Demonstrating open superstring amplitude relationship with Yang-Mills theory based on dual model limit (original) (raw)

Two-loop Yang-Mills diagrams from superstring amplitudes

Starting from the superstring amplitude describing interactions among D-branes with a constant world-volume field strength, we present a detailed analysis of how the open string degeneration limits reproduce the corresponding field theory Feynman diagrams. A key ingredient in the string construction is represented by the twisted (Prym) super differentials, as their periods encode the information about the background field. We provide an efficient method to calculate perturbatively the determinant of the twisted period matrix in terms of sets of super-moduli appropriate to the degeneration limits. Using this result we show that there is a precise one-to-one correspondence between the degeneration of different factors in the superstring amplitudes and one-particle irreducible Feynman diagrams capturing the gauge theory effective action at the two-loop level.

Dual expansions of super Yang–Mills theory via IIB superstring theory

Nuclear Physics B, 2000

We examine the dual correspondence between holographic IIB superstring theory and N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory at finite values of the coupling constants. In particular we analyze a field theory strong-coupling expansion which is the S-dual of the planar expansion. This expansion arises naturally as the AdS/CFT dual of the IIB superstring scattering amplitudes given a genus truncation property due to modular invariance. The space-time structure of the contributions to the field theory four-point correlation functions obtained from the IIB scattering elements is investigated in the example of the product of four conserved stress tensors, and is expressed as an infinite sum of field theory triangle integrals. The OPE structure of these contributions to the stress tensor four-point function is analyzed and shown not to give rise to any poles. Quantization of the string in the background of a five-form field strength is performed through a covariantized background field approach, and relations to the N = 4 topological string are found.

Dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in super-Yang–Mills theory

Nuclear Physics B, 2010

We argue that the scattering amplitudes in the maximally supersymmetric N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory possess a new symmetry which extends the previously discovered dual conformal symmetry. To reveal this property we formulate the scattering amplitudes as functions in the appropriate dual superspace. Rewritten in this form, all tree-level MHV and next-to-MHV amplitudes exhibit manifest dual superconformal symmetry. We propose a new, compact and Lorentz covariant formula for the tree-level NMHV amplitudes for arbitrary numbers and types of external particles. The dual conformal symmetry is broken at loop level by infrared divergences. However, we provide evidence that the anomalous contribution to the MHV and NMHV superamplitudes is the same and, therefore, their ratio is a dual conformal invariant function. We identify this function by an explicit calculation of the six-particle amplitudes at one loop. We conjecture that these properties hold for all, MHV and non-MHV, superamplitudes in N = 4 SYM both at weak and at strong coupling.

Superstring scattering from D-branes

Nuclear Physics B, 1996

We derive fully covariant expressions for all two-point scattering amplitudes of two massless closed strings from a Dirichlet p-brane This construction relies on the observation that there is a simple relation between these D-brane amplitudes in type II superstring theory and four-point scattering amplitudes for type I open superstrings. From the two-point amplitudes, we derive the long range background fields for the D-branes, and verify that as expected they correspond to those of extremally charged p-brane solutions of the low energy effective action.

Multi-loop open string amplitudes and their field theory limit


We study the field theory limit of multi-loop (super)string amplitudes, with the aim of clarifying their relationship to Feynman diagrams describing the dynamics of the massless states. We propose an explicit map between string moduli around degeneration points and Schwinger proper-times characterizing individual Feynman diagram topologies. This makes it possible to identify the contribution of each light string state within the full string amplitude and to extract the field theory Feynman rules selected by (covariantly quantized) string theory. The connection between string and field theory amplitudes also provides a concrete tool to clarify ambiguities related to total derivatives over moduli space: in the superstring case, consistency with the field theory results selects a specific prescription for integrating over supermoduli. In this paper, as an example, we focus on open strings supported by parallel D-branes, and we present two-loop examples drawn from bosonic and RNS string theories, highlighting the common features between the two setups.

The Open Superstring 5-Point Amplitude Revisited

Journal of High Energy …, 2002

We derive the complete five-gluon scattering amplitude at tree level, within the context of Open Superstring theory. We find the general expression in terms of kinematic factors, and also find its complete expansion up to O(α ′ 3) terms. We use our scattering amplitude to test three non-equivalent O(α ′ 3) effective lagrangians that have recently been matter of some controversy.

Three Lectures on (Super)String Field Theory

The subject of these lectures is a covariant string field theory (SFT). One of the main motivations to construct covariant SFT -an off-shell formulation of a string theory [1] -is the desire to study non-perturbative phenomena in string theories . Recent studies of unstable D-branes and tachyons have led to the realization that string field theory really accommodates significant non-perturbative information ([4]-[8] and refs therein).

T-duality to scattering amplitude and Wilson loop in non-commutative super Yang-Mills theory

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018

We first perform bosonic T-duality transformation on one of the marginal TsT (T-duality, shift, T-duality)-deformed AdS 5×S 5 spacetime, which corresponds to 4D mathcalN=4\mathcal{N}=4mathcalN=4 N = 4 non-commutative super Yang-Mills theory (NCSYM). We then construct the solution to Killing spinor equations of the resulting background, and perform the fermionic T-duality transformation. The final dual geometry becomes the usual AdS 5 × S 5 spacetime but with a constant NS-NS B-field depending on the non-commutative parameter. As applications, we study the gluon scattering amplitude and open string (Wilson loop) solution in the TsT-deformed AdS 5 × S 5 spacetime, which are dual to the null polygon Wilson loop and the folded string solution respectively in the final dual geometry.

The Field Theory Limit of Multiloop String Amplitudes

Gauge Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity II, 1997

We report on recent progress in the use of string techniques for the computation of field theory amplitudes. We show how one-loop renormalization constants in Yang-Mills theory can be computed using the open spinning string, we review the calculation of two-loop scalar amplitudes with the bosonic string, and we briefly indicate how the technique can be applied to the two-loop vacuum bubbles of Yang-Mills theory. *

Topological amplitudes in heterotic superstring theory

Nuclear Physics B, 1996

We show that certain heterotic string amplitudes are given in terms of correlators of the twisted topological (2,0) SCFT, corresponding to the internal sector of the N = 1 spacetime supersymmetric background. The genus g topological partition function F g corresponds to a term in the effective action of the form W 2g , where W is the gauge or gravitational superfield. We study also recursion relations related to holomorphic anomalies, showing that, contrary to the type II case, they involve correlators of anti-chiral superfields. The corresponding terms in the effective action are of the form W 2g Π n , where Π is a chiral superfield obtained by chiral projection of a general superfield. We observe that the structure of the recursion relations is that of N = 1 spacetime supersymmetry Ward identity. We give also a solution of the tree level recursion relations and discuss orbifold examples.