufficient time for viable assessment of BMP effectiveness. Given the large seasonal and storm driven variations in water quality at each site, it may not be realistic to adequately assess BMP effectiveness over such a relatively short time. It is recommended that these sites be sampled again over storm pulses at a designated interval of three years. Tbjs would mean the next sampling would occur in the spring of2002. Specifically, it was determined that all springs sampled were impacted by external sources of contaminants. Predominant water quality impacts observed at the springs were related to nitrate-N and fecal coliform. Concentrations of nitrate-N within the Boone Formation were generally below the MCL of 10 mg!L. Concentrations of nitrate-N in the Pitkin Limestone were observed to be consistently above the MCL. This is attributed to a point source of contamination within the watershed for Braly Spring. Concentrations of nitrate-N in water from Tanyard Spring were often over the MCL during storm events. The data indicate that groundwater recharge and flow to this spring occurs by a different mechanism than recharge and flow within the Boone and Pitkin formations. All of tlle springs were significantly impacted by bacterial loading during storm pulses. This appears to present the major groundwater qualrty concern for the shallow karst aquifer in northwestern Arkansas. Additional research is needed to better define the explicit source of these bacteria. the mechanism of movement into and through the aquifer, and the ability ofbacteria to survive within the karst aquifer. Significant health implications may be associated with the presence of these bacteria in this shallow open flow system. The main objective of the project involved implementation of karstic BMPs through establishing waste management plans (WMPs) generated by grant funded water-quality tecllnicians. The technicians are employed by the local Conservation Districts and are supervised by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) District Conservationists. The technicians were trained by Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission (ASWCC) in the fundamentals of karst hydrogeology so that more effective waste management plans can be developed. The training seminars emphasized "what to observe" when working in karst terrane, including karst features, losing stream segments, and critical soils which allow rapid recharge of ground water. The technicians and ASWCC worked with farmers in the recharge area of each spring to recommend and implement karstic BMPs. BMP implementation is continuing as the technicians add karstic BMPs to all waste management plans currently generated in the project areas and in the region. Although many existing BMPs were active in the project areas at the initiation of the project, numerous new BMPs have been recommended and implemented as a result of the project. Karstic BMPs were selected in 1994 from the list contained in the State's non-point source (NPS) pollution management program. Additional BMPs were added in 1996 as potential karstic BMPs. Added BMPs included Filter Strips, Livestock Exclusion (Fencing), Pasture and Hayland Management, and Proper Grazing Use.

Agricultural contaminant source and transport in a karst groundwater basin

Agricultural land use in areas that are located in karst groundwater basins negatively impact groundwater quality because karst terrains provide multiple, direct hydrologic connections from the surface into karst aquifers. The connections and rapid velocities associated with surface and subsurface flow in karst aquifers allow for contaminants to move quickly into and through a groundwater basin. When groundwater returns to the surface via a spring or springs, any contaminants within the water become part of surface streams and rivers. These in turn, impact water quality in areas located downstream of the spring or springs. The purpose of this study was to identify the source and movement of agricultural contaminants in a karst groundwater basin within the context of local climate, hydrogeology and land use. The study area is a fluvio-karst groundwater basin located in the Corn Belt of northeast Iowa and southeast Minnesota. Land use is predominantly agricultural in nature. XI Dye tracing, both qualitative and quantitative, resulted in the delineation of the Coldwater Cave Groundwater basin and illustrated that the boundaries of the basin could change as a result of precipitation events. Investigation of basin and aquifer characteristics, stream water temperature monitoring, and evaluation of cave map data and karst feature inventories determined that the surface and subsurface hydrogeology in the study area was very well integrated. Water sampling and analysis documented that agricultural contaminants, specifically nitrates, bacteria, and atrazine impact the quality of the surface water and groundwater within the basin. A ribotyping project that was done in conjunction with the thesis work showed the source of bacteria to be from cattle and humans. Nitrogen isotope analyses indicated that the source of nitrates was from ammonium fertilizers and from septic system wastes. Atrazine, at levels well below the MCL standards established by EPA, and its metabolite deethylatrzine (DEA) were detected in the groundwater year round. Contaminant load was calculated for nitrates, bacteria, and atrazine. Lowest contaminant loads occurred during the winter months of November, December, and January, when freezing temperatures minimized groundwater recharge. Contaminant load varied between high and low concentrations during the months of February and March reflecting the diurnal change between above and below freezing surface temperatures. Contaminant loads were highest during May through October when storm events are common. Contaminant load and transport are a function of the interaction of local hydrogeology and climate. xn Chapter I. Introduction Statement of Problem Surface water and groundwater contamination, especially in agricultural areas, is a serious problem in the United States and internationally (Hallberg and Keeney, 1993; Rabalais, 1996; Schumaker and Imes, 2000; Diaz, 2001). Agricultural land use in areas that overlie shallow karst aquifers negatively impact groundwater quality because karst terrains provide multiple, direct hydrologic connections from the surface into groundwater aquifers (White, 1988; Quinlan 1989; Ford and Williams, 1989; White, 2003). The surface/subsurface connections and rapid velocities associated with groundwater flow in karst aquifers allow for contaminants to move quickly into and through a groundwater system (Vesper, 2003.) As a result, contaminated water is not exposed to natural purifying reactions such as adsorption, degradation, and filtration in the subsurface (White, 1988; Ford and Williams, 1989). When karst groundwater returns to the surface via springs, any contaminants within the water become part of surface streams and rivers (Alexander and Lively, 1995). These in turn, affect water quality in areas located downstream of the spring or springs. In farming areas underlain by karst, nitrates from livestock waste and fertilizer use, bacteria from livestock waste and inadequate septic systems, and the application of pesticides, cause degradation of shallow groundwater quality (Panno et al., 1999). Land use conditions and practices affect water quality in karst regions and in the recharge areas that are directly associated with individual karst drainage basins (Aley,

Evaluation of Methods to Protect Water Quality in Karst Areas: Phase I


The primary focus of this report is two-fold: to provide a literature review on what has been previously learned about highway runoff in relation to karst aquifers and to characterize a karst highway site in Kentucky that can be used to evaluate a variety of best management practices. From research findings, the main sources of pollutants in highway runoff came from vehicles, atmospheric fallout, and precipitation. The behavior of pollutants and their interaction with the environment can dictate where they will be found and how to best minimize their effects. Although it would seem that traffic volumes would greatly influence the accumulation of pollutants on roadways, past studies have not proven this. Instead, no clear relationship between traffic and water quality has been reported. Removal processes such as air turbulence (both natural and the result of vehicles) limit the accumulation of solids and other pollutants on road surfaces, thereby obscuring the relationship between th...


) lies within the Inner Blue Grass physiographic region of Kentucky and is characterized by broad, shallow sinkholes with caverns and underground drainage ways, low relief, broad valleys and ridges, sparse rock outcrops and thick, fertile, limestone and shale residual soils . The geology of the area is characterized as Lexington Limestone, high in phosphorus content, with most member units having minor shale bedding with one significant upper member interbedded with shale. Soils are moderate to well-drained silt loams derived from the high phosphatic limestone. Maury soils are found on broad ridgetops and cover 70% of the area. They are fertile and deep (10-15 ft. over bedrock) with a silty-clay subsoil. McAfee soils cover 15% of the area and are located on moderately steep slopes. They are shallow (< 3 ft. over bedrock) with a silty-clay subsoil. Parts of the ARC are used for precision agriculture operations and include tobacco, row crops, small grains, and animal research grazing plots. The predominant land use outside the ARC boundary is pasture for horse and cattle farms.

Geospatial Assessment of Karst Spring Water Quality in Northeast Tennessee, USA


Karst springs are an essential source of private water supply for about 10% of households in Tennessee. However, the water quality of these springs is unmonitored and unregulated even though many springs are highly productive yet vulnerable to contamination. This study assesses spatial patterns in the water quality of roadside springs in northeast Tennessee. Karst spring water samples collected from 50 springs were assessed using EPA Standard methods for pathogens, nutrients, radon, and physicochemical parameters. From statistical and spatial analyses, all but five samples contained E. coli, while all samples contained fecal coliform. High E. coli was spatially clustered (Local Moran’s I = 0.177, pseudo p-value = 0.012) in regions of high agricultural land use, resulting in a fecal contamination hot spot on the border of Washington and Sullivan Counties, Tennessee. Radon concentrations exceeded the 300 pCi/L proposed MCL in 29 (58%) of springs, with one spring in Unicoi County excee...

Karst Hydrogeologic Investigation of Trout Brook, Dakota County, Minnesota


Trout Brook is a trout stream in Dakota County's Miesville Ravine Park Reserve. An MPCA survey found Trout Brook to have the highest baseflow nitrate concentrations in southeastern Minnesota's karst region. This project investigated the karst hydrogeology and water quality in Trout Brook's water and to gain information on the source and movement of nitrates through the landscape. This investigation located springs, stream sinks, sinkholes, and other karst phenomena in the Trout Brook watershed. We conducted synoptic surveys of the stream and spring flows. Periodic water samples were collected and analyzed to document nitrate and chloride/bromide ratio time trends. Two dye traces were conducted initiating springshed mapping for the springs. Temperature dataloggers were used to obtain 7.5 months of continuous temperature records from two springs. This study combined existing, historic data from 1985 and 1995 with our 2011-2012 results to quantify nitrate time trends for four springs. results, permitted documentation of shorter-term time trends for three points in the surface streams. The study period 2011-2012 was a very dry period but significant floods occurred on 6 May 2012 and 14 -15 June 2012.

Groundwater Quality Changes in a Karst Aquifer of Northeastern Wisconsin, USA: Reduction of Brown Water Incidence and Bacterial Contamination Resulting from Implementation of Regional Task Force Recommendations

Resources, 2015

In the Silurian Dolostone region of eastern Wisconsin, the combination of thin soils and waste application (animal manure, organic waste) has led to significant groundwater contamination, including Brown Water Incidents (BWIs-contamination resulting in a color or odor change in well water) and detections of pathogen indicator bacteria such as E. coli and others. In response, a Karst Task Force (KTF) was convened to identify risks and recommend solutions. This article looks at the impact eight years after the 2007 Karst Task Force report-both the actions taken by local resource managers and the changes to water quality. We present the first regional analysis of the 2007 Karst Task Force report and subsequent regulatory changes to determine if these regulations impacted the prevalence of wells contaminated with animal waste and the frequency of BWIs. While all of the counties in the KTF area promoted increased awareness, landowner/manager and waste applicator education alone did not result in a drop in BWIs or other water quality improvements. The two counties in the study that adopted winter manure spreading

Streamflow and Nutrients from a Karst Watershed with a Downstream Embayment: Chapel Branch Creek

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2014

Understanding sources of streamflow and nutrient concentrations are fundamental for the assessment of pollutant loadings that can lead to water quality impairments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the discharge of three main tributaries, draining different land uses with karst features, as well as their combined influences on total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) levels in reservoir-like embayment (R-E) on a stream entering Lake Marion, South Carolina. From 2007-2009, hydrology, TN, and TP data were collected from the 1,555-ha Chapel Branch Creek (CBC) watershed. In general, monthly streamflow in all tributaries was found to be −10% of rainfall, and as little as 0.1% in the smallest tributary. The third tributary flowed into a cave system and discharged via a cave spring (CS) into the embayment while gaining a sustained groundwater flow from a second cave (GW) system. The CS flow was substantially larger than the flow measured in the other tributaries. The small amount of rainfall that became surface flow and the large flow at the cave spring indicated a significant water loss from the surface watershed to subsurface flow or a groundwater source area substantially larger than the surface watershed. Nutrient concentrations in flows from tributaries draining various land uses were not significantly different (α ¼ 0.05) for most of the locations. A simple water balance was developed to estimate the RE outflow to Lake Marion using measured discharges from three tributaries, change in storage computed using a bathymetric survey, daily lake level changes, rainfall, and computed evaporation. Mean monthly TN and TP concentrations in the embayment were substantially lower than the observed means from the two tributary outlets and the CS into the embayment, indicating a loss in the embayment. The second cave system at CS, representing an unknown subsurface drainage area, was the source of nearly 50% of TP loading, over 50% of flow, and over 70% of TN loading to CBC. These results may have implications in water quality management of the CBC watershed.